Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Friday, September 28, 2012

I really want this sign... But it can be YOURS!!

I promised you'd get a new fundraiser update this week!! HERE IT IS!!!

See that GORGEOUS sign?! That was made by my friend who owns Paddy Whacks. Go check out her other signs if you love this but don't win it!

So now here is how you can get the beautiful sign! And please note, I WANT THIS SIGN! But it was given for the fundraiser so I will part with it... And even pay for shipping if you win and aren't local!

1. Donate $10 and get one entry into a raffle
2. Be sure to put your name in the appropriate area on PayPal so I know who you are


You an enter as many times as you want (if you donate $20 at once, I will put you in twice, and so on. You don't have to make separate donations)!

I will have this fundraiser up until Oct 13, and I will draw a name on Oct 14. That person will  be personally contacted (via the email address shown in the paypal donation OR through Facebook if they are on our friends list). Shipment will be set up at that point in time!!

Now for a quick fertility update:
For the first time since we set up our IVF appointment, I felt serious PANIC. I emailed the always-wonderful Connie, my nurse. I asked about the medication, when they'd be ordered, from where... And then since I knew the approximate doses of the Menopur and Lupron, I figured I should ask how much Follistim would need to be ordered... Her answer absolutely FLOORED me. At MINIMUM we'll have to order 1-2 900iu vials, but Dr H will decide that at my next appointment. I thought that there would be no way I'd need THAT much, but from what I've read online that is low-normal. Most people have to have much more than that. The price of each 900iu vial? Approximately $750+ (and that's the lowest possible price, one other pharmacy that is popular for fertility meds charges over $1000!!!!!). I flipped out, talked to Danny. Talked to many people, actually. We'll figure out how to pay for it. And the above fundraiser could REALLY REALLY help with it!!! Seventy five entries and that extra 900iu vial would be paid for!
My next appointment is Monday. We will be doing some blood work, saline sonogram and trial transfer. AND Danny will learn all about the injections and how to give them to me. I'm so excited!! THINGS ARE REALLY HAPPENING NOW!!!!!!!!

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