Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Things I learned at our first appointment at OURM

Things I learned at our first appointment at OURM:

1. I have been mispronouncing LUPRON ever since starting my research on IVF. This is a med I WILL be taking, so I guess I should know how to pronounce it.

2. I will be on birth control. For sure. This is so they can have complete control. I guess they are a lot like me with their need-for-control-and-serious-down-to-the-minute-planning ;)

3. I was ALSO mispronouncing the fertilization process we will be using... ICSI. I have always pronounced each letter.. I would say I.C.S.I. It always made me think of the tv shows like NCIS and all that. But, come to find out, that's now how it's pronounced. It's pronounced like ick-see. Ick.

4. We aren't the only people who think the streets in OKC are INSANE. So does our nurse. And she's from California :)

5. Our file has sonogram pictures in it.. like the kind people take home of their little babies in the womb... Only mine are of my ovaries. I saw the picture on the screen, I saw the pictures printing from the machine, and I saw them eventually ending up in my medical file. So weird!

6. Our clinic (and some other fertility clinics, according to some friends) takes your picture when you check in the first time. Yes, the receptionist gave me back my insurance card and then told me "Smile for your picture!" I obviously looked confused because she then held up a webcam (on a fancy little stand) and said "for your file...." Well, I was still confused! But I ran my fingers through my hair, fixed my part, and plastered a smile on my face. Considering I was scared out of my mind at the time, I'm sure the picture wasn't the greatest :) But hey, whatever works. I'm not entirely sure what the point was.. .But if you've read Inconceivable.. that's what I imagine the picture is there to PREVENT.

7. A good nurse is worth her weight in gold... Actually, MORE. Connie took my blood like a champ. I barely felt a pinch. That's the first time it's ever been that easy for me! I think I need to call her in every time I need blood drawn from here on out! :)

And finally...

8. Just because we had a great appointment that day, doesn't mean every other patient did too. :( Before being called back, I watched another couple walk out of the office with obvious frowns. The girl walked quite a bit faster than her husband, and he was basically left in her wake. They both looked a little lost, and a lot upset. It was heart wrenching. I hope that couple eventually ends up with good news. And I also hope WE are never that couple :(

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