Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My very own personal IVF calendar, and other updates!

What a crazy, BUSY week last week was!! Sorry I didn't blog, there was just so much going on. And blogging just wasn't one of those things.

If you're on our Facebook, you know that I was asking for prayers for my grandpa (lovingly referred to as Pig Pig). Your prayers always work wonders! God is good and my grandpa is doing GREAT! He had surgery Monday and all the tests have come back and we are all happy!

Wednesday we had Faith's school conference. She's doing much better this year than she has the last couple years (she's a talker!!). We are so SO proud of her! She's better with her talking (or maybe this teacher just has more patience). Her reading seems to be improving already, so they're doing something right! Even her penmanship is better!! Have I mentioned how proud we are??

Also Wednesday, I called my wonderful nurse Connie. It was the start of my September cycle so that was the next step to take. I waited (impatiently) for a call back, all the while telling myself that she's a busy busy lady and she has to get things scheduled before she can call me back anyway. That didn't help though. When we got home from work, I sat down to relax, thinking the call would just come the next day... NOPE!!! My phone went off and I snatched it  up as quickly as possible.
"Hi, can I please speak to Destiny?" Yea Yea Yea Yea YEA!!!
"This is Destiny."
"Hi Destiny, this is Connie with Dr H's office." Of course it is!
"Hi Connie!"
"How are you doing today?" Good NOW!!
"I'm great how are you doing?"
"I'm good. Are you ready for all of this to get started?" Oh I think I may faint.... Oh my GOSH!!!
"Yeah, well, really I'm seriously so scared. But yeah."
"Oh don't be scared! You'll get through this just fine!" This is the best nurse in the world!!!!

I won't bore you with all the details of our entire conversation (it wasn't short and I had some questions and we had to get a couple things straightened out), but basically we got everything scheduled. Our next appointment is the "big testing day." We'll do the injections teaching (Danny will learn, I won't even be able to watch!), go over my personalized calendar and then do the saline sono and mock transfer.
Wondering what the saline sono and mock transfer are?
The saline sonogram will basically consist of filling my uterus with saline and looking around in there for polyps, fibroids, etc.
The mock transfer is really pretty interesting. It'll essentially be a dress rehearsal for the embryo transfer! Dr H will figure out which catheter is the appropriate size for me, insert it (guided by ultrasound) and decide where exactly he will be transferring the embryo(s). This way, on the day of the ET he will know exactly what to use and where to go with it all. This means less trauma to the embryo(s) AND me.

I asked Connie if she knew which meds I would be on. She said that's pretty flexible and wanted to know why I asked. I haven't shared this on the blog yet, but... A couple months ago I met this really awesome person who recently underwent fertility treatments. She offered up her leftover meds, which included a box of Menopur... Menopur is SO SUPER expensive, and the offer made me so excited!! I just hoped I would be put on that med!! I told Connie all of this, and she sounded just as excited as I was about the prospect of saving money. Since the Menopur isn't expired, I CAN USE IT!! I will have to order a second box, but I still get to save on the first box!! YEA!!!

Connie promised she'd email me my schedule by the end of the week, so I was expecting it to be late Friday... That didn't stop me from checking my email pretty constantly though! And I got a pleasant surprise Thursday around lunch when I got an email from Connie with my schedule attached!!
I will be honest, I opened the attachment and just stared at the screen.
This is REALLY happening. This is real. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!
I printed off multiple copies of the calendar (one for work, one for home, etc). I stared at it. I emailed it to Danny. I stared at it some more.

Here is the picture in case you want to stare at it too!! Remember that calendar I posted months ago? That was just an example. This is the REAL DEAL right here!!

Do you see all of those highlights??? Those are SHOTS. Not drinky drinky shots. Stabby stabby shots. About 44 of them, and that's subject to change. As is this entire calendar!! Why? Because it all depends on how my body reacts to the meds.

The shots don't start until October 7th. But one IVF prep med started over the weekend... Birth control pills. Insurance wouldn't cover them because the instructions from the clinic says to ignore the placebo pills. Had to pay "cash price" for those. Ouch. Danny told me "It's a one-time deal, it's fine." I said no, actually I have to go back for the second pack in 3 weeks. To which he responded "Yeah, but you won't have to go through this again. It's FINE." I will need to be reminded of that repeatedly during the stabs and mood swings and hot flashes and everything else that is involved in a fresh IVF cycle. And I will be PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING that we WILL only have to do this once.

On Friday we had the Premier Designs Jewelry fundraiser!! It went well and I'm not closing the party until Saturday so if  you want to order, there's still a chance! Thank you to the wonderful ladies that attended the party!

So there's where we're at right now. Things are getting exciting!! I think from now on I'll do a little "fertility update" at the end of each post (until we are to the point that every post is about it).

Today is day 4 of BCPs (birth control pills). My body isn't used to any sort of medication, at all. It's been 3 YEARS since I have been on birth control, and I was on it for so long before that, that I don't remember that "adjustment time" when my body was getting used to the other hormones. So, I am currently feeling a bit wonky and out of sorts. But nothing crazy yet. We'll see how it goes from here on out though!!

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