Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

SO many updates!!

Today is Thursday, and I am so far behind on posting this week! I know I posted once but I really try to post at least twice a week and try for no later than Thursday afternoon (since views go down considerably after that). Whooops!!

It's time for some updates!

I didn't give an update on Monday's post because I wanted to focus on the award and the other blogs. But today we are back to THIS BLOG.

I've got some pretty big news about one fundraiser.... Professor Photo! Do you remember that there were only certain dates you could book on? Well the dates have GONE OUT THE WINDOW!! No more calendar that you must follow. PICK YOUR DAY!!! The only rule is you MUST BOOK BY SEPTEMBER 1st!! Easy peasy, right?! Book now and save a date for later this year for Christmas pics! Book now and save a date for later this year for Halloween pics! You'll want to remember those costume forever! :) Basically, book now and pick a date for ANY occasion! You can check out her work and book HERE.

Have you ordered cupcakes? If so, THANK YOU!!!! If not, WHAT are you waiting for?! Seriously!! You cannot go wrong with cupcakes! If you're on a diet, order the minis! Everyone deserves a little cake in their lives ;) So head on over here to order!!

Do you know what today is? Today is the FIRST day of the last weekend of our garage sale!! If  you want to do some shopping, head on out to the Clonmel Community building! There's TONS of stuff there! Open through Saturday!
***Side not here: I know one of you phenomenal blog followers was at the sale today, and you said you are a follower... And that you've donated... Anyone wanna step forward so I know who you are? (I know the name of everyone who has donated, so I've got a ton of names going through my head but nobody has told me they were going to the sale today so I'm really curious!) If not, that's okay. But THANK YOU for coming out!

Now, do you know what SATURDAY is? Aside from the last day of the garage sale (since I mentioned that above!). It's also the day of my PREMIER DESIGN Jewelry fundraiser party!!! There will be snacks, drinks AND PRETTY BLING. Kids are MORE than welcome (the point of all the fundraising is so we can have a baby, so we obviously support mommas!). RSVP and find the rest of the details right here.

This week is also the last "normal" week for us for a while. And by normal, it still means BUSY. We're busy all weekend this weekend, and that's only the beginning.
Next week two of my wonderfully amazing friends arrive into town (from opposite ends of the country!), Ashley and Jamie! They will both be participating in the Crawl for Cancer (alongside some of my OTHER wonderfully amazing friends! We've got a marvelous team!). I plan on taking Ash to the zoo, possibly to the Museum of World Treasures... and who knows what else we'll do (and please rest assured, Ashley's Gram, she is SAFE with us! HAHAHA)!
Then the next week (less than two weeks from now! MY GOSH!!!), we meet with our fertility doctor!! That's when it all begins. Not IVF, but all the testing that will lead up to it! Literally, that day!! I'm nervous and scared and EXCITED and anxious. I can't believe we're to this point!!
That weekend is my brother and almost-sister-in-law's wedding! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait!
Also that weekend is my fabulous hubby's birthday! He wants to do NOTHING for it. Months ago I thought I would go against his wishes and plan something big. But things got crazy and appointments were made and did I mention things got crazy? I was so focused on August that his birthday on September 1st kinda flew right out of my head. When I realized it a week or so ago, I freaked out. I apologized for forgetting (weeks early ha) and not planning anything. He told me to KEEP IT THAT WAY. Hahahaha!! So we'll keep it low key and I'll take my man out for dinner!
And then there's Labor Day!!!
The week after THAT is when the testing should really start. I don't know at this point what all will be happening in the month of September. but I know there were many "possible tests" that were listed in the New Patient Packet that was sent to us. I may as well plan on the doc wanting to do them all. Then I can be pleasantly surprised when he says "well we won't need to do this one..." Wishful thinking and all that...

Speaking of the testing. I mentioned at one point that I was more-than-a-little worried about whether or not insurance would cover my testing. Insurance WOULD cover the tests (only), they've said this. It's a matter of whether or not they cover it at THAT clinic. The one lady I've (finally) been able to speak with said that as long as our doctor accepts his local Blue Card then we'd be fine. I'm an internet person (and not so much a phone person), so what did I do? I went to their site. Under "accepted insurance" they listed "Blue Preferred (PPO)." I didn't see Blue Card listed and had a mini-panic attack. And then I looked at my card. It says "Preferred Blue (PPO)." I assume that is the same thing. Also, I was told that if my insurance isn't accepted, they'll call and tell me how much I'll owe up front before the appointment. I have yet to receive a call. So I am going to assume it's all covered! Let's hope I'm right and it's not just the consult that's covered (that would put us at owing about $800 for the testing!).

I'm sure you all know by now that I'm a planner... Right? Yeah... I am. So much so that I've spent a ton of time trying to figure out when we will be doing IVF. I am under the assumption it will be at LEAST one month for testing. So that takes out September. Putting us into October. If for some reason we can't do it in October... it would be our embryo transfer date the week of Thanksgiving (so either ON Turkey Day, Black Friday, or the Saturday after depending). I'm not sure if our place shuts down for that holiday (I've read that clinics mainly only shut down for Christmas), so I'd really rather not risk it. I also don't want to wait until December. Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year and I want to enjoy it. Looking at the calendar, if we wait until December then the transfer would be around December 22nd. So Christmas would be a scary time for me, I'd be a bundle of nerves and constantly wondering if it worked or not.  It wouldn't fall ON a holiday so that would be good. If they'd even do IVF that month (depending on a shut down??).

Basically the planner in me is going crazy right now. I want and need a plan and I'm THIS CLOSE to getting a plan and it's making me itch for it. I love plans. I love lists. I love crossing things off. I want it all NOW. And I know that I just need to wait LESS THAN TWO WEEKS before I get some of those plans. But I feel like I've got ants in my pants here. I feel like I can barely sit still. Thank goodness we have so much going on that will keep me so busy between now and appointment time (and how fitting that it's worked out like that)....
And thank the good Lord above for all of YOU. Without your help we wouldn't be where we are today.

Thank you, thank you... Thank you! <3

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!! I am going to print this blog post and give it to my Gram! LOL She will probably still think you and Danny are going to kidnap me but at least I will have it in writing for her lol!!! Can't wait to get there in less than a week!!!!
