Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

That means it will happen to us!!!

It's  been a pretty big week! Sorry I've been missing in action!
Monday we had our big testing appointment, and then Tuesday I had such an awful headache that I seriously could not function. Last night we were just busy, so I couldn't blog. BUT HERE I AM, back to blogging for you fine folks today! I'll actually have a post for tomorrow too! So be sure to check back!

First and foremost... DON'T FORGET TO ENTER to win this sign!!! $10 donation/per entry!

This ends in less than two weeks, so get your donations in now if you're wanting the sign!!!!

Okay... Today's post is going to be all about our appointment on Monday!
I decided to stay home from work. It was the day after my birthday, and I wanted to just sleep in a bit before things started to get crazy. So I did. Danny, of course, went into work for as long as he possibly could. He got home shortly before lunch, and we hit the road.

The ride was, as usual, boring. There's not exactly a lot to see in between here and OKC. Some cows. Oil rigs. More cows.

We got to the clinic WAY WAY early, because of course we expected traffic and didn't happen upon any... So we hung out in the downstairs lobby for about 30 minutes. I had to fill my bladder, so I was chug-chug-chugging my water and Danny was making fun of me. As. Usual. :)

When it was about time for my appointment we headed upstairs to check in.  There was a different girl at the desk than I saw the time before, but she was super sweet and sounded a lot like Miranda Lambert! I chugged some more water. And some more. And more. I was GOING to have a full bladder during the testing dang it!!

Connie came out to get us after a bit, and we chatted for a while about the different things we would be going through... Or rather, what I would be going through. We went through the calendar, and briefly discussed the meds. This chat usually takes about 45 minutes but it only took us about 15-20. I drank some more water even though I was pretty sure my bladder was about to explode.

"Okay, so the first procedure is the mock transfer. This will be what your actual transfer will be like. Some people say it is slightly uncomfortable, just because of the full bladder. Most people say the real thing is even easier than this. THEN you'll have your saline sonogram. This is NOT something you'll have to go through again. So when it's done, just forget about it. It'll cause some cramping and pain, but the whole thing will be over quick." Oh that's so comforting.. It's going to hurt. Just awesome...
Connie left me us in the room, and I changed into the wonderful sheet that was left on the table.
"So, you're going to have to be down here a LOT for the monitoring..." Uhhh yes, I know this.
"Yeah, I told you that before any of this even started... I KNEW that."
"Is it even going to be possible for someone to come down with you all those days?" Seriously?
"YES, mom said she will, and your mom said she will. I only need you to take off work for the egg retrieval because they put me out for that, and for the embryo transfer because you should be there when I'm getting impregnated..."
"Well yeah, I know those days. Those are a given. But those other days, that's a lot...." Again, DUH.
"Yeah, well I was prepared for that. I warned our moms, they OFFERED to drive me down..."
"It's just crazy..." Is he in shock?? Has he not been listening to me this whole time??

"Good afternoon guys! Nice to see you again!" Ahh Dr H! Finally!! My bladder is DEFINITELY full... Let's do this!
"Hey there! It's nice to be here."
We talked briefly about the shipment from Reprotech to the clinic. And then Dr H went over the two tests we were doing.
"After the mock transfer, you'll be able to go across the hall to the bathroom and empty your bladder." HALLELUJAH!!!!! "Then we'll do the saline sonogram. That procedure will cause some pain and cramping, but I'll try to be quick so it should be minimal. Let us know if you are too uncomfortable and we'll see what we can do though." Oh this is going to be BAD. Just great...

And it began. Connie put a regular sonogram wand-thing on my belly and pushed down. My bladder was NOT HAPPY.
"Do you see the big black blob on the screen there? That's your bladder." That BIG black blob!!!!
"So, did I get it full enough then?"
Simultaneously-"Oh yes." HAHAHAHA I'm good at filling a bladder I guess.

The mock transfer was insanely quick. My bladder was thankful.
"Okay Destiny, you can run across the hall and empty your bladder, you can get dressed or you can just wrap the sheet around you if you're in a hurry. There's nobody else in this area at this time today. I will be in my office and when you're done and ready, I'll come back and we'll start on the saline sonogram." Sheet, I'm just going to use the sheet. I am about to pee myself!!!!!!
"Okay. I'm doing the sheet thing."
"Okay, I'll head out and make sure it's all clear..." Please let nobody else be here!! I gotta go NOW!!
"Don't forget your shoes, germophobe..." Oh, I almost forgot! Thank God I wore flip flops today! And thank God for my husband who reminded me! He knows me too well!
I ran across the hall, clutching my sheet.

I'll spare you the bathroom details, but Connie was waiting for me when I opened the bathroom door and gave me the all clear to head back to the exam room.

A very short while later, it was time to begin the saline sonogram. I was more than a little scared. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
My eyes bulged as I got a good look at the GINORMOUS syringes that held the saline that would be injected into me.
And then it began. I focused on the ceiling, thinking the pain would come any minute. I shifted my head so I could see the screen, just out of curiosity.
"Are you doing okay?" What? Am I doing okay? Of course I am.
"Yep, I'm fine."
I kept watching. They saw a spot on my uterus but they both said, at the same time, that it had to be from the catheter hitting before they had the picture focused there.
"How are you doing?" Are these people serious? I can barely feel a thing!
"I'm fine. I don't feel it."
"Oh. Well. Okay then." Calm down people, this is a breeze!
They finished up, did antral follicle counts again and also checked my lining. I went from fifteen follies on my right to "at least" twelve. And I went from "at least" twelve on my left, to sixteen!!! What the heck?!

After all of that was over, we went back into Dr H's office to discuss, in more detail, every aspect of the IVF cycle. We asked about the risks of the embryos splitting.
"I will be honest, I see it about once a year. It's been in young women when we've transferred two embryos, and one of them splits. It is actually the only triplets we see here. It's been about a year and a half since the last time..." A year and a half, it happens every year, THAT MEANS IT WILL HAPPEN TO US. We could SO not do that. Could we? There's no way that would be safe.
Danny asked about risks of birth defects if an embryo split. He asked about miscarriage risk. He asked a lot of questions.
We signed our last consent form, and then went into another room to go over the injections teaching with Connie when she was ready.

"Danny, I'm really freaked about the embryo splitting thing..."
"I'm more concerned with a miscarriage. With it happening to so many people lately, it's really hitting close to home. It happens. It could happen." I've always worried about that!! Hello!
"Yeah, that's scary. But I'm really worried about multiples. I mean, we could handle twins. But triplets?! And it happens every year and it's been a year and a half, that SERIOUSLY means it would happen to US because that's just our luck."
"Destiny that is NOT what that means. That is the very least of my concerns. Twins? Well, that's on you. I'm not the one that has to carry them. But I can see the argument against just putting in one and risking not getting pregnant at all." Oh dear... What are we going to do??

Connie came in and taught us ALL about the medications. Danny got to test out the Follistim pen (aiming into the trash can, not into my tummy!!), and practice mixing the Menopur using a Q-Cap. He also got to practice flicking the air out of the syringes. He was confident he understood it all.
Before I knew it was time to go, and the appointment had taken more time than I'd anticipated. It was already 5:00!! We DID hit traffic on the way home. I was sore from the exams and sore from sitting in the car and I was ready to get home and get to bed! So that's what I did! :)

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