Well, today was a big day!! A big big big big day! It wasn't the biggest day for us in regards to IVF, but it was a huge step.
You know when you go through something and the whole time your sole focus is on the ONE problem you know about... and then all of a sudden you find out about the whole OTHER issue you never anticipated? That was my fear leading up to today's appointment. All I could think was "We've gone three years assuming our only form of infertility is Danny... What if we find out that I'm not fertile? What if I have diminished ovarian reserve? What if I have a wonky uterus? Fibroids? Cysts? What if they tell us IVF won't work for us unless we use donor eggs?" Danny has always said that we can't focus on a problem that may not exist... That didn't stop me. I'm a planner and all. ;)
Last night was not a good one for me. I straightened my hair so that way it wouldn't be crazy in the morning, and by the time I was done I was BEYOND ready for bed. I snuggled up next to my amazing husband and figured I'd fall asleep instantly.
I didn't.
Google. Google some more. I need to do some more googling. How many antral follicles are average? I know I've read it before but I need to read it again so I'm sure I read it right initially. What else can I expect to happen at this appointment? What all could go wrong? What if our doctor is mean? What if he doesn't seem to care about us? What if our nurse is rude? What if she is snooty? These doctors SHOULD care about their patients.... But we've lucked out with every doctor and nurse so far. Will that luck continue?
"What, babe?"
"What time should we leave in the morning?"
"I'd say no later than 7:30." 7:30?! WHAT?!
"We need to get there 15-30 minutes early, the lady said.. And the appointment is at 10. That's not getting us there early..."
"Okay, then we can shoot for 7. Is that better?" Is THAT early enough?? That's probably cutting it close. We're bound to hit traffic. That isn't early enough. That's just not early enough.
"Ummm... Okay, I guess."
"Babe, what time do YOU want to leave?" Ha, he knows I can't handle cutting it close or being late.
"I would say ABSOLUTELY no later than 7. NONE."
"Okay. That's fine. Whatever you want." Ahhh I love him!
So, cue sleep, right? Wrong. Who can sleep when SO MUCH lies in what happens the next day? Getting to sleep wasn't exactly an issue. STAYING asleep was. I woke up every hour or so, and checked the clock. I just KNEW we'd oversleep (despite having two alarms set on MY phone and one set on Danny's) and not get on the road on time.
Waking up on time didn't end up being an issue, and we were both ready to go around 6:45.
"Are you ready to go?" Am I ready? Do I have everything? The paperwork... The GPS... That's it. Time to go.
"Yeah, I'm ready..."
Off we went. The GPS said we'd get to our destination at 9:14. I figured we could add about 20 minutes to that with traffic...
There was NO traffic. We just were in the right place at the right time to avoid it all, I guess. We got to the appointment at the perfect time. I checked the sign with the doctors listed and found Dr H on the list.
"Third floor. Suite 300."
"Okay, let's go." Ahhhh HERE WE GO!!!
On the third floor the first door I saw was Suite 300.
"Is our doctor listed there?" Hmmm... YEP.
"Yeah, right there..."
Danny opened the door. I was instantly reminded of Dr Hyder's office. It was warm and comforting, it felt like home already. But I was still nervous. I walked to the desk with my paperwork.
"Go ahead and sign in."
Name, time of arrival, time of appointment, doctor, new patient. Done, done, done.
"Okay, I can take all of your paperwork that you've filled out." You mean the DICTIONARY I've got here?
"Here you go."
"Also, do you have your insurance card with you today?" Ahhh, here is the test. Are they going to suddenly say we owe $1k up front?
"Yep, here you go."
Off she went, while I stood there... Dreading what she'd come back and say about payment.
"Okay Destiny, here you go. Have a seat, and they will call you back shortly." Easy enough...
I sat down with Danny, and got comfortable. We had about 20 minutes until our appointment. We chatted a bit about how they didn't ask for any payment up front, so the insurance must have worked with them on covering the testing.
"Destiny..." AHHHH IT'S TIME!!!
"Hi there! Come on back.... You can come back too!" Yeah Danny, LET'S DO THIS!
"Oh, yeah, okay I guess." Okay, YOU GUESS?
"C'mon Danny..."
"Well it doesn't sound like you have much of a choice... You better come on!" HAHAHA, I love this lady! "Okay, we need to get you weighed Destiny. Step on up..." I need to ditch the purse...
"Here love, will you hold my purse? I don't want to add ten more pounds to my weight."
I handed my purse off and stepped up onto the scale.
Ewwww. That number is way higher than I used to see. Ugh.
"Stay on the scale for just a minute... Do you know how tall you are?" That number really can go away any time now...
"Five foot on the dot."
"Okay... Alright, we've got what we need here, let's go into your exam room. Let's just let him carry your purse there." HAHAHA I REALLY love her!
"Sounds good to me!"
We went into my exam room. I sat to get my blood pressure taken.
"Ooooh, a little high. Is that normal for you? Are you nervous?" AHHH that number IS high! What the heck?!
"Umm no. I mean, it's not normal. But yes, I'm nervous."
"Well that could be why the number is high. Dr H may or may not want that checked again before you leave...." Ahhhhh.
My nurse, Connie, then explained to me what the first appointment would consist of. Meeting with Dr H in his office, where he'd explain everything to us in depth. Then maybe bloodwork, if he orders it. And a physical exam that may or may not include an internal sonogram. She said that honestly, MOST of the first appointments consisted of all of those things, so to count on them.
A few minutes later, Dr H came into the room.
"Hi there. Daniel?" *shook Danny's hand, then turned to me*
"And I'm Destiny."
"Nice to meet you both. I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting." Waiting? For like two minutes? Psh.
"Oh no, it's fine."
"Okay, let's go next door to my office and have a seat. We'll talk about everything there."
Off we went, to his super nice office next door to my exam room.
"So, let's see. You're seeing us today because you'll need IVF... I will go over what all that entails, exactly. And I'll also give you some paperwork on it... So Danny," Danny? Are they buddies now? HA! This doctor rocks... "I see you had the MESA procedure done in... 2009?"
"That's right..."
"And you had multiple vials frozen... Good, good." Good? As in, those numbers are good? "Everything looks great here. We really appreciate you having all of the paperwork filled out and ready to go when you got here, it gives us a chance to get to know you before we actually see you." As if that was an option...
"Having the results from his MESA analysis and the post thaw analysis helps us immensely as well." I love that my planning has paid off... Again...
"So, basically here are our success rates at this clinic..." Blah blah blah, believe me, Dr H, I learned all that WELL BEFORE making an appointment here. "So Destiny, it seems like your cycles are fairly regular?"
"Like clockwork."
"So that would put you around.... hmm... ovulation would've been..."
"I ovulated Monday night into Tuesday. I can feel it."
*Looks a bit impressed and writes something down in my file.*
"After seeing all this, I'd say you are healthy and young and I would put you into the higher side of the success rates here. I'd also say that I would anticipate you ending up with enough embryos to use and enough to also freeze. Now the freezing does add some cost to the procedure but..." Oh my GOSH, if we have enough to freeze that would be SO STINKIN' AMAZING!!! That's rare!!! Most people don't have enough make it that far! Ahhh!!!!!!
"At our clinic our rates for frozen transfers are about 40%. Which is lower than that of a fresh cycle...." But still so much higher than so many other clinics! WOW!!! "And I'd say about half of my patients end up having some embryos to freeze." HALF?! Is he serious?! That's fabulous!
"I have a question. Since we're using frozen sperm, then making the embryos, and then freezing what's left.... Is that still okay? The sort of double-freezing?"
"Oh yeah, that's perfectly fine. The sperm is frozen but once it fertilizes an egg it becomes an embryo and THAT has never been frozen before. So it's just like it was fertilized with fresh sperm. No difference." WHEW!!!
"Okay. Great."
"So what we'll do today is a physical exam and..." blah blah blah. The one good thing about this office is they go over everything multiple times, they make sure you know it! "and then from there, we sort of work backwards from your IVF date. Once we have that scheduled, we can schedule the other testing you'll need, Destiny, for the month before. That testing will include a mock transfer so we can see how far up we'll need to go to do the embryo transfer when it's time for that. All of that testing should be able to be done on the same day." Same day? Woohooo!!!
"Now, with your age, guidelines suggest we put in one, MAYBE two embryos. Ultimately that will be your decision, they are YOUR embryos. But, when it comes to that day... We can't really decide now since we don't have the embryos to look at and judge accordingly... But when it comes to that day, if you've got good quality embryos, we will recommend one. Simply because you should have enough to freeze anyway. And you can use those in the event that the IVF doesn't work... Or in the event that you want more than one child. Now, there are reasons for transferring two. Some people want twins so they can be done with their family. Others want to do two because they don't want to ever do this again. But there are plenty of risks when it comes to transferring two, and you need to be aware of them. Most of them will be in your packet, but they include...." One? Transfer ONE?! I don't like hearing that.. But I guess he's a good doctor for even suggesting it... At least he said it's our decision ultimately....
We talked a bit about how we are traveling from Wichita, and why. He seemed to be happy with our decision and how we came about it.
He then asked when we were interested in doing the IVF. I told him that I knew they'd close down for holidays, so to get around that I had in my mind October.
"Hmmm, that will be cutting it a little close. You'll be on birth control pills for about a month or two before the IVF.... But I will have Connie check to see if they can get you in with the lab and then we'll know for sure."
Then it was time for the exams! Dr H told Danny that he could stay in the room during them if he chose to. He said "sure," so Dr H left the room while I got ready.
Danny and I joked about how exams like these work. How women know how they're supposed to cover up with the sheet, or the gown.
"Well there's not really a book on 'how to properly prepare for down-there exams and how to put on the robe and lay the sheet across your lap.' And as you can see, even though the doctor and the nurse will both have quite the visual of my area, I'm still hiding my underwear from them. And don't ask me why. It's just what you do, okay?"
As Danny laughed at me, I got as ready as I could be. And then Dr H and Connie came into the room.
We started with an exam that was much like a yearly pap, only he made sure to say it WASN'T a pap. Ooookay. And then it was time for the sonogram. The part I was dreading.
1. That thing looks uncomfortable
2. He's going to put that INSIDE ME. Ewwww.
3. That thing looks uncomfortable
4. That wand and that screen are going to tell me if I'm running on empty basically. And that's something I just can't handle.
Before I knew it, my insides were up on that screen. All I could think was: I sure wish there was a baby and a heartbeat on that screen.... Not just a picture of my empty body...
Dr H starts spouting off some numbers and I figured I needed to pay attention. He was measuring things. I don't even know what. And Connie was writing everything down.
"She has an anteverted uterus... Destiny that just means your uterus is slightly tilted forward. Totally normal." That's normal?! I've got to google that. That does NOT sound normal!
"Lining is at __. Again, that's normal for where you are in your cycle. That's exactly where we like to see it at this point." Whew! At least that seems like a number that would be normal.... Anteverted. I can't forget that word!
"We're going to start with the right ovary..." I looked up at the screen. SURELY I'd be able to see what he's looking at, I've google it all enough times... Ahh yeah, there are my follies!! I see... THREE. Three? Oh no, not just three. Seven on each side is good... three?
"Okay, right side has fifteen antral follicles..." FIFTEEN?! What?!?! Where did he see all of those at?! Fifteen?! That's almost how many I was hoping for TOTAL, and that's just one side?! GO FOLLIES GO!!!
"Now for the left side... There are at least twelve here..." Twelve?! WOOOHOOO!!! Fifteen and twelve, that's twenty-seven... Oh gosh. That could mean I could get OHSS. That wouldn't be good... But he seems happy with this.
Dr H took a few more measurements and then said I was done.
"That's a great amount of follicles. What that tells me is that I was right in what I assumed earlier. You will respond well to the meds. We will put you on the lowest dose." Lowest dose! HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE!!! Less money, AND less of a chance of OHSS!
Dr H left us with Connie, who told me she'd be back in when I was dressed to give me the paperwork Dr H had asked her to give us, and to discuss scheduling. She also was in charge of taking some blood from me. Ahhhh I HATE BLOOD WORK.
While I was changing I told Danny all about how "average and good" is around 16 follicles (according to a few resources, some say more and some say even less) which was what I was counting on... And how happy I was that we had SO MANY MORE THAN THAT! His response?
"If they can't get us in for October, you need to be okay with when they CAN get us in, okay? We have to trust their decision and their reasoning for scheduling it the way they do..." What?
"You're the one that wanted it all done now now now."
"I know, but it's only a few months difference... It'll be fine." Well FINE then...
Connie came back in and pointed out the paperwork. We would go over it right after the blood draw.
"Ahhh, I'll just look away and pretend I'm getting a tattoo or something."
"Ha, okay. Imagine I'm tattooing a pretty flower on you... Oh wait, unless you don't like flowers?" HA. This nurse is the best.
"I like flowers... And I don't have a flower tattoo yet!"
"Well there you go!! I guess now I really should get a sharpie out and give you what you want..." Oh goodness! Ha!!
"Eh, there will be many more chances to draw a flower on from now on..."
"TRUE, just imagine this is just the BEGINNING of the tattoo... And by the way, I'm done!" Done?! what?! I barely felt even a pinch! Rock ON, Connie!!
We went over the little handbook together. And then Connie broke the news to me.
"So, really, don't listen to what he told you about scheduling. The doctors and the lab do NOT communicate when it comes to that. I will try to have them squeeze you in as soon as possible, but right now I'm telling new patients it'll be January. The doctors don't like that we are scheduling that far out, because they like to satisfy their patients, but we are just that backed up..." Ahhh JANUARY?
"That's fine. We don't want someone else to get scooted back or messed up because we wanted in earlier. We can wait as long as we need to." What? Who is this man, talking like he's my husband?? We can wait as long as we need to? Really? What about the weather in January?! Driving 2 1/2 hours is long enough as it is, bad weather will add at least another hour to that! I DON'T WANT TO.
"The lab likes to spread them out a bit just so they don't get overloaded there and so nothing bad can happen." Oh.. Makes sense. Like in Inconceivable.... Eeek... January.... Hmmm... That would mean I could participate in Black Friday this year... And that would put the due date nowhere near Faith's which I was worried about... January might not be so bad after all....
Connie said she'd call me tomorrow with my blood work results, and would call within the next week about scheduling the IVF and the testing. I got the paperwork she handed over, and we were ready to go.
I checked out at the front desk and again had the sinking feeling that they'd say we owed $1k or more. The lady was tap-tap-tapping away on her calculator and I just KNEW it was going to be bad.
"Okay Destiny your total is $77." Whew! Really? I guess that is the 20% insurance won't cover. SWEET!!!!
I handed over the money, signed a paper, and we were out of there!!!
We walked back to the car... Where we found that we'd gotten a parking ticket! But really, WHO CARES?! I have AT LEAST 27 follicles!!! GO FOLLIES GO, GO FOLLIES GO!!!! I'm walking on cloud 9 today and I'm not really sure when I'll come down. Hopefully not for a long long time :)
Thank you for all the prayers, happy thoughts, good vibes, AND ALL the texts and messages/comments on Facebook. We are so blessed with an amazing support system!! We love you ALL!!!!
Striving to raise Colon Cancer Awareness (at any age!), and Infertility Awareness. Follow along on our journeys... From original colon cancer diagnosis just five days after our wedding, to fundraising for IVF. We were successful on our first IVF transfer. And just two months after welcoming our miracle baby into this world, we got the devastating news that we were in for another fight for my husband's life.
Our Wedding Day

On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The big big big big news...
WHEW!!! It's been a while since I've blogged. This last week has been CRAZY!!!! And boy do I have some news for you all!!!
First of all, the garage sale was yet another HUGE SUCCESS!!! Thank you to everyone who donated and to those of you who came out to it!!!!
The photo shoots are all going AMAZINGLY WELL!! Crystal is so awesome behind the camera! If you want to book a session, DO IT NOW. You can book it for any time, just BOOK NOW!!!!
The cupcakes are coming to an end... But if you want to try to place a last minute order, well now is the time to do that!!
The Premier Designs fundraiser got postponed to September 14!! Let me know if you need directions ;)
So..... The big big big big news....
Oh.... You wanna hear it??
Well if you're on our facebook, you already know.... But, if not.... Well.....
WE MET OUR GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you know, THE ULTIMATE GOAL!!! The $10,000 goal!!!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID IT!!!! WE DID IT, YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We officially met our goal well before my latest "goal date" that I had planned... Which was September 1st (Danny's birthday).
We met the goal BEFORE OUR FIRST APPOINTMENT with the RE... Which, just so you know, IS THIS WEDNESDAY!!!!!!
You want to know something else??
We technically SURPASSED the goal! Yep, you read that right!!! At this moment we are at roughly $10,679.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say roughly because I still need to get with a few people on their ornaments so we haven't gotten all of that money yet, but I'm counting it anyway! :)
We have about $4k more to go, which we planned on paying. We will be covering whatever we don't raise, through financing I believe. So we're trying to get that number as low as possible. And we have a few more fundraisers up our sleeves! Remember, everything we have raised and continue to raise IS A BLESSING and we ARE SO THANKFUL. So don't feel forced to participate if this isn't something you feel strongly about :) But know we are so grateful for every penny raised so far and every penny we will raise.
So there's all that news.... And TOMORROW is our appointment with our RE, Dr H. At 10am. I am so super nervous! I've filled out all of our new patient paperwork, made copies of all of that for our records. We've got the GPS programmed. I've got paper maps (because sometimes the gps just ISN'T reliable!). I've got a bunch of lunch options (since our appointment should end around lunch time). I think I'm ready. I think WE'RE ready. As ready as we'll ever be I guess.
Tomorrow we will get to actually meet this man that I've done so much research on. And the biggest part is... we will get to find out a little bit about me. They will do an internal sonogram. That will tell them how many follicles I have normally. If there's a lot (approx 14), then that means I SHOULD have a good ovarian reserve (how many eggs I have left... women are born with all the eggs they'll ever have, they don't make more. Once they're gone, they're gone). If there aren't many follicles, that means I (probably) don't have much of an ovarian reserve left. The FSH blood testing will tell basically the same thing (and both can also give the docs a glimpse as to the quality of my eggs) but I don't think they'll do that test until day 3 of my next cycle. The follicle count will be basically all we find out tomorrow. And I'm hoping they tell me how many I have then and there and we don't have to wait until our next appointment!
I'm HOPING we will meet with Dr H, tell him all about us and our history. And we'll do the sono. And he'll say "Okay, well you already knew IVF was the only option. Destiny, you look great. Let's get this and this and this done, and let's do IVF in October!" I don't want to wait any longer than that, because then there are all the holidays to plan around.
So, here's to hoping ;)
I will update tomorrow when we get home from the appointment!! Keep us in your prayers/happy thoughts/send good vibes :) :) :)
First of all, the garage sale was yet another HUGE SUCCESS!!! Thank you to everyone who donated and to those of you who came out to it!!!!
The photo shoots are all going AMAZINGLY WELL!! Crystal is so awesome behind the camera! If you want to book a session, DO IT NOW. You can book it for any time, just BOOK NOW!!!!
The cupcakes are coming to an end... But if you want to try to place a last minute order, well now is the time to do that!!
The Premier Designs fundraiser got postponed to September 14!! Let me know if you need directions ;)
So..... The big big big big news....
Oh.... You wanna hear it??
Well if you're on our facebook, you already know.... But, if not.... Well.....
WE MET OUR GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you know, THE ULTIMATE GOAL!!! The $10,000 goal!!!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID IT!!!! WE DID IT, YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We officially met our goal well before my latest "goal date" that I had planned... Which was September 1st (Danny's birthday).
We met the goal BEFORE OUR FIRST APPOINTMENT with the RE... Which, just so you know, IS THIS WEDNESDAY!!!!!!
You want to know something else??
We technically SURPASSED the goal! Yep, you read that right!!! At this moment we are at roughly $10,679.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say roughly because I still need to get with a few people on their ornaments so we haven't gotten all of that money yet, but I'm counting it anyway! :)
We have about $4k more to go, which we planned on paying. We will be covering whatever we don't raise, through financing I believe. So we're trying to get that number as low as possible. And we have a few more fundraisers up our sleeves! Remember, everything we have raised and continue to raise IS A BLESSING and we ARE SO THANKFUL. So don't feel forced to participate if this isn't something you feel strongly about :) But know we are so grateful for every penny raised so far and every penny we will raise.
So there's all that news.... And TOMORROW is our appointment with our RE, Dr H. At 10am. I am so super nervous! I've filled out all of our new patient paperwork, made copies of all of that for our records. We've got the GPS programmed. I've got paper maps (because sometimes the gps just ISN'T reliable!). I've got a bunch of lunch options (since our appointment should end around lunch time). I think I'm ready. I think WE'RE ready. As ready as we'll ever be I guess.
Tomorrow we will get to actually meet this man that I've done so much research on. And the biggest part is... we will get to find out a little bit about me. They will do an internal sonogram. That will tell them how many follicles I have normally. If there's a lot (approx 14), then that means I SHOULD have a good ovarian reserve (how many eggs I have left... women are born with all the eggs they'll ever have, they don't make more. Once they're gone, they're gone). If there aren't many follicles, that means I (probably) don't have much of an ovarian reserve left. The FSH blood testing will tell basically the same thing (and both can also give the docs a glimpse as to the quality of my eggs) but I don't think they'll do that test until day 3 of my next cycle. The follicle count will be basically all we find out tomorrow. And I'm hoping they tell me how many I have then and there and we don't have to wait until our next appointment!
I'm HOPING we will meet with Dr H, tell him all about us and our history. And we'll do the sono. And he'll say "Okay, well you already knew IVF was the only option. Destiny, you look great. Let's get this and this and this done, and let's do IVF in October!" I don't want to wait any longer than that, because then there are all the holidays to plan around.
So, here's to hoping ;)
I will update tomorrow when we get home from the appointment!! Keep us in your prayers/happy thoughts/send good vibes :) :) :)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
SO many updates!!
Today is Thursday, and I am so far behind on posting this week! I know I posted once but I really try to post at least twice a week and try for no later than Thursday afternoon (since views go down considerably after that). Whooops!!
It's time for some updates!
I didn't give an update on Monday's post because I wanted to focus on the award and the other blogs. But today we are back to THIS BLOG.
I've got some pretty big news about one fundraiser.... Professor Photo! Do you remember that there were only certain dates you could book on? Well the dates have GONE OUT THE WINDOW!! No more calendar that you must follow. PICK YOUR DAY!!! The only rule is you MUST BOOK BY SEPTEMBER 1st!! Easy peasy, right?! Book now and save a date for later this year for Christmas pics! Book now and save a date for later this year for Halloween pics! You'll want to remember those costume forever! :) Basically, book now and pick a date for ANY occasion! You can check out her work and book HERE.
Have you ordered cupcakes? If so, THANK YOU!!!! If not, WHAT are you waiting for?! Seriously!! You cannot go wrong with cupcakes! If you're on a diet, order the minis! Everyone deserves a little cake in their lives ;) So head on over here to order!!
Do you know what today is? Today is the FIRST day of the last weekend of our garage sale!! If you want to do some shopping, head on out to the Clonmel Community building! There's TONS of stuff there! Open through Saturday!
***Side not here: I know one of you phenomenal blog followers was at the sale today, and you said you are a follower... And that you've donated... Anyone wanna step forward so I know who you are? (I know the name of everyone who has donated, so I've got a ton of names going through my head but nobody has told me they were going to the sale today so I'm really curious!) If not, that's okay. But THANK YOU for coming out!
Now, do you know what SATURDAY is? Aside from the last day of the garage sale (since I mentioned that above!). It's also the day of my PREMIER DESIGN Jewelry fundraiser party!!! There will be snacks, drinks AND PRETTY BLING. Kids are MORE than welcome (the point of all the fundraising is so we can have a baby, so we obviously support mommas!). RSVP and find the rest of the details right here.
This week is also the last "normal" week for us for a while. And by normal, it still means BUSY. We're busy all weekend this weekend, and that's only the beginning.
Next week two of my wonderfully amazing friends arrive into town (from opposite ends of the country!), Ashley and Jamie! They will both be participating in the Crawl for Cancer (alongside some of my OTHER wonderfully amazing friends! We've got a marvelous team!). I plan on taking Ash to the zoo, possibly to the Museum of World Treasures... and who knows what else we'll do (and please rest assured, Ashley's Gram, she is SAFE with us! HAHAHA)!
Then the next week (less than two weeks from now! MY GOSH!!!), we meet with our fertility doctor!! That's when it all begins. Not IVF, but all the testing that will lead up to it! Literally, that day!! I'm nervous and scared and EXCITED and anxious. I can't believe we're to this point!!
That weekend is my brother and almost-sister-in-law's wedding! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait!
Also that weekend is my fabulous hubby's birthday! He wants to do NOTHING for it. Months ago I thought I would go against his wishes and plan something big. But things got crazy and appointments were made and did I mention things got crazy? I was so focused on August that his birthday on September 1st kinda flew right out of my head. When I realized it a week or so ago, I freaked out. I apologized for forgetting (weeks early ha) and not planning anything. He told me to KEEP IT THAT WAY. Hahahaha!! So we'll keep it low key and I'll take my man out for dinner!
And then there's Labor Day!!!
The week after THAT is when the testing should really start. I don't know at this point what all will be happening in the month of September. but I know there were many "possible tests" that were listed in the New Patient Packet that was sent to us. I may as well plan on the doc wanting to do them all. Then I can be pleasantly surprised when he says "well we won't need to do this one..." Wishful thinking and all that...
Speaking of the testing. I mentioned at one point that I was more-than-a-little worried about whether or not insurance would cover my testing. Insurance WOULD cover the tests (only), they've said this. It's a matter of whether or not they cover it at THAT clinic. The one lady I've (finally) been able to speak with said that as long as our doctor accepts his local Blue Card then we'd be fine. I'm an internet person (and not so much a phone person), so what did I do? I went to their site. Under "accepted insurance" they listed "Blue Preferred (PPO)." I didn't see Blue Card listed and had a mini-panic attack. And then I looked at my card. It says "Preferred Blue (PPO)." I assume that is the same thing. Also, I was told that if my insurance isn't accepted, they'll call and tell me how much I'll owe up front before the appointment. I have yet to receive a call. So I am going to assume it's all covered! Let's hope I'm right and it's not just the consult that's covered (that would put us at owing about $800 for the testing!).
I'm sure you all know by now that I'm a planner... Right? Yeah... I am. So much so that I've spent a ton of time trying to figure out when we will be doing IVF. I am under the assumption it will be at LEAST one month for testing. So that takes out September. Putting us into October. If for some reason we can't do it in October... it would be our embryo transfer date the week of Thanksgiving (so either ON Turkey Day, Black Friday, or the Saturday after depending). I'm not sure if our place shuts down for that holiday (I've read that clinics mainly only shut down for Christmas), so I'd really rather not risk it. I also don't want to wait until December. Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year and I want to enjoy it. Looking at the calendar, if we wait until December then the transfer would be around December 22nd. So Christmas would be a scary time for me, I'd be a bundle of nerves and constantly wondering if it worked or not. It wouldn't fall ON a holiday so that would be good. If they'd even do IVF that month (depending on a shut down??).
Basically the planner in me is going crazy right now. I want and need a plan and I'm THIS CLOSE to getting a plan and it's making me itch for it. I love plans. I love lists. I love crossing things off. I want it all NOW. And I know that I just need to wait LESS THAN TWO WEEKS before I get some of those plans. But I feel like I've got ants in my pants here. I feel like I can barely sit still. Thank goodness we have so much going on that will keep me so busy between now and appointment time (and how fitting that it's worked out like that)....
And thank the good Lord above for all of YOU. Without your help we wouldn't be where we are today.
Thank you, thank you... Thank you! <3
It's time for some updates!
I didn't give an update on Monday's post because I wanted to focus on the award and the other blogs. But today we are back to THIS BLOG.
I've got some pretty big news about one fundraiser.... Professor Photo! Do you remember that there were only certain dates you could book on? Well the dates have GONE OUT THE WINDOW!! No more calendar that you must follow. PICK YOUR DAY!!! The only rule is you MUST BOOK BY SEPTEMBER 1st!! Easy peasy, right?! Book now and save a date for later this year for Christmas pics! Book now and save a date for later this year for Halloween pics! You'll want to remember those costume forever! :) Basically, book now and pick a date for ANY occasion! You can check out her work and book HERE.
Have you ordered cupcakes? If so, THANK YOU!!!! If not, WHAT are you waiting for?! Seriously!! You cannot go wrong with cupcakes! If you're on a diet, order the minis! Everyone deserves a little cake in their lives ;) So head on over here to order!!
Do you know what today is? Today is the FIRST day of the last weekend of our garage sale!! If you want to do some shopping, head on out to the Clonmel Community building! There's TONS of stuff there! Open through Saturday!
***Side not here: I know one of you phenomenal blog followers was at the sale today, and you said you are a follower... And that you've donated... Anyone wanna step forward so I know who you are? (I know the name of everyone who has donated, so I've got a ton of names going through my head but nobody has told me they were going to the sale today so I'm really curious!) If not, that's okay. But THANK YOU for coming out!
Now, do you know what SATURDAY is? Aside from the last day of the garage sale (since I mentioned that above!). It's also the day of my PREMIER DESIGN Jewelry fundraiser party!!! There will be snacks, drinks AND PRETTY BLING. Kids are MORE than welcome (the point of all the fundraising is so we can have a baby, so we obviously support mommas!). RSVP and find the rest of the details right here.
This week is also the last "normal" week for us for a while. And by normal, it still means BUSY. We're busy all weekend this weekend, and that's only the beginning.
Next week two of my wonderfully amazing friends arrive into town (from opposite ends of the country!), Ashley and Jamie! They will both be participating in the Crawl for Cancer (alongside some of my OTHER wonderfully amazing friends! We've got a marvelous team!). I plan on taking Ash to the zoo, possibly to the Museum of World Treasures... and who knows what else we'll do (and please rest assured, Ashley's Gram, she is SAFE with us! HAHAHA)!
Then the next week (less than two weeks from now! MY GOSH!!!), we meet with our fertility doctor!! That's when it all begins. Not IVF, but all the testing that will lead up to it! Literally, that day!! I'm nervous and scared and EXCITED and anxious. I can't believe we're to this point!!
That weekend is my brother and almost-sister-in-law's wedding! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait!
Also that weekend is my fabulous hubby's birthday! He wants to do NOTHING for it. Months ago I thought I would go against his wishes and plan something big. But things got crazy and appointments were made and did I mention things got crazy? I was so focused on August that his birthday on September 1st kinda flew right out of my head. When I realized it a week or so ago, I freaked out. I apologized for forgetting (weeks early ha) and not planning anything. He told me to KEEP IT THAT WAY. Hahahaha!! So we'll keep it low key and I'll take my man out for dinner!
And then there's Labor Day!!!
The week after THAT is when the testing should really start. I don't know at this point what all will be happening in the month of September. but I know there were many "possible tests" that were listed in the New Patient Packet that was sent to us. I may as well plan on the doc wanting to do them all. Then I can be pleasantly surprised when he says "well we won't need to do this one..." Wishful thinking and all that...
Speaking of the testing. I mentioned at one point that I was more-than-a-little worried about whether or not insurance would cover my testing. Insurance WOULD cover the tests (only), they've said this. It's a matter of whether or not they cover it at THAT clinic. The one lady I've (finally) been able to speak with said that as long as our doctor accepts his local Blue Card then we'd be fine. I'm an internet person (and not so much a phone person), so what did I do? I went to their site. Under "accepted insurance" they listed "Blue Preferred (PPO)." I didn't see Blue Card listed and had a mini-panic attack. And then I looked at my card. It says "Preferred Blue (PPO)." I assume that is the same thing. Also, I was told that if my insurance isn't accepted, they'll call and tell me how much I'll owe up front before the appointment. I have yet to receive a call. So I am going to assume it's all covered! Let's hope I'm right and it's not just the consult that's covered (that would put us at owing about $800 for the testing!).
I'm sure you all know by now that I'm a planner... Right? Yeah... I am. So much so that I've spent a ton of time trying to figure out when we will be doing IVF. I am under the assumption it will be at LEAST one month for testing. So that takes out September. Putting us into October. If for some reason we can't do it in October... it would be our embryo transfer date the week of Thanksgiving (so either ON Turkey Day, Black Friday, or the Saturday after depending). I'm not sure if our place shuts down for that holiday (I've read that clinics mainly only shut down for Christmas), so I'd really rather not risk it. I also don't want to wait until December. Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year and I want to enjoy it. Looking at the calendar, if we wait until December then the transfer would be around December 22nd. So Christmas would be a scary time for me, I'd be a bundle of nerves and constantly wondering if it worked or not. It wouldn't fall ON a holiday so that would be good. If they'd even do IVF that month (depending on a shut down??).
Basically the planner in me is going crazy right now. I want and need a plan and I'm THIS CLOSE to getting a plan and it's making me itch for it. I love plans. I love lists. I love crossing things off. I want it all NOW. And I know that I just need to wait LESS THAN TWO WEEKS before I get some of those plans. But I feel like I've got ants in my pants here. I feel like I can barely sit still. Thank goodness we have so much going on that will keep me so busy between now and appointment time (and how fitting that it's worked out like that)....
And thank the good Lord above for all of YOU. Without your help we wouldn't be where we are today.
Thank you, thank you... Thank you! <3
Monday, August 13, 2012
My blog won an award. Woohoo!!
I was nominated for a Liebster!!!! Yep, my little ol' blog was nominated for a Liebster Award. And I don't care that I was nominated by two amazing friends (who I blog with on our book review blog). It's still legit. So here it goes!!
1.) The person who's nominated must post eleven facts about themselves.
2.) Answer the eleven questions the tagger (the nominator) has given you.
3.) Choose eleven people and link them on your blog post.
4.) .Create eleven questions for the people you tagged (nominated).
5.) Tell them you've tagged them on their blog.
6.) No tag backs!
11 Facts about me:
1. I'm a sucker for hidden objects games!
2. I'm an addictive Pinner on Pinterest. I can't just pin one! I pin and pin and pin and pin!!
3. Shots and blood draws SCARE THE BLEEP OUT OF ME. But tattoos are no big deal!
4. Shark Week is one of my favorite times of the year!
5. Big Brother is my weakness, but I'm one of those "cheaters" who follows BB14 on facebook and Jokersupdates.com so I can see who won what before the show airs!
6. I have been disappointed with EVERY movie I've seen that's been based on books. Some are bigger disappointments than others, but no movie has gone along with the book WONDERFULLY. And that makes me sad.
7. I think the job I'd be best at would be casting for movies that are based on books.
8. I am DETERMINED to go to the Ellen show someday!!
9. Do you remember those really cool 3d poster things that were cool in the 90s? They just looked like a bunch of lines and colors but there was actually a picture in them? I could NEVER see the picture in those stupid things! EVER!
10. I named my cat after a demon in one of my favorite books, and she now acts exactly like that demon. Big mistake. ;)
11. I am a quartermania addict.
Now, I have to nominate other blogs. I'm supposed to nominate 11, but since they have to have less than 200 followers, I'm not going to be able to come up with that many. Whoops! So, I will just do as many as I can!
1. Lillian's Story
2. The Road to Mini-Mart
3. It's Gonna Happen
4. Where's the Baby Carriage?
Okay I'm really short here, and I KNOW there are more blogs that I love that have less than 200 followers, but I can't find them right now. Grrrr. I'll add them later!
My questions for the bloggers:
1. What made you decide to start blogging?
2. Who is your target audience, and why?
3. How often do you publish new posts?
4. Best piece of advice anyone has ever given you... about anything!
5. WORST advice anyone has ever given you, about anything!
6. What is your favorite website, aside from social media sites?
7. What is your favorite restaurant?
8. What is your favorite vacation place?
9. What is your favorite holiday?
10. What is your biggest fear?
11. What is the number one thing on your Bucket List?
Remember nominees, you also need to post 11 fun facts about yourself!!
Thank you to Ashley and Jamie at Read Rate and Review for nominating my personal blog! <3
What is The Liebster Blog Award?
The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have 200 followers or less.
Here are the Rules:1.) The person who's nominated must post eleven facts about themselves.
2.) Answer the eleven questions the tagger (the nominator) has given you.
3.) Choose eleven people and link them on your blog post.
4.) .Create eleven questions for the people you tagged (nominated).
5.) Tell them you've tagged them on their blog.
6.) No tag backs!
- What is your favorite blog to visit? Tell us why and post a link please :)
My favorite blog to read is... Well, this is actually really hard for me. I have so many blogs that I follow and read daily that to choose just one feels like I'm choosing a favorite child. So not fair! But I will choose one I guess.... It has to be Lillian's Story. I don't want to explain in detail what her blog is about, you need to read it yourself!
- Do you read? If so what is your favorite book? If not is there a reason?
Of course I read!! My favorite book is from when I was in middle school. The Witch of Blackbird Pond.
- What is your favorite sitcom? Movie? TV Channel?
Ummm Geez. Well my favorite tv channel is the Food Network. What's not to like?! Favorite movie would be... Avengers! And sitcom? Ahhh, I can't answer that one.
- What is your Pet Peeve?
People talking to me when I'm trying to read... Or people who INSIST on giving me advice when I don't ask and questioning decisions that my amazing husband and I have thought about FOR YEARS.
- Why did you start blogging?
January 1, 2012 I made it my "resolution" to blog about our cancer journey and raise awareness of colon cancer (at any age) and infertility. I figured if I could raise some money for our IVF while I was at it (after many friends and people I didn't even know suggested it) then I should go ahead and try. And you know what?! The idea was embraced by many. We are ALMOST to our goal (less than $500 from it, and that's without adding in the latest fundraisers) of $10,000. To say our story has touched many is an understatement. I don't beg for donations, people give willingly. And people give generously. We couldn't be more thankful for every penny, and for every prayer!
- If you could pick someone to play you in a movie about your life, who would you pick?
Oooo I like this one. I'm just going to pick my current-favorite actress, Mila Kunis. LOVE HER. She doesn't look like me, but she's fabulous. So that's who I pick!
- Is there any food that you can not resist?
Ice cream!!!! Specifically Reese's Blizzards from DQ!!!!
- What is your favorite thing to wear? You can post a picture if you want to.
I'm not posting a pic, but I LOVE me some maxi dresses and skirts!! So flowy and light! They are my go-to on weekends!!
- What is your favorite sport? Which team?
HOCKEY and my favorite team is the Pittsburgh Penguins!! My favorite player is Evgeni Malkin!! Go 71!!!!
- Do you have any tips or tricks you have learned since you started your blog? Share any links if you can!
I don't have any links but my best advice is to POST A LOT and encourage people to SHARE SHARE SHARE. I see HUNDREDS more views when just 5+ people share my blog. So, please folks, SHARE THIS THING!! ;)
- And finally, Why should people visit your blog?
Why SHOULDN'T you visit my blog? I mean really! ;) Okay, really I think people should visit my blog because so many people are misinformed on just how OFTEN people are diagnosed with infertility and how YOUNG people are diagnosed with colon cancer. This blog touches on both in a deeply personal way. And you get to share in our experiences right along with us in the fertility department.
11 Facts about me:
1. I'm a sucker for hidden objects games!
2. I'm an addictive Pinner on Pinterest. I can't just pin one! I pin and pin and pin and pin!!
3. Shots and blood draws SCARE THE BLEEP OUT OF ME. But tattoos are no big deal!
4. Shark Week is one of my favorite times of the year!
5. Big Brother is my weakness, but I'm one of those "cheaters" who follows BB14 on facebook and Jokersupdates.com so I can see who won what before the show airs!
6. I have been disappointed with EVERY movie I've seen that's been based on books. Some are bigger disappointments than others, but no movie has gone along with the book WONDERFULLY. And that makes me sad.
7. I think the job I'd be best at would be casting for movies that are based on books.
8. I am DETERMINED to go to the Ellen show someday!!
9. Do you remember those really cool 3d poster things that were cool in the 90s? They just looked like a bunch of lines and colors but there was actually a picture in them? I could NEVER see the picture in those stupid things! EVER!
10. I named my cat after a demon in one of my favorite books, and she now acts exactly like that demon. Big mistake. ;)
11. I am a quartermania addict.
Now, I have to nominate other blogs. I'm supposed to nominate 11, but since they have to have less than 200 followers, I'm not going to be able to come up with that many. Whoops! So, I will just do as many as I can!
1. Lillian's Story
2. The Road to Mini-Mart
3. It's Gonna Happen
4. Where's the Baby Carriage?
Okay I'm really short here, and I KNOW there are more blogs that I love that have less than 200 followers, but I can't find them right now. Grrrr. I'll add them later!
My questions for the bloggers:
1. What made you decide to start blogging?
2. Who is your target audience, and why?
3. How often do you publish new posts?
4. Best piece of advice anyone has ever given you... about anything!
5. WORST advice anyone has ever given you, about anything!
6. What is your favorite website, aside from social media sites?
7. What is your favorite restaurant?
8. What is your favorite vacation place?
9. What is your favorite holiday?
10. What is your biggest fear?
11. What is the number one thing on your Bucket List?
Remember nominees, you also need to post 11 fun facts about yourself!!
Thank you to Ashley and Jamie at Read Rate and Review for nominating my personal blog! <3
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
I don't care if it's in crayon, lady!!
Fundraiser updates!!!
The garage sale is THIS WEEKEND!!! We've been getting quite a few donations!! I think Crystal DEFINITELY has her hands full with this one! If you have anything else you'd like to add to her full hands, we'll accept it NOW. Wednesday evening she'll need to be done pricing since the sale starts THURSDAY MORNING!!!
Another fundraiser Crys is in charge of is the CUPCAKE FUNDRAISER. Have you ordered yet? Everyone I've talked to that have gotten their cupcakes already have RAVED about them!! Order now!!
Watching the waist line? Show it off! Get some pics done by Professor Photo for a whopping $20+ donation to our fund!!! Check our her available dates and book here:
Would you rather buy some bling? Well you can do so on AUGUST 18th, at my Premier Design Jewelry party!!! Let me know if you'd like to order before then!!
Another little tidbit that I NEED YOUR INPUT ON... Are any of my amazing followers interested in Jamberry Nails? I have the opportunity to have a JN party with the profits going to our fund. But I need to know if ANYONE would come!!! Comment here or on my Facebook!! LET ME KNOW!!!!
Also, would anyone be interested in ordering those awesome bracelets made out of parachute cord?? Again, the profits would go to our fund!! LET ME KNOW!!!
I think that's all I've got for today.....
Today's post is about something that happened today.. But it took me back to our cancer journey AND put a smile on my face. I hope it does the same for you!!!
Do you remember my post about the sperm retrieval surgery? If not, go read it!!! Enjoy some giggles from the conversations with the super sweet but maybe slightly over-eager nurse. If you DO remember, then you know about those conversations (and are probably giggling to yourself right now). You will also "get" today's post. :)
Weeks ago we received the new patient paperwork from our fertility clinic. In that paperwork it asked (among many other seriously embarrassing questions) if we've ever had a sperm analysis done. I had to sit and think about where that paperwork would be... Do we have that? Why do I NOT REMEMBER EVER seeing that paper? I've never had those results in hand. Nobody ever told me those results on the phone. I KNOW the nurse said they'd do a post-thaw analysis. Where are those results? [Wondering what post-thaw means? Or why it's different than a typical in-a-cup analysis? Well, they froze 6 vials. One vial was then thawed out and tested. Those results would tell them (and us) what condition the swimmers are in, so they can more thoroughly prepare for what they'll be dealing with when it comes time for IVF. No surprises for them! The other 5 vials were shipped to ReproTech.]
I told Danny to please call the place that did the testing and get those results. Please realize that I love my husband dearly and he is the best man for me. BUT HE IS SUCH A BABY about calling doctors!! Are all men this way?? We went back and forth about who should call. And guess who ended up calling? You probably guessed right. ME.
I called Friday (after forgetting about it for.... a while... Whoops!). The very polite receptionist told me she'd have to transfer me to the nurse, and I should leave a message telling her what I needed and how she could reach me. So I did. They closed around lunch time Friday so I wasn't sure when I'd get a call back or if they'd just mail the results (like I had mentioned in my message).
I didn't hear from them Friday. I didn't hear from them yesterday. Today, I did. Someone called while I was at work and left a message saying they'd be there until five, and to call back. When I got home from work, that's the first thing I did.
"This is _____." Oh, that's the lady that called! Perfect!
"Hi ____, this is Destiny Crabb. You called earlier today while I was at work?"
"OH YES, HI Destiny!!" Whoa.... "I was just calling because I was looking for your husband's sperm analysis. You said we did it in 2009?" Uhhh yes, you did.
"Yes ma'am."
"I cannot find ANYTHING showing we did an analysis on him in 09. Are you sure you had it done through us and not a different doctor?" Is she serious? I think I'm going to have a heart attack. Is she serious? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!
"It was through you..."
"There was no other doctor???" Only the doctor that retrieved it!
"Well, there was Dr G that did the sperm retrieval surgery. But it was you guys that did the testing..."
"OH!!! OH!!!! I'm so glad you said that!" What the heck?? "Okay, okay. I THOUGHT your name and voice sounded familiar!! NOW I remember." Now she remembers? She remembers me? She's had to have seen HOW MANY people since that surgery??? "That would still be in the paper files!! I'M SO GLAD YOU SAID THAT!! I have been looking for EVER on the computer. But those files haven't been transferred over yet. I looked all through 2009 and couldn't find anything! I'm so glad you said that!" Okay, I guess she's glad I said that.... you know... the exact same thing I'd said in my message. What the crap?
"So, you do have them then?"
"Yes, I've got them right here! Okay, we sent the vials to ReproTech." You did. Love them!
"That's right."
"Okay, we sent the results to Dr G. We usually send the patient a copy too but we might not have. I can send this. Let's see... (mumbles about morphology, etc)... Okay it's all here. It's all hand written. The form is kind of weird. Is that okay?" As long as you have the results, I don't care if it's in crayon lady!!
"Yes, that's perfectly fine."
"I am just so glad you said that, I was a little concerned about not being able to find the file. I'll have to tell ____." Who is that?? The person that first listened to my message?
"Okay, I've made a copy of it. Would you like me to fax it to you?" WHAT?! No!!! Nobody at my work or Danny's work need to see THAT fax. Good gracious!
"Oh no, mailing it is just fine."
"Mailing it? Okay, let me just make sure we've got your address here.... Do you still live at _____________" Wouldn't want that going to the wrong house hahaha.
"Yes, that's right."
"Okay and you are...." Who am I? Would she release this info to anyone?!
"Destiny... Daniel's wife."
"That's right that's right, I am in a different room than your note so I had to ask. Okay. I will get this put with a letter, and it will be in the mail tomorrow. Is that okay?"
"That's great. Thank you so much!"
"Thank you!"
I got off the phone and couldn't help but giggle. That is the same super sweet (and slightly over eager) nurse from the surgery day. I love her. She makes me giggle, yes. But she LOVES HER JOB and you can tell. And she remembered me. Weird, I know. But she did. That shows she cares about all the patients she sees, right?
I hope our fertility clinic has a nurse like her. I know I will need all the extra giggles I can get during the IVF journey. Heck, maybe I'll just call and talk to THIS nurse when I need a little lift. ;)
The garage sale is THIS WEEKEND!!! We've been getting quite a few donations!! I think Crystal DEFINITELY has her hands full with this one! If you have anything else you'd like to add to her full hands, we'll accept it NOW. Wednesday evening she'll need to be done pricing since the sale starts THURSDAY MORNING!!!
Another fundraiser Crys is in charge of is the CUPCAKE FUNDRAISER. Have you ordered yet? Everyone I've talked to that have gotten their cupcakes already have RAVED about them!! Order now!!
Watching the waist line? Show it off! Get some pics done by Professor Photo for a whopping $20+ donation to our fund!!! Check our her available dates and book here:
Would you rather buy some bling? Well you can do so on AUGUST 18th, at my Premier Design Jewelry party!!! Let me know if you'd like to order before then!!
Another little tidbit that I NEED YOUR INPUT ON... Are any of my amazing followers interested in Jamberry Nails? I have the opportunity to have a JN party with the profits going to our fund. But I need to know if ANYONE would come!!! Comment here or on my Facebook!! LET ME KNOW!!!!
Also, would anyone be interested in ordering those awesome bracelets made out of parachute cord?? Again, the profits would go to our fund!! LET ME KNOW!!!
I think that's all I've got for today.....
Today's post is about something that happened today.. But it took me back to our cancer journey AND put a smile on my face. I hope it does the same for you!!!
Do you remember my post about the sperm retrieval surgery? If not, go read it!!! Enjoy some giggles from the conversations with the super sweet but maybe slightly over-eager nurse. If you DO remember, then you know about those conversations (and are probably giggling to yourself right now). You will also "get" today's post. :)
Weeks ago we received the new patient paperwork from our fertility clinic. In that paperwork it asked (among many other seriously embarrassing questions) if we've ever had a sperm analysis done. I had to sit and think about where that paperwork would be... Do we have that? Why do I NOT REMEMBER EVER seeing that paper? I've never had those results in hand. Nobody ever told me those results on the phone. I KNOW the nurse said they'd do a post-thaw analysis. Where are those results? [Wondering what post-thaw means? Or why it's different than a typical in-a-cup analysis? Well, they froze 6 vials. One vial was then thawed out and tested. Those results would tell them (and us) what condition the swimmers are in, so they can more thoroughly prepare for what they'll be dealing with when it comes time for IVF. No surprises for them! The other 5 vials were shipped to ReproTech.]
I told Danny to please call the place that did the testing and get those results. Please realize that I love my husband dearly and he is the best man for me. BUT HE IS SUCH A BABY about calling doctors!! Are all men this way?? We went back and forth about who should call. And guess who ended up calling? You probably guessed right. ME.
I called Friday (after forgetting about it for.... a while... Whoops!). The very polite receptionist told me she'd have to transfer me to the nurse, and I should leave a message telling her what I needed and how she could reach me. So I did. They closed around lunch time Friday so I wasn't sure when I'd get a call back or if they'd just mail the results (like I had mentioned in my message).
I didn't hear from them Friday. I didn't hear from them yesterday. Today, I did. Someone called while I was at work and left a message saying they'd be there until five, and to call back. When I got home from work, that's the first thing I did.
"This is _____." Oh, that's the lady that called! Perfect!
"Hi ____, this is Destiny Crabb. You called earlier today while I was at work?"
"OH YES, HI Destiny!!" Whoa.... "I was just calling because I was looking for your husband's sperm analysis. You said we did it in 2009?" Uhhh yes, you did.
"Yes ma'am."
"I cannot find ANYTHING showing we did an analysis on him in 09. Are you sure you had it done through us and not a different doctor?" Is she serious? I think I'm going to have a heart attack. Is she serious? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!
"It was through you..."
"There was no other doctor???" Only the doctor that retrieved it!
"Well, there was Dr G that did the sperm retrieval surgery. But it was you guys that did the testing..."
"OH!!! OH!!!! I'm so glad you said that!" What the heck?? "Okay, okay. I THOUGHT your name and voice sounded familiar!! NOW I remember." Now she remembers? She remembers me? She's had to have seen HOW MANY people since that surgery??? "That would still be in the paper files!! I'M SO GLAD YOU SAID THAT!! I have been looking for EVER on the computer. But those files haven't been transferred over yet. I looked all through 2009 and couldn't find anything! I'm so glad you said that!" Okay, I guess she's glad I said that.... you know... the exact same thing I'd said in my message. What the crap?
"So, you do have them then?"
"Yes, I've got them right here! Okay, we sent the vials to ReproTech." You did. Love them!
"That's right."
"Okay, we sent the results to Dr G. We usually send the patient a copy too but we might not have. I can send this. Let's see... (mumbles about morphology, etc)... Okay it's all here. It's all hand written. The form is kind of weird. Is that okay?" As long as you have the results, I don't care if it's in crayon lady!!
"Yes, that's perfectly fine."
"I am just so glad you said that, I was a little concerned about not being able to find the file. I'll have to tell ____." Who is that?? The person that first listened to my message?
"Okay, I've made a copy of it. Would you like me to fax it to you?" WHAT?! No!!! Nobody at my work or Danny's work need to see THAT fax. Good gracious!
"Oh no, mailing it is just fine."
"Mailing it? Okay, let me just make sure we've got your address here.... Do you still live at _____________" Wouldn't want that going to the wrong house hahaha.
"Yes, that's right."
"Okay and you are...." Who am I? Would she release this info to anyone?!
"Destiny... Daniel's wife."
"That's right that's right, I am in a different room than your note so I had to ask. Okay. I will get this put with a letter, and it will be in the mail tomorrow. Is that okay?"
"That's great. Thank you so much!"
"Thank you!"
I got off the phone and couldn't help but giggle. That is the same super sweet (and slightly over eager) nurse from the surgery day. I love her. She makes me giggle, yes. But she LOVES HER JOB and you can tell. And she remembered me. Weird, I know. But she did. That shows she cares about all the patients she sees, right?
I hope our fertility clinic has a nurse like her. I know I will need all the extra giggles I can get during the IVF journey. Heck, maybe I'll just call and talk to THIS nurse when I need a little lift. ;)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Does she mean I'll HAVE two kids??
Happy Monday!! I'm actually typing this on Sunday, but since generally blog views go way way down on the weekends, I'm not posting this until tomorrow.... So again I say, Happy Monday :)
Fundraiser updates!!
If you've got stuff for the garage sale, PLEASE get it to us ASAP. It's almost here!! We want it to be just as huge as last time!! <3
We have an AUGUST CUPCAKE FUNDRAISER which I forgot to post about in the last post (and how could I possibly forget CUPCAKES?!)... All the details are here, where you can also order:
The above fundraisers have been put together by our wonderful friend Crystal, and that's not all she's doing. She's ALSO in charge of the Professor Photo fundraiser!!! Do you know what that is? Simply donate $20+ to our fund, and you get a FREE photo shoot, on your choice of days that she is available. It's a GREAT deal! You can see her work on her page, along with her open dates!
I'm also having a Premier Designs party with a wonderful consultant, Beth. That will be August 18th. If you'd like to order before then, LET ME KNOW!!!
I THINK that's all I've got for now.....
Over the weekend I went to a Quartermania for the Ronald McDonald House... A wonderful QM to benefit a wonderful organization. And one of the best parts was that... I WON A SCENTSY BURNER!! Woohooo!!!! I was super excited and looked through the catalog to see which burner it was because I didn't want to open the box. I couldn't find it in the catalog so I went ahead and dug it out of the wrapping and the box.... And this is what it looks like!!
Absolutely adorable, right?! And my first thought was... "This is beachy!!!!" Do you remember what our nursery theme will be if we have a girl, or a boy and a girl? BEACHY!!! Or Under the Sea, which is sort of the same thing. Regardless, WOULDN'T THIS BE PERFECT IN THERE?!?! And cover up dirty diaper smells... It couldn't be better!! So, let's all hope and pray that this IVF WORKS for us, hopefully the first time, so we can put this to use!!
Now, I'm going to take you guys WAY WAY WAY WAY BACK in our relationship. Before the cancer journey, before we were married, before we were engaged... To the VERY BEGINNING of our relationship. VERY BEGINNING.
Danny and I had only been dating for two to three months. I can't even remember if we'd admitted that we loved each other at that point! Ha!
My mom and our family friend had been going to this psychic/medium for a while, just for entertainment purposes. And they asked if I wanted to go. I didn't exactly believe in it... I don't think that people with those gifts DON'T exist, I just didn't understand how they could read off of cards and make any sense out of anything. It just seemed WEIRD. Regardless, I decided to go. I figured it would be fun and I'd at least get a laugh out of it.
So we went. We took a little road trip so we could sit at a chair, shuffle PLAYING CARDS (I was expecting tarot cards or something) and have some lady tell us what some of the cards meant.
We stood in line for what seemed like hours, and when it was finally my turn I was feeling a little anxious. Do I really want to do this? What if she tells me something bad? What if she tells me I'm going to have a crappy time for the rest of my life... Or that I won't even HAVE much of a life... What if she tells me ghosts are following me around everywhere? Awkward!!!
I sat down in the little chair anyway. My mom and Deena weren't standing far away.
"Hello there." She has a nice voice!
"Shuffle these cards please." Remember not to give anything away. Don't give anything away. Don't tell her anything. Shuffle shuffle shuffle. Don't give anything away....
"Okay, here you go."
She laid the cards out, facing her.
The first bit of our conversation wasn't anything that really sticks out in my mind almost six years later... But then...
"Okay, this is... Ummm.... Hmmm.... This is usually your soul mate's age... But.... How old are you my dear?" BWAHAHAHAHA Ohmygosh. Seriously? A three and a four. Thirty-four. THAT'S DANNY'S AGE!!! Don't give anything away, wipe that smirk away!!!
I told her how old I was... And yeah, we've got quite an age gap. But that hasn't stopped us from having a wonderful relationship!!
"Oh, okay... Then maybe these mean he'll be 3-4 years older than you then..." Or maybe it means he's thirty-four, which is how old Danny is. Oh how funny.
More cards were set out. She studied them.
"Okay, the cards show you will have two kids in your life, a boy and a girl, VERY close in age." What did she just say? Does she mean I'll HAVE two kids?? Or that I'll have two kids in my life... like my nieces and nephews?? Time to ask...
"Well, I babysit my nephew and his little sister is about to be born... They're pretty close in age."
"No dear, these will be your kids, from you. One boy, one girl, VERY CLOSE IN AGE." Oh goodness...
Anything else that was said after that is a blur. I slipped my money under her cards after we were done and I walked away to tell my mom and Deena what all was said.
Fast forward to a few months ago, a friend was contemplating going to see a medium/psychic (I'm sorry Kelley I can't remember if she was one or the other or both). She wanted to hear from anyone with experience because she wanted to make sure there was a CHANCE that something good would happen. If everyone responded with negativity and stories about our experiences which were jokes, she wasn't going to go. Or at least she would've been even more leery.
I hadn't thought about that visit with the medium/psychic I went to in YEARS. It was just not something I thought about, ever. So when I seen her post asking for experiences, I remembered instantly what happened. And almost everything about that day. It brought back the wonderful memory of giggling to myself when I seen the three and four, and the lady didn't want to admit my soul mate was 34 years old when I was so much younger. And the seriously scared feelings of having a boy and a girl, "VERY CLOSE in age." I told her my story... And then I realized what she had said.
A boy and a girl, with emphasis on VERY CLOSE IN AGE. Ohmygosh. Twins, maybe?! Possibly? Is that what she was trying to imply without scaring the ever living BLEEP from me?! She scared me enough just by saying I'd have two kids (when at that point, kids were NOWHERE in my idea of the near future... future yes, near future no!). Was she trying to say I'd have twins, without just SAYING it?! Oh have mercy.
So... We shall see, someday, if she was right. And right now I'm hoping she was. Six months ago the thought of twins made me nauseous, and yes it's scary and wouldn't be easy... But twins would be such a blessing that that's what I'll hope for.
If you're wondering if this medium/psychic was right about anything else... Well she did tell my mom "When you're making tea every morning, you know that smell? It's not the tea and you know it... It's your cousin who passed away. He's with you. You smell his cologne." Nobody told her my mother would brew tea every morning or that she always smelled something a little off when doing so.
She also told another person that we know that someone in her family, NOT HER, would have twins. That person's sister IS PREGNANT RIGHT NOW with twins.
Weird, right?
If you'd like to read my friend Kelley's story about her experience with her psychic/medium, head on over to her page: http://www.ripthelifeiknew.com/2012/05/09/husband-finally-spoke-me-said-go-yankee-stadium/
When you're done reading that post, feel free to read her entire story in all the other posts. She's an extremely gifted writer and comedian who was blessed with an immensely loving and wonderful relationship with her husband. Unfortunately he left this world, all too soon. Her blog is one you'll want to follow!!
Thanks everyone!!!!!!!
Fundraiser updates!!
If you've got stuff for the garage sale, PLEASE get it to us ASAP. It's almost here!! We want it to be just as huge as last time!! <3
We have an AUGUST CUPCAKE FUNDRAISER which I forgot to post about in the last post (and how could I possibly forget CUPCAKES?!)... All the details are here, where you can also order:
The above fundraisers have been put together by our wonderful friend Crystal, and that's not all she's doing. She's ALSO in charge of the Professor Photo fundraiser!!! Do you know what that is? Simply donate $20+ to our fund, and you get a FREE photo shoot, on your choice of days that she is available. It's a GREAT deal! You can see her work on her page, along with her open dates!
I'm also having a Premier Designs party with a wonderful consultant, Beth. That will be August 18th. If you'd like to order before then, LET ME KNOW!!!
I THINK that's all I've got for now.....
Over the weekend I went to a Quartermania for the Ronald McDonald House... A wonderful QM to benefit a wonderful organization. And one of the best parts was that... I WON A SCENTSY BURNER!! Woohooo!!!! I was super excited and looked through the catalog to see which burner it was because I didn't want to open the box. I couldn't find it in the catalog so I went ahead and dug it out of the wrapping and the box.... And this is what it looks like!!
Absolutely adorable, right?! And my first thought was... "This is beachy!!!!" Do you remember what our nursery theme will be if we have a girl, or a boy and a girl? BEACHY!!! Or Under the Sea, which is sort of the same thing. Regardless, WOULDN'T THIS BE PERFECT IN THERE?!?! And cover up dirty diaper smells... It couldn't be better!! So, let's all hope and pray that this IVF WORKS for us, hopefully the first time, so we can put this to use!!
Now, I'm going to take you guys WAY WAY WAY WAY BACK in our relationship. Before the cancer journey, before we were married, before we were engaged... To the VERY BEGINNING of our relationship. VERY BEGINNING.
Danny and I had only been dating for two to three months. I can't even remember if we'd admitted that we loved each other at that point! Ha!
My mom and our family friend had been going to this psychic/medium for a while, just for entertainment purposes. And they asked if I wanted to go. I didn't exactly believe in it... I don't think that people with those gifts DON'T exist, I just didn't understand how they could read off of cards and make any sense out of anything. It just seemed WEIRD. Regardless, I decided to go. I figured it would be fun and I'd at least get a laugh out of it.
So we went. We took a little road trip so we could sit at a chair, shuffle PLAYING CARDS (I was expecting tarot cards or something) and have some lady tell us what some of the cards meant.
We stood in line for what seemed like hours, and when it was finally my turn I was feeling a little anxious. Do I really want to do this? What if she tells me something bad? What if she tells me I'm going to have a crappy time for the rest of my life... Or that I won't even HAVE much of a life... What if she tells me ghosts are following me around everywhere? Awkward!!!
I sat down in the little chair anyway. My mom and Deena weren't standing far away.
"Hello there." She has a nice voice!
"Shuffle these cards please." Remember not to give anything away. Don't give anything away. Don't tell her anything. Shuffle shuffle shuffle. Don't give anything away....
"Okay, here you go."
She laid the cards out, facing her.
The first bit of our conversation wasn't anything that really sticks out in my mind almost six years later... But then...
"Okay, this is... Ummm.... Hmmm.... This is usually your soul mate's age... But.... How old are you my dear?" BWAHAHAHAHA Ohmygosh. Seriously? A three and a four. Thirty-four. THAT'S DANNY'S AGE!!! Don't give anything away, wipe that smirk away!!!
I told her how old I was... And yeah, we've got quite an age gap. But that hasn't stopped us from having a wonderful relationship!!
"Oh, okay... Then maybe these mean he'll be 3-4 years older than you then..." Or maybe it means he's thirty-four, which is how old Danny is. Oh how funny.
More cards were set out. She studied them.
"Okay, the cards show you will have two kids in your life, a boy and a girl, VERY close in age." What did she just say? Does she mean I'll HAVE two kids?? Or that I'll have two kids in my life... like my nieces and nephews?? Time to ask...
"Well, I babysit my nephew and his little sister is about to be born... They're pretty close in age."
"No dear, these will be your kids, from you. One boy, one girl, VERY CLOSE IN AGE." Oh goodness...
Anything else that was said after that is a blur. I slipped my money under her cards after we were done and I walked away to tell my mom and Deena what all was said.
Fast forward to a few months ago, a friend was contemplating going to see a medium/psychic (I'm sorry Kelley I can't remember if she was one or the other or both). She wanted to hear from anyone with experience because she wanted to make sure there was a CHANCE that something good would happen. If everyone responded with negativity and stories about our experiences which were jokes, she wasn't going to go. Or at least she would've been even more leery.
I hadn't thought about that visit with the medium/psychic I went to in YEARS. It was just not something I thought about, ever. So when I seen her post asking for experiences, I remembered instantly what happened. And almost everything about that day. It brought back the wonderful memory of giggling to myself when I seen the three and four, and the lady didn't want to admit my soul mate was 34 years old when I was so much younger. And the seriously scared feelings of having a boy and a girl, "VERY CLOSE in age." I told her my story... And then I realized what she had said.
A boy and a girl, with emphasis on VERY CLOSE IN AGE. Ohmygosh. Twins, maybe?! Possibly? Is that what she was trying to imply without scaring the ever living BLEEP from me?! She scared me enough just by saying I'd have two kids (when at that point, kids were NOWHERE in my idea of the near future... future yes, near future no!). Was she trying to say I'd have twins, without just SAYING it?! Oh have mercy.
So... We shall see, someday, if she was right. And right now I'm hoping she was. Six months ago the thought of twins made me nauseous, and yes it's scary and wouldn't be easy... But twins would be such a blessing that that's what I'll hope for.
If you're wondering if this medium/psychic was right about anything else... Well she did tell my mom "When you're making tea every morning, you know that smell? It's not the tea and you know it... It's your cousin who passed away. He's with you. You smell his cologne." Nobody told her my mother would brew tea every morning or that she always smelled something a little off when doing so.
She also told another person that we know that someone in her family, NOT HER, would have twins. That person's sister IS PREGNANT RIGHT NOW with twins.
Weird, right?
If you'd like to read my friend Kelley's story about her experience with her psychic/medium, head on over to her page: http://www.ripthelifeiknew.com/2012/05/09/husband-finally-spoke-me-said-go-yankee-stadium/
When you're done reading that post, feel free to read her entire story in all the other posts. She's an extremely gifted writer and comedian who was blessed with an immensely loving and wonderful relationship with her husband. Unfortunately he left this world, all too soon. Her blog is one you'll want to follow!!
Thanks everyone!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
It's Thursday!! Tomorrow is Friday! Woohooo!!!! We're trying so very hard not to MELT in this ridiculous heat we've got going on here, and I hope you all are staying cool, too!!
I don't really have any fundraiser updates for you today. I know that's a rare thing these days. It just doesn't feel right! So just to recap!
GARAGE SALE stuff is currently being collected. If you've got stuff together and just want it out of your house, LET ME KNOW!! We want your junk!! ;)
I will be having a Premier Designs party on the 18th. If you want to order from it, I will let you know after Sunday how to do that. I've got to meet with Beth, the consultant, before I know all of that :)
The Professor Photo shoots ARE GOING ON NOW!! There IS STILL TIME to book a shoot! Check out her facebook page for open dates!
That's all I've got in my head right now... I'll edit later if I remember anything else! Ha!!
Back to another part of 2009 that really stands out in my mind still today... Today's post will show you just HOW awesome my wonderfully amazing husband is. When he annoys me by forgetting to take the trash out or leaving his nasty dirty socks all over the living room floor, I think about this day and I cool off immediately... Haha, cool off....
It was the end of December, it was snowing, it was around 8pm, and it was the COLDEST DAY OF THE YEAR. We were watching a little preview for the news...
"The cold snap is draining car batteries. AAA has been on calls all night long just to jump vehicles. This is the coldest day of the year and your vehicles' batteries are paying for it." AHHH.
"Gosh, Danny, did you see that? That's crazy!"
"Yeah, the cold will do that..." Obviously....
Fast forward about 15 minutes of pointless-tv-watching.
"MMmmm babe, you know what really sounds good?"
"What? Hot chocolate?" What? NO!
"No... Ice cream. From Braums..."
"Oh geez." Ha, yeah... Maybe we can go tomorrow..... "Well, get your shoes on if you're wanting to go..." WHAT?!?!
"What?! We're going? To Braums? NOW?!"
"You said you wanted ice cream. Let's go." Oh how I love this man!!!
I ran to the bedroom to get bundled up. Tights, jeans, tank top, long sleeve, hoodie, thick socks, shoes and my coat. Done. Ready for ice cream.
"Okay, I'm ready!!"
"The truck is warming up, let's give it a few minutes... You know the heater sucks." Ugh, that heater... And Danny's cold intolerance, he probably won't even get any ice cream. I am a crappy wife.
"Babe, we don't have to go. You won't be getting ice cream, will you? It'll hurt. And it hurts you just to go outside in this...."
"Destiny, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't perfectly fine with going. Let's go...."
So, we went. And I got some ice cream, and Danny didn't. He sat there with me while I ate my double scoop of vanilla and we chatted about everything BUT life and our crazy cancer journey. We just enjoyed our time together. It had stopped snowing for a bit, but it had started up again while we sat there and it was coming down fast.
"Well, I'm done, and the snow is really coming down. We should get out of here."
We headed outside and Danny put his gloves on before opening my door for me. Yes, my husband opens doors for me... All doors. Always. <3 him.
He got in his side and put the key in the ignition.
He tried again.
"Our battery is zapped. Call your dad." WELL CRAP. Just like they said on the news. What the CRAP.
"Let's go back inside while you call him, it's too cold out here for you." For ME?! I don't LIKE this weather by any means, but I'm not the one with the cold intolerance!!! Ahhh WHY did I have to have ice cream TONIGHT?!
We went back in, dusted the snow off of us, and I dialed my parents' number.
"Hey mom.... Umm... Can I talk to Dad?"
"Sure, what's wrong?" Ha...
"Oh just the truck."
"Oh good grief, here he is." Yeah, good grief....
"Hey baby girl, what's up?" Here goes nothing...
"Hey dad! We need your help..."
"Yeah, I got that... What's wrong with the truck?"
"The battery is dead I guess."
"Well yeah, it's the coldest day of the year, it's doing that to car batteries. So, where are you?" Ahhhh.
"Ummmm..... Well... We're are Braums."
"Braums? For ICE CREAM? On the COLDEST DAY OF THE YEAR?" I know I know!!
"Yep. That's where we are."
"Only my daughter... He spoils you rotten. I'm on my way." I'M NOT ROTTEN.
"Thanks, Dad. Love you."
"Love you. See you in a few."
I relayed our conversation to Danny, who got a laugh.
My dad showed up in his truck a bit later, with jumper cables. He and Danny got the truck started (after telling me to stay inside Dad's truck while they did so... his heater didn't suck!) and Danny and Dad both walked over to the passenger side where I was sitting.
"Your dad is going to follow back to our house just to be safe. You're riding with him." I'm what? Why?
"I don't understand..."
"It's too cold in our truck for you. Feel how nice it is in here. Stay in his truck, since he's driving to our house anyway." Too cold FOR ME. AGAIN with this crap. I DON'T HAVE COLD INTOLERANCE!!!
"Our truck is too cold FOR YOU Danny."
"I'm fine. Love you!"
He kissed me and hopped out of the truck.
We made it home just fine, and our battery was eventually replaced after it did the same thing a few days later. It's been almost three years now, and I'll never hear the end of it... Only I would want ice cream on the coldest day of the year... Blah blah blah. Well, I always turn that around with "Only MY husband would INDULGE my ice cream weakness on the coldest day of the year, while suffering cold intolerance." That always gets a quick nod and the subject is dropped. Yeah, I have a weakness for ice cream. But my husband has a weakness for me. It all works out. :)
Now do you see why I love him so much? Okay, that's not the ONLY reason why. But there's a little look into one event that I'll never live down. Hope you enjoyed!!!
I don't really have any fundraiser updates for you today. I know that's a rare thing these days. It just doesn't feel right! So just to recap!
GARAGE SALE stuff is currently being collected. If you've got stuff together and just want it out of your house, LET ME KNOW!! We want your junk!! ;)
I will be having a Premier Designs party on the 18th. If you want to order from it, I will let you know after Sunday how to do that. I've got to meet with Beth, the consultant, before I know all of that :)
The Professor Photo shoots ARE GOING ON NOW!! There IS STILL TIME to book a shoot! Check out her facebook page for open dates!
That's all I've got in my head right now... I'll edit later if I remember anything else! Ha!!
Back to another part of 2009 that really stands out in my mind still today... Today's post will show you just HOW awesome my wonderfully amazing husband is. When he annoys me by forgetting to take the trash out or leaving his nasty dirty socks all over the living room floor, I think about this day and I cool off immediately... Haha, cool off....
It was the end of December, it was snowing, it was around 8pm, and it was the COLDEST DAY OF THE YEAR. We were watching a little preview for the news...
"The cold snap is draining car batteries. AAA has been on calls all night long just to jump vehicles. This is the coldest day of the year and your vehicles' batteries are paying for it." AHHH.
"Gosh, Danny, did you see that? That's crazy!"
"Yeah, the cold will do that..." Obviously....
Fast forward about 15 minutes of pointless-tv-watching.
"MMmmm babe, you know what really sounds good?"
"What? Hot chocolate?" What? NO!
"No... Ice cream. From Braums..."
"Oh geez." Ha, yeah... Maybe we can go tomorrow..... "Well, get your shoes on if you're wanting to go..." WHAT?!?!
"What?! We're going? To Braums? NOW?!"
"You said you wanted ice cream. Let's go." Oh how I love this man!!!
I ran to the bedroom to get bundled up. Tights, jeans, tank top, long sleeve, hoodie, thick socks, shoes and my coat. Done. Ready for ice cream.
"Okay, I'm ready!!"
"The truck is warming up, let's give it a few minutes... You know the heater sucks." Ugh, that heater... And Danny's cold intolerance, he probably won't even get any ice cream. I am a crappy wife.
"Babe, we don't have to go. You won't be getting ice cream, will you? It'll hurt. And it hurts you just to go outside in this...."
"Destiny, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't perfectly fine with going. Let's go...."
So, we went. And I got some ice cream, and Danny didn't. He sat there with me while I ate my double scoop of vanilla and we chatted about everything BUT life and our crazy cancer journey. We just enjoyed our time together. It had stopped snowing for a bit, but it had started up again while we sat there and it was coming down fast.
"Well, I'm done, and the snow is really coming down. We should get out of here."
We headed outside and Danny put his gloves on before opening my door for me. Yes, my husband opens doors for me... All doors. Always. <3 him.
He got in his side and put the key in the ignition.
He tried again.
"Our battery is zapped. Call your dad." WELL CRAP. Just like they said on the news. What the CRAP.
"Let's go back inside while you call him, it's too cold out here for you." For ME?! I don't LIKE this weather by any means, but I'm not the one with the cold intolerance!!! Ahhh WHY did I have to have ice cream TONIGHT?!
We went back in, dusted the snow off of us, and I dialed my parents' number.
"Hey mom.... Umm... Can I talk to Dad?"
"Sure, what's wrong?" Ha...
"Oh just the truck."
"Oh good grief, here he is." Yeah, good grief....
"Hey baby girl, what's up?" Here goes nothing...
"Hey dad! We need your help..."
"Yeah, I got that... What's wrong with the truck?"
"The battery is dead I guess."
"Well yeah, it's the coldest day of the year, it's doing that to car batteries. So, where are you?" Ahhhh.
"Ummmm..... Well... We're are Braums."
"Braums? For ICE CREAM? On the COLDEST DAY OF THE YEAR?" I know I know!!
"Yep. That's where we are."
"Only my daughter... He spoils you rotten. I'm on my way." I'M NOT ROTTEN.
"Thanks, Dad. Love you."
"Love you. See you in a few."
I relayed our conversation to Danny, who got a laugh.
My dad showed up in his truck a bit later, with jumper cables. He and Danny got the truck started (after telling me to stay inside Dad's truck while they did so... his heater didn't suck!) and Danny and Dad both walked over to the passenger side where I was sitting.
"Your dad is going to follow back to our house just to be safe. You're riding with him." I'm what? Why?
"I don't understand..."
"It's too cold in our truck for you. Feel how nice it is in here. Stay in his truck, since he's driving to our house anyway." Too cold FOR ME. AGAIN with this crap. I DON'T HAVE COLD INTOLERANCE!!!
"Our truck is too cold FOR YOU Danny."
"I'm fine. Love you!"
He kissed me and hopped out of the truck.
We made it home just fine, and our battery was eventually replaced after it did the same thing a few days later. It's been almost three years now, and I'll never hear the end of it... Only I would want ice cream on the coldest day of the year... Blah blah blah. Well, I always turn that around with "Only MY husband would INDULGE my ice cream weakness on the coldest day of the year, while suffering cold intolerance." That always gets a quick nod and the subject is dropped. Yeah, I have a weakness for ice cream. But my husband has a weakness for me. It all works out. :)
Now do you see why I love him so much? Okay, that's not the ONLY reason why. But there's a little look into one event that I'll never live down. Hope you enjoyed!!!
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