It's Tuesday! BLOG DAY!!!!
It's also the last day of July. That means the Ornament fundraiser ends today, as does the Pampered Chef fundraiser. HOWEVER if you're wanting to order some PC, let me know! Tiffany said that's fine and I'll still get the profit from it! She's so sweet!
If you ordered ornaments they will be available very soon, we had to order some more vinyl (some colors went FAST) and that should be in this week!
Tomorrow is the first day of August. That means Faith goes back to school soon. That means the Crawl for Cancer is this month. That means my wonderful friend Ashley will be here in a few short weeks, as will the amazing Jamie S. They will both be here during a time I will most certainly be stressed/scared/nervous.... The week/weekend before our appointment with our RE!!!! I will need them (and all of you!) during that time, and I'm so excited they'll be here!!
With all of the IVF fundraising excitement that has been going on, I haven't talked much about our cancer journey. I'm so sorry for that. And TODAY that changes.
I can't remember exactly where I left off.... I think around Thanksgiving? So that's where I'll start back up.
The week after Thanksgiving, things went back to our new "normal." Meaning it was time for chemo again, and doctor's appointments... And that dreaded chemo pump!
The weeks in December seemed to all blur together and that was because some days were absolutely miserable for Danny. When your husband is miserable, it's hard to stay positive and cheery. Even when it's your favorite time of the year!! But I did my best, and so did Danny!
The cold intolerance was staying longer and longer after all the treatments, to the point where Danny never got a break. On top of that, his sinus infection came back with a vengeance.
Since everything sort of blurred together those weeks, only certain things still stand out to me today.
We met the radiologist around the time of Danny's last chemo treatment (of 2009). My impression of him was basically: "Whhhaaatttt????"
He was nice, don't get me wrong. But he wasn't the personable type of doctor we had become so accustomed to. When speaking to us, he was always looking down.
Hello? Hello doctor? We're up here! Oh hi, there are your eyes.
For what that doctor lacked in bedside manner (even though there were no beds that I saw) he made up for in knowledge. This doctor went on and on and on about colon cancer, the chances of it coming back, why radiation was necessary.... And the all important fertility preservation question.
"Do you two have kids together?" Not YET.
"Do you two WANT kids together?" Uhhh DUH.
"Yes we do. We banked already."
"Oh you banked?" That's what he just said, sir...
"Yes, before chemo started."
"Well that's good, that's good. Then we'll start with radiation on January __. Let's give you a tour..." A tour? Of what?
We were led through the "clinic" inside the hospital. A nice waiting area we'd already experienced. A room with lockers for your belongings while you're getting shot with a laser. Comforting. And then there is was... A machine that looked like it belonged in a movie. Huge. White. Cold-looking if that makes sense at all. It was daunting. Oh, and there's a bed. Bed being a questionable term.
"So you'll lay up here. And this will find the tattoos that you'll have..." Tattoos? What? " Then the machine will move according to those dots. And you'll receive your radiation. It'll only take a few minutes. The longest part of this whole thing will be getting changed in and out of your clothes." So weird... All of this....
"And that's about it. Here is ____, she will set you up with your first appointment. That will be to get your tattoos. Then your daily appointments will be every day at the time of your choice. Most people do this first thing in the morning, before work." That would be PERFECT. "And I think we're done here. See you soon."
Appointments were set, and we walked out of the same hospital where we went when we found Danny's tumor. It felt like closing one door, and opening another. One half of chemo was done. It was time to move on to the constant chemo along with daily radiation. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. Tiny, but there. And we were walking out of that hospital feeling entirely different than we had the LAST time we'd walked out... Dazed, confused, scared... Those were all feelings that were in our past. We beat the cancer together and everything the few months prior and the months ahead were all just preventative. We have life to celebrate, and that was our plan after all of THIS was over.
That's all I've got for today. I will post tomorrow about another shining memory from our cancer journey that happened that December... Thank you all again for reading, sharing, commenting and of course donating!!!! <3
Striving to raise Colon Cancer Awareness (at any age!), and Infertility Awareness. Follow along on our journeys... From original colon cancer diagnosis just five days after our wedding, to fundraising for IVF. We were successful on our first IVF transfer. And just two months after welcoming our miracle baby into this world, we got the devastating news that we were in for another fight for my husband's life.
Our Wedding Day

On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
One month from today...
It's Sunday... And I'm blogging. This rarely happens! But since I only posted once last week, I felt like I needed to go ahead and post today!
A quick update on CURRENT fundraisers:
As you know, we are having an AUGUST garage sale!!! We want it to be JUST as big if not bigger than the last one!! Help make it happen! Get a stack of stuff you don't want anymore together, and let me know! We can meet up or I can let you know where to drop it off!
I have Pampered Chef catalogs available for anyone who wants to order!! OR you can order here:
I will be having a Premier Designs party in August! I'll be setting the date very soon! Let me know if you want to come or if you want to order!!
The Christmas in July Ornaments sale ENDS THIS WEEK!!! Order NOW if you want one (or more!)!!!/events/391032197620614/
If you donate $20 or more to our fund, you get a mini session with PROFESSOR PHOTO!! Her available dates are posted on her facebook page. You MUST book on one of her posted dates to get your session for free.!/ProfessorPhotoKS
And our latest fundraiser... BACK TO SCHOOL CUPCAKES!!!! All the info is on the event page, but they WILL BE MADE TO ORDER. Pick up arrangements will be announced soon! RSVP to the event page to get all the latest updates!!/events/497456176936282/497565876925312/?notif_t=event_mall_comment
That's all I've got for fundraiser updates today!!!
One month from today, we will be meeting with our doctor!! I can't believe it's finally here! I've been doing a lot of research to see what I can expect to have happen at that first appointment. Some sites say it'll just be an appointment to tell the doctor all about us and why we haven't been able to conceive (if we know, which we do), etc. Others say they'll do some tests.
We got our "new patient packet" in the mail though, and it answered some of those questions. We should expect to be at the office for a couple of hours. We will meet with the doctor to discuss everything we've been through.... And some testing will be done on me. Oh joy! An ultrasound doesn't sound so bad... Until you realize it's an ultrasound wand they put up inside you. AHH!!! BUT, I better get used to it. They'll do a lot of that type of ultrasound during the IVF process.
Another test they'll definitely be doing is bloodwork on me. Makes me light headed to think about. I haven't had blood drawn since I had my gallbladder issues in 07! I've got to remind myself that it'll hurt less than any of my tattoos have... And it'll only hurt for a minute!!
My biggest concern right now is whether or not our insurance will cover those tests. When I talked to the insurance company earlier this year, they said all diagnostic testing would be covered. I didn't think to ask if I had to have those tests done locally. A few weeks ago it dawned on me that they might not cover our doctor of choice. I set out to find that answer... and I still haven't gotten a for sure yes or no. Our doctor is listed on one of the sites, but the representative I talked to couldn't find him on her list. However, she said if the doctor accepts their local blue card, then our insurance will pay for it. From what I've read (in our new patient packet), the doctor's office will call me if insurance won't cover them, and they'll give me a dollar amount that we'll have to pay up front. They sent the price list in the new patient packet and from what I've added up, the first appointment will add up to about $1k if insurance doesn't cover any of it. That's enough to make me nauseous right there!!
I contemplated getting the testing done here locally, even though in my mind the doctor that will be doing the IVF should be the doctor doing the tests. I looked up the one clinic here to see if they are covered on our insurance and they weren't listed either.... So.... That's just awesome. And yes, that was sarcastic!
We are pretty much in limbo as of today in regards to the cost of the testing (which HAS to be done before IVF) and the insurance. But I'm hopeful.
Why am I hopeful?
People hear our story and they think life has handed us a crappy set of cards. I can't argue with that. Life sure hasn't been easy. But everyone has their own set of problems. Ours are just a different type. And honestly, we've got it easy compared to some.
Things always seem to work out for us (knock on wood). Yes, times can be stressful and worrisome. But we have been SO blessed in every aspect. Every, single, one.
Danny was diagnosed with cancer and the surgeon he was referred to was the best there is.
He had to have chemo, and was referred to the doctor we wanted (who is the best there is!).
In order to preserve fertility, he had to see a urologist and have "the swimmers" surgically removed. Both of his main doctors wanted him to go to the same doctor... Who we were later told by someone completely outside of our case, "is the best there is."
We called to make our appointment with the RE, seriously wanting one doctor specifically but willing to settle for whoever was open first... And we ended up with the doctor we wanted, and he is the best there is down there in my opinion.
Seeing all that laid out there like that, well how could I NOT be positive and hopeful about how things will turn out? Not even just whether or not insurance will cover the testing... But ALL of it. How can I not feel deep down that it'll work the first time? And if it doesn't, that we'll have enough frozen embryos to just do a transfer and not need to do another fresh ($$$) cycle? Things always seem to work out, we are beyond blessed.
We are blessed to know ALL OF YOU. Without you, we wouldn't be meeting with the doctor next month. Without you, we would be NOWHERE near our goal. Please know we are SO SO thankful for each and every one of you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
A quick update on CURRENT fundraisers:
As you know, we are having an AUGUST garage sale!!! We want it to be JUST as big if not bigger than the last one!! Help make it happen! Get a stack of stuff you don't want anymore together, and let me know! We can meet up or I can let you know where to drop it off!
I have Pampered Chef catalogs available for anyone who wants to order!! OR you can order here:
I will be having a Premier Designs party in August! I'll be setting the date very soon! Let me know if you want to come or if you want to order!!
The Christmas in July Ornaments sale ENDS THIS WEEK!!! Order NOW if you want one (or more!)!!!/events/391032197620614/
If you donate $20 or more to our fund, you get a mini session with PROFESSOR PHOTO!! Her available dates are posted on her facebook page. You MUST book on one of her posted dates to get your session for free.!/ProfessorPhotoKS
And our latest fundraiser... BACK TO SCHOOL CUPCAKES!!!! All the info is on the event page, but they WILL BE MADE TO ORDER. Pick up arrangements will be announced soon! RSVP to the event page to get all the latest updates!!/events/497456176936282/497565876925312/?notif_t=event_mall_comment
That's all I've got for fundraiser updates today!!!
One month from today, we will be meeting with our doctor!! I can't believe it's finally here! I've been doing a lot of research to see what I can expect to have happen at that first appointment. Some sites say it'll just be an appointment to tell the doctor all about us and why we haven't been able to conceive (if we know, which we do), etc. Others say they'll do some tests.
We got our "new patient packet" in the mail though, and it answered some of those questions. We should expect to be at the office for a couple of hours. We will meet with the doctor to discuss everything we've been through.... And some testing will be done on me. Oh joy! An ultrasound doesn't sound so bad... Until you realize it's an ultrasound wand they put up inside you. AHH!!! BUT, I better get used to it. They'll do a lot of that type of ultrasound during the IVF process.
Another test they'll definitely be doing is bloodwork on me. Makes me light headed to think about. I haven't had blood drawn since I had my gallbladder issues in 07! I've got to remind myself that it'll hurt less than any of my tattoos have... And it'll only hurt for a minute!!
My biggest concern right now is whether or not our insurance will cover those tests. When I talked to the insurance company earlier this year, they said all diagnostic testing would be covered. I didn't think to ask if I had to have those tests done locally. A few weeks ago it dawned on me that they might not cover our doctor of choice. I set out to find that answer... and I still haven't gotten a for sure yes or no. Our doctor is listed on one of the sites, but the representative I talked to couldn't find him on her list. However, she said if the doctor accepts their local blue card, then our insurance will pay for it. From what I've read (in our new patient packet), the doctor's office will call me if insurance won't cover them, and they'll give me a dollar amount that we'll have to pay up front. They sent the price list in the new patient packet and from what I've added up, the first appointment will add up to about $1k if insurance doesn't cover any of it. That's enough to make me nauseous right there!!
I contemplated getting the testing done here locally, even though in my mind the doctor that will be doing the IVF should be the doctor doing the tests. I looked up the one clinic here to see if they are covered on our insurance and they weren't listed either.... So.... That's just awesome. And yes, that was sarcastic!
We are pretty much in limbo as of today in regards to the cost of the testing (which HAS to be done before IVF) and the insurance. But I'm hopeful.
Why am I hopeful?
People hear our story and they think life has handed us a crappy set of cards. I can't argue with that. Life sure hasn't been easy. But everyone has their own set of problems. Ours are just a different type. And honestly, we've got it easy compared to some.
Things always seem to work out for us (knock on wood). Yes, times can be stressful and worrisome. But we have been SO blessed in every aspect. Every, single, one.
Danny was diagnosed with cancer and the surgeon he was referred to was the best there is.
He had to have chemo, and was referred to the doctor we wanted (who is the best there is!).
In order to preserve fertility, he had to see a urologist and have "the swimmers" surgically removed. Both of his main doctors wanted him to go to the same doctor... Who we were later told by someone completely outside of our case, "is the best there is."
We called to make our appointment with the RE, seriously wanting one doctor specifically but willing to settle for whoever was open first... And we ended up with the doctor we wanted, and he is the best there is down there in my opinion.
Seeing all that laid out there like that, well how could I NOT be positive and hopeful about how things will turn out? Not even just whether or not insurance will cover the testing... But ALL of it. How can I not feel deep down that it'll work the first time? And if it doesn't, that we'll have enough frozen embryos to just do a transfer and not need to do another fresh ($$$) cycle? Things always seem to work out, we are beyond blessed.
We are blessed to know ALL OF YOU. Without you, we wouldn't be meeting with the doctor next month. Without you, we would be NOWHERE near our goal. Please know we are SO SO thankful for each and every one of you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
HAPPY DAY!!! Fundraiser updates!!!!
HAPPY MONDAY!! I know it's much later than I normally post, but this is the first chance I've had! My apologies :)
As I'm sitting here tonight, I am trying to focus on all the good we've got going on right now. And we sure do have a lot of it! Thank God for that! Why? Well because my sweet Simi Kitty is currently at the vet, spending the night! She got spayed today, and did great! They keep pets overnight there which I know is for the best... But it doesn't make it any easier! I'm used to her peeking out the window when we pull up to the house. And laying on the keyboard while I try to type. She snuggles with me at night when I'm about to fall asleep and also when I am waking up in the morning. And really I'm just going crazy here.... So! Time to update the Blogger world as to where we are with our fundraising!!!
As of RIGHT THIS SECOND... we are $716 away from our ultimate goal of $10,000!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Quartermania was a HUGE success! Huge!! With paddle sales, raffle tickets, silent auction, lucky ball and food profits, we made $1111!!! The number is amazing in itself, and it hit home for me because I'm one of those people who always wish at 11:11!! When I added up the final numbers, I had to just sit there for a second. $1111! What?! Really?! Quick recalculation... Yep. $1111. How could it be more perfect?!
Thank you to each and every one of you who showed up to the QM or helped make it huge by spreading the word, etc! And a HUGE thank you to the vendors!
We've gotten a few more donations from others since then and that's how we're at the $716 number...
How will we get that last $716? Well, there are SO many ways!!!!!!
As you know, we are having an AUGUST garage sale!!! We want it to be JUST as big if not bigger than the last one!! Help make it happen! Get a stack of stuff you don't want anymore together, and let me know! We can meet up or I can let you know where to drop it off!
I have Pampered Chef catalogs available for anyone who wants to order!! OR you can order here:
I will be having a Premier Designs party in August! I'll be setting the date very soon! Let me know if you want to come or if you want to order!!
The Christmas in July Ornaments sale ENDS SOON!! Place your orders NOW if you want any!!/events/391032197620614/
If you donate $20 or more to our fund, you get a mini session with PROFESSOR PHOTO!! Her available dates are posted on her facebook page. You MUST book on one of her posted dates to get your session for free.!/ProfessorPhotoKS
And our latest fundraiser... BACK TO SCHOOL CUPCAKES!!!! All the info is on the event page, but they WILL BE MADE TO ORDER. Pick up arrangements will be announced soon! RSVP to the event page to get all the latest updates!!/events/497456176936282/497565876925312/?notif_t=event_mall_comment
I think that's all the fundraiser updates I've really got for you all today. I am VERY confident we will have raised all $10,000 by the time we meet with our doctor on August 29th.
Another little tidbit of info for you... We got some great mail today!!!!!!
Enclosed was the check for us! It's at the bank now, of course! Can't leave something like that just laying around! But, I just have to say that having THAT in the mail is way better than having a bill or two! ;)
Have I mentioned that we're now only $716 away from our goal?!?!?! I am so excited that the number just constantly runs through my head.... We're so close. So so close!!
I started this blog on January 1st. I figured we'd be raising money for well over a year. Maybe two. It hasn't been seven whole months and we've raised almost all of it! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you!! We sincerely thank you!
When I started this blog I also planned on cutting off all fundraising at $10k if we got to that point. Over the last month many people have voiced to me that we shouldn't do that. We should keep different things going for those of you who want to help us out with the rest of the costs (with the testing that may not be covered that adds another $1k, so we're looking at forking over $5k+ on top of the $10k raised). Mandi (our wonderful friend who did the cookie fundraiser for us) has said that she IS going to do cookies in October, to go towards transportation costs (in October we will hopefully be doing the transfer and that means we will be down in OKC as often as every other day). I told her that wasn't necessary, but she won't listen to me (come to think of it... she never has! HA!!).
So, I guess what I'm saying is, we won't stop. We will do whatever you all want us to do. If you want more cupcake fundraisers, well, we'll do them. Many have asked for another cookie fundraiser, and we aim to please so of course, we're going to do one (in October per Mandi's orders). I won't be pushing the fundraisers as much, because any penny over our ultimate goal is just icing on the cake. Every dollar is one less dollar we'll have to finance. Or even one more dollar that we can spend on the baby(ies) once they get here.
I refuse to think this might not work. But I'll be realistic for a second. IF it doesn't, then we'll HOPEFULLY be doing a frozen transfer after that (if there are embryos to freeze!!). That's another $2-3k. That will be out of our pocket.
With all the costs becoming real and adding up and seeing how MUCH this all will cost us, I am not opposed to keeping the fundraisers open FOR THOSE THAT WANT to continue helping. If you don't want to, please don't feel like we are pushing you. We aren't greedy. We are MORE thank thankful for every penny raised/donated so far, we really can't thank you enough. We are just listening to those around us who are pushing us to continue. It was listening to some of those same people that got us to this point, it was some of those same people who encouraged me to start this blog. So, after much discussion, we have decided to listen to those people again. We won't close down the donation button on this page until after I am pregnant. We will pay for the IVF in full before it can happen, so after that point every penny raised/donated will go towards transportation. We hadn't planned on this happening, so every dollar will be a pleasant little surprise we weren't counting on.
We will still update the thermometer with the amount raised over the $10k so you all can see what's happening, and where it's coming from! And I must say, I'm so humbled by the fact that so many people WANT to help out even after we reach our ultimate goal!
Have I thanked you all yet in this post? I have? Well, here it goes again... THANK YOU!! We'll never be able to thank you all enough. I know it may get annoying after a while, but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! <3
Monday, July 16, 2012
Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it
Happy Monday!! I've got some awesome updates for you all today!!
But first.... we are THIS CLOSE to 21,000 views!!!!!! SHARE THE PAGE FOLKS!! I want to hit that mark TONIGHT!!!!
Okay... So, fundraiser updates!
As of today, we've gotten orders for ornaments that will give us a profit of..... $451!!! Were you planning on ordering but haven't yet? NOW is your chance! July is halfway over!!!!
And, THIS IS THE WEEK for the Quartermania!! We've been wanting to do a QM since I started this blog at the beginning of the year. It's finally happening, SO LET'S MAKE IT HUGE!!!! Here is the link with all the info:!/events/323181907770785/
Do you want to win a ROLL OF QUARTERS to use at the QM? Here are the ways to do so!
~RSVP to me directly or through the facebook event page
~Bring someone that I DIDN'T personally invite (if you bring TWO people you'll get entered two more times, and so on!)
~Wear your Love, Marriage, Cancer... Babies bracelet. Don't have one? I'll have some there for sale!
Tracy is also doing a drawing for a roll of quarters. To qualify for her drawing all you have to do is bring school supplies!!
Now for A BIG BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!
DONATE $20 OR MORE TO OUR FUND AND YOU GET A FREE MINI SESSION WITH PROFESSOR PHOTO!!! The dates available are listed above, and the dates in red qualify you for TEN extra images on your CD!! The mini sessions include a 30 minute session at one location, and 30 images!
And, are you wanting to know how close we are to our $10,000 goal (including the $2500 match from CFC)?!?! I haven't updated the thermometer yet... But... we are down to needing ONLY $1857!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?!
We are SO CLOSE to our goal! We have HIGH hopes that the Quartermania will earn us $800-1000. HIGH HOPES. We won't be disappointed if we don't hit that mark, because every dollar helps. But we're crossing our fingers!!!!!!
Remember, we STILL have the garage sale going on in August!! We will collect your stuff ANY TIME!! Get with me and we can work something out to get all of your stuff to the drop off point :)
Now, for the latest update on the IVF journey itself... If you are on our Facebook, you've likely already seen the news. If not... Are you ready for it??? Are ya?!?!
Friday I called and BOOKED OUR CONSULT APPOINTMENT with our doctor of choice! When I called I didn't expect the first appointment available to be the Dr that I wanted. I was prepared for disappointment but was willing to take the first available appointment... It just so happened that the first available appointment was with the doc we wanted AND we were put on the waiting list for an earlier appointment if someone cancels! I am SO excited and scared and nervous and happy and every other emotion imaginable! Danny? Well he's just happy we could get in as early as we are....
So. August 29th, at 10 am we will be meeting with our doctor!!!
Tests will have to be done following that appointment, which will put our IVF month most likely in October.
WHICH IN TURN MEANS... If it works, of course, that my due date would be THIS TIME NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!
It's amazing what a difference a year can make. I have tried to imagine what could possibly be happening a year from TODAY and it brings me so much joy... And a tad bit of fear. Which everyone has said is only natural. HAHAHA. And in reference to that... I found the best PIN ever. It hit the nail on the head...
And yes, we want a baby more than I am afraid of the IVF shots, the IVF sonograms, the IVF blood draws, and the fact that I will be a "real mom" as Faith calls it. There will be no every-other-weekend plans. Life will change. But it will change for the better. This is what we want and we will do whatever it takes... obviously!
Again we have to THANK YOU ALL a million times for all you've done for us! Because again, none of this would be possible without you! <3
But first.... we are THIS CLOSE to 21,000 views!!!!!! SHARE THE PAGE FOLKS!! I want to hit that mark TONIGHT!!!!
Okay... So, fundraiser updates!
As of today, we've gotten orders for ornaments that will give us a profit of..... $451!!! Were you planning on ordering but haven't yet? NOW is your chance! July is halfway over!!!!
And, THIS IS THE WEEK for the Quartermania!! We've been wanting to do a QM since I started this blog at the beginning of the year. It's finally happening, SO LET'S MAKE IT HUGE!!!! Here is the link with all the info:!/events/323181907770785/
Do you want to win a ROLL OF QUARTERS to use at the QM? Here are the ways to do so!
~RSVP to me directly or through the facebook event page
~Bring someone that I DIDN'T personally invite (if you bring TWO people you'll get entered two more times, and so on!)
~Wear your Love, Marriage, Cancer... Babies bracelet. Don't have one? I'll have some there for sale!
Tracy is also doing a drawing for a roll of quarters. To qualify for her drawing all you have to do is bring school supplies!!
Now for A BIG BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!
DONATE $20 OR MORE TO OUR FUND AND YOU GET A FREE MINI SESSION WITH PROFESSOR PHOTO!!! The dates available are listed above, and the dates in red qualify you for TEN extra images on your CD!! The mini sessions include a 30 minute session at one location, and 30 images!
And, are you wanting to know how close we are to our $10,000 goal (including the $2500 match from CFC)?!?! I haven't updated the thermometer yet... But... we are down to needing ONLY $1857!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?!
We are SO CLOSE to our goal! We have HIGH hopes that the Quartermania will earn us $800-1000. HIGH HOPES. We won't be disappointed if we don't hit that mark, because every dollar helps. But we're crossing our fingers!!!!!!
Remember, we STILL have the garage sale going on in August!! We will collect your stuff ANY TIME!! Get with me and we can work something out to get all of your stuff to the drop off point :)
Now, for the latest update on the IVF journey itself... If you are on our Facebook, you've likely already seen the news. If not... Are you ready for it??? Are ya?!?!
Friday I called and BOOKED OUR CONSULT APPOINTMENT with our doctor of choice! When I called I didn't expect the first appointment available to be the Dr that I wanted. I was prepared for disappointment but was willing to take the first available appointment... It just so happened that the first available appointment was with the doc we wanted AND we were put on the waiting list for an earlier appointment if someone cancels! I am SO excited and scared and nervous and happy and every other emotion imaginable! Danny? Well he's just happy we could get in as early as we are....
So. August 29th, at 10 am we will be meeting with our doctor!!!
Tests will have to be done following that appointment, which will put our IVF month most likely in October.
WHICH IN TURN MEANS... If it works, of course, that my due date would be THIS TIME NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!
It's amazing what a difference a year can make. I have tried to imagine what could possibly be happening a year from TODAY and it brings me so much joy... And a tad bit of fear. Which everyone has said is only natural. HAHAHA. And in reference to that... I found the best PIN ever. It hit the nail on the head...
And yes, we want a baby more than I am afraid of the IVF shots, the IVF sonograms, the IVF blood draws, and the fact that I will be a "real mom" as Faith calls it. There will be no every-other-weekend plans. Life will change. But it will change for the better. This is what we want and we will do whatever it takes... obviously!
Again we have to THANK YOU ALL a million times for all you've done for us! Because again, none of this would be possible without you! <3
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
No new updates today... So another recap just like yesterday:
The Quartermania is our next BIG event. It's July 19 and we NEED TWENTY people to show up and sign in saying we invited you!! TWENTY!!! We will be selling hot dogs and chips and drinks as well! Cupcakes too!
AND... If I invited you and you RSVP to me or on facebook, and of course you show up, I will put your name in a drawing for A ROLL OF QUARTERS!!! If you bring someone who I DID NOT invite, then I will put your name in the drawing a SECOND time. If you bring TWO people who weren't invited by me, I will put your name in a total of THREE times. And so on!!/events/323181907770785/
Another incentive... To get into the drawing AGAIN, wear your Awareness Bracelet (the one that advertises our blog of course!) to the Quartermania!! If you wear it, you'll be entered AGAIN. Don't have one? I'll have some for sale there!!
We will be doing a raffle for donated items, and two of those items are our ORNAMENTS!!! If you can't make it to the quartermania or you want specific ornaments, you can see/order them here:!/events/391032197620614/
The Pampered Chef link will be up and posted soon!
AND we are collecting for the AUGUST GARAGE SALE!! Let me know if you've got stuff you'd like to donate! We made $878 from the last minute one. Let's make even more than that this time!!!
Another way you can help us, and help ALL infertile couples... Is by signing this! Just fill out your information, and type in a quick little message to your representative about why you feel strongly about this bill (which gives a small tax credit for all the expenses paid for fertility treatment).
Yesterday I posted about how I'm a planner. And it MAY have made you think I'm a bit nutso for thinking about/planning things so early. When NOTHING is for sure...
Well you'll likely have the same feeling today!!!
Do you have a pinterest? I do. Do you follow me? If so, you've seen my board titled "Someday..."
That's where I go when I'm itching with Baby Fever. A lot of times I just go and LOOK at my board. And gaze at all of my plans. Because that's what they are. Plans for our future. Plans for the baby(ies) we WILL have. Plans the for nursery we WILL have. Plans for oh so much.
And today, more than any other day, I look at that board and have absolute certainty that those plans will come soon. And who do we have to thank for that? YOU ALL. And the wonderful people at the Crawl, of course!!!
As a thanks to all of you, I'm going to post my favorite pins here, for your viewing pleasure. If you follow me, you may have already seen them. If not, ENJOY!!!!
For my "Ahhh this sucks!!!" days:
Inspirational, right? That's why I look at those on my bad days...
I love the idea of a gender reveal! I love the cake ones, the balloon ones... BUT ESPECIALLY....
CONFETTI ONES!!!! I want to do this!!!!
Now, if we have a boy, or TWO boys. The nursery will be all hockey... Hockey hockey everywhere.. In his (their) room you will be sure to find:
If we have a girl, girls, or a boy and a girl... The nursery will be an Under the Sea type theme... Like this:
No matter what we have, pics like the following WILL BE TAKEN!!:
The above will be with a hockey helmet though!!
Instead of the pregnancy test, I will hold a sonogram pic!!
And on to the most ADORABLE onesies IN THE WORLD!!!!
If we have twins:
And as a nod to the fact that we have to do IVF, the baby(ies) will have onsesies with the following on them:
My first babysitter was an Embryologist, and ICSI Baby... Fitting, right? :)
And because even I worry like crazy about our future baby(ies) and all the risks and SIDS and all that... The MUST HAVE item:
It's the Snuza Movement monitor!! MUST MUST MUST!!!!
So there you go. A look inside all my plans, thanks in part to awesome pins from Pinterest. To see the links belonging to each of the pics, see my Pinterest board:
The Quartermania is our next BIG event. It's July 19 and we NEED TWENTY people to show up and sign in saying we invited you!! TWENTY!!! We will be selling hot dogs and chips and drinks as well! Cupcakes too!
AND... If I invited you and you RSVP to me or on facebook, and of course you show up, I will put your name in a drawing for A ROLL OF QUARTERS!!! If you bring someone who I DID NOT invite, then I will put your name in the drawing a SECOND time. If you bring TWO people who weren't invited by me, I will put your name in a total of THREE times. And so on!!/events/323181907770785/
Another incentive... To get into the drawing AGAIN, wear your Awareness Bracelet (the one that advertises our blog of course!) to the Quartermania!! If you wear it, you'll be entered AGAIN. Don't have one? I'll have some for sale there!!
We will be doing a raffle for donated items, and two of those items are our ORNAMENTS!!! If you can't make it to the quartermania or you want specific ornaments, you can see/order them here:!/events/391032197620614/
The Pampered Chef link will be up and posted soon!
AND we are collecting for the AUGUST GARAGE SALE!! Let me know if you've got stuff you'd like to donate! We made $878 from the last minute one. Let's make even more than that this time!!!
Another way you can help us, and help ALL infertile couples... Is by signing this! Just fill out your information, and type in a quick little message to your representative about why you feel strongly about this bill (which gives a small tax credit for all the expenses paid for fertility treatment).
Yesterday I posted about how I'm a planner. And it MAY have made you think I'm a bit nutso for thinking about/planning things so early. When NOTHING is for sure...
Well you'll likely have the same feeling today!!!
Do you have a pinterest? I do. Do you follow me? If so, you've seen my board titled "Someday..."
That's where I go when I'm itching with Baby Fever. A lot of times I just go and LOOK at my board. And gaze at all of my plans. Because that's what they are. Plans for our future. Plans for the baby(ies) we WILL have. Plans the for nursery we WILL have. Plans for oh so much.
And today, more than any other day, I look at that board and have absolute certainty that those plans will come soon. And who do we have to thank for that? YOU ALL. And the wonderful people at the Crawl, of course!!!
As a thanks to all of you, I'm going to post my favorite pins here, for your viewing pleasure. If you follow me, you may have already seen them. If not, ENJOY!!!!
For my "Ahhh this sucks!!!" days:
Inspirational, right? That's why I look at those on my bad days...
I love the idea of a gender reveal! I love the cake ones, the balloon ones... BUT ESPECIALLY....
CONFETTI ONES!!!! I want to do this!!!!
Now, if we have a boy, or TWO boys. The nursery will be all hockey... Hockey hockey everywhere.. In his (their) room you will be sure to find:
If we have a girl, girls, or a boy and a girl... The nursery will be an Under the Sea type theme... Like this:
No matter what we have, pics like the following WILL BE TAKEN!!:
The above will be with a hockey helmet though!!
Instead of the pregnancy test, I will hold a sonogram pic!!
And on to the most ADORABLE onesies IN THE WORLD!!!!
If we have twins:
And as a nod to the fact that we have to do IVF, the baby(ies) will have onsesies with the following on them:
My first babysitter was an Embryologist, and ICSI Baby... Fitting, right? :)
And because even I worry like crazy about our future baby(ies) and all the risks and SIDS and all that... The MUST HAVE item:
It's the Snuza Movement monitor!! MUST MUST MUST!!!!
So there you go. A look inside all my plans, thanks in part to awesome pins from Pinterest. To see the links belonging to each of the pics, see my Pinterest board:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
If you're a planner, you'll understand this post
I don't have any big fundraiser updates today. But just to refresh:
The Quartermania is our next BIG event. It's July 19 and we NEED TWENTY people to show up and sign in saying we invited you!! TWENTY!!! We will be selling hot dogs and chips and drinks as well!
AND... If I invited you and you RSVP to me or on facebook, and of course you show up, I will put your name in a drawing for A ROLL OF QUARTERS!!! If you bring someone who I DID NOT invite, then I will put your name in the drawing a SECOND time. If you bring TWO people who weren't invited by me, I will put your name in a total of THREE times. And so on!!/events/323181907770785/
We will be doing a raffle for donated items, and two of those items are our ORNAMENTS!!! If you can't make it to the quartermania or you want specific ornaments, you can see/order them here:!/events/391032197620614/
The Pampered Chef link will be up and posted soon!
AND we are collecting for the AUGUST GARAGE SALE!! Let me know if you've got stuff you'd like to donate! We made $878 from the last minute one. Let's make even more than that this time!!!
Now, an update as to where we are right now...
Last week we needed $2366 (after the Crawl match) to reach $10,000. We've gotten orders for ornaments that will give us profit of $259. Which means we need $2107!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!?! I just can't believe it!!!!! And we have ALL OF YOU to thank for it!! Thank you thank you, THANK YOU. We are ALMOST there. Help us reach our goal by our birthday month (September)!!! :)
Another way you can help us, and help ALL infertile couples... Is by signing this! Just fill out your information, and type in a quick little message to your representative about why you feel strongly about this bill (which gives a small tax credit for all the expenses paid for fertility treatment).
Today I'm going to post about holidays. If you're a planner, you'll understand this post. If you're not, you're probably going to think I've lost my mind. I assure you, I haven't. But these are the types of things that go through my mind DAILY, because I'm always planning planning planning. I don't like to be surprised and I'm not exactly one that just goes with the flow.
Having said that... The one thing in life I've always wanted to NOT plan is pregnancy. I wanted to be married to Danny of course. But other than that I just wanted it to happen. No trying. I wanted to just wake up one day and realize my cycle wasn't quite right, take a test, and then be able to surprise Danny with the amazingly wonderful news.
Well, that doesn't get to happen. I don't exactly get to SURPRISE Danny with the news that I'm pregnant when that time comes. Really we don't get to surprise ANYONE. Everyone is going to know what's going on, every step of the way. You all helped us get this far (and will be helping to get us to 10k), so you deserve to be in the know. I can't keep that from you. PLUS all the extra prayers and good vibes will be needed and appreciated. So, there's no surprise there...
I guess what the surprise will be for YOU all, is if there's just a singleton in there or twins. I suppose that's something we can keep from you and plan a surprising way to announce it. Hmm. Decision made!!!
The lack of surprise/announcement has been on my mind a lot. Among other things...
I recently read an article on Babble by PIWTPITT ( about Christmas pins starting to show up again on Pinterest. I had noticed this, yes. AND I was guilty of pinning a ridiculous amount of Christmas crafts and ideas... in July. I'm not ashamed. I would listen to Christmas music 365 days a year if I could get away with it. I would leave our Christmas tree up year-round if Danny wasn't whole-heartedly against it. I love EVERYTHING about Christmas. The smells. The decorations. The lights. The FEEL of Christmas. Everyone is in a giving mood. Everyone is caring. Christmas is the best day of the year! So yeah, when it's 110 degrees outside, I'm going to WISH for the cold days of Christmas, and everything the goes with it...
From there I started thinking about this Christmas. This could be our last Christmas as a family of three!! This could be the last Christmas where Faith will be the only kiddo with gifts under the tree. I could be PREGNANT by this Christmas!!! If we can get started in August/September, I could be almost THREE MONTHS ALONG this Christmas!! I would have a little bump by then!! I could be SHOWING in our Christmas pictures.
I can just see it now... A family picture of the three of us around our beautiful Christmas tree (adorned with the wonderful Christmas in July Fundraiser Ornaments), with a little belly bump showing and the whole family just glowing with happiness... Can you see it?
2012 is our year to have Faith the afternoon/evening of Christmas. Which means in 2013, she gets to wake up at our house. We could have a bigger family by then. And she'd get to wake up with her younger siblings at our house on their FIRST Christmas!!! <3
From there my thoughts go to my second favorite day... Black Friday. I go every year. I have ever since I was 12. I've never missed a year, including the year I was on crutches. One year I got bruised ribs (got rammed with a cart full of TVs, while I was waiting in line in front of my cart which was full of just about everything). Many years I've gotten bruises. Elbowed in the side/ribs/face/arms. Black Friday isn't for the weak...
I could be pregnant by Black Friday this year. I couldn't participate in that sort of CRAZINESS while pregnant!!! Not considering the injuries I've ALREADY suffered in the melee I love so much. I told Danny this. And he looked at me like I'd grown three heads.
"But you'll only be like... a month or two pregnant..." Well DUH!!! that's a scary time! I've decided that men just don't get it. That's still in the "not safe not safe not safe" time in the pregnancy when miscarriage rates are still so high. I won't risk it to save $5. I won't risk it to save $500. BUT, I will still go. I will just stay with the cart. I must go, you see, because I'm the planner. I've got the lists, I've got the stores plotted out, and I've got Danny and my family all posted up in the correct areas of the store to get us ALL everything that we're after. I can't give that up. It's not a control thing. Okay, maybe it is. But I spend well over a month planning this ONE DAY (which has become one NIGHT, Thanksgiving Thursday, don't get me started on THAT... ughh...) and I've never NOT gotten everything important on my list, or a rain check for it. We bust our rears to get everything that everyone in our group needs, even when we split the stores up. And I can't just say "sorry, can't do it." Okay, maybe I can. My family would understand, and they may try to force me to stay home and out of possible harm's way. BUT I will be staying by the cart, calling everyone and checking in constantly. Still in control, but far away from flying elbows and carts full of TVs.
Going backward from there my thoughts go to Halloween. This year is our year to have Faith that evening. We could be walking around the neighborhood collecting candy, and I could be PREGNANT!!! I could be carrying around a baby (or two?) at that time!! How CRAZY would that be? I wouldn't be showing of course. And I may not even KNOW if I'm pregnant at that time. But I could be. Amazing....
And then of course there's September... Danny's birthday is the 1st. Mine is the 30th. Could we possibly be DOING the IVF that month?! Or just the prep work for it? I could see Danny getting close to my stomach to give me a shot now...
"Happy Birthday babe... Now don't scream when I stab you with this disgustingly sharp needle this time!!" Ha. Ha. Ha. Yeah... I'm now to the point where I'm sort of freaking out about that whole thing...
I'm also to the point where I worry that it won't work. Or that I'll have a chemical pregnancy. Or that I'll miscarry. The facts are facts and they are SCARY. I try to forget them. I try to think positively. I have this whole time. I've always said "Oh yeah, I'm sure it'll only take one time... Yeah... Surely..." And now that the time is HERE. Now that it's so close to becoming a reality.... Well now is when I'm starting to think "What if it doesn't work?" I'm thinking all of these thoughts about when the due date would be depending on when we'd do the IVF, about being pregnant this year, about celebrating holidays with a baby bump.... And it might not end up like that. God may have other plans. And it scares me more than I can say... That just drives home the fact that we will need EVERY SINGLE prayer we can get. We need all the good vibes and sticky thoughts sent our way when we are going through one of the craziest/hardest months of our lives. We'll be counting on you guys! And I can't wait to share it ALL with you!!!
The Quartermania is our next BIG event. It's July 19 and we NEED TWENTY people to show up and sign in saying we invited you!! TWENTY!!! We will be selling hot dogs and chips and drinks as well!
AND... If I invited you and you RSVP to me or on facebook, and of course you show up, I will put your name in a drawing for A ROLL OF QUARTERS!!! If you bring someone who I DID NOT invite, then I will put your name in the drawing a SECOND time. If you bring TWO people who weren't invited by me, I will put your name in a total of THREE times. And so on!!/events/323181907770785/
We will be doing a raffle for donated items, and two of those items are our ORNAMENTS!!! If you can't make it to the quartermania or you want specific ornaments, you can see/order them here:!/events/391032197620614/
The Pampered Chef link will be up and posted soon!
AND we are collecting for the AUGUST GARAGE SALE!! Let me know if you've got stuff you'd like to donate! We made $878 from the last minute one. Let's make even more than that this time!!!
Now, an update as to where we are right now...
Last week we needed $2366 (after the Crawl match) to reach $10,000. We've gotten orders for ornaments that will give us profit of $259. Which means we need $2107!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!?! I just can't believe it!!!!! And we have ALL OF YOU to thank for it!! Thank you thank you, THANK YOU. We are ALMOST there. Help us reach our goal by our birthday month (September)!!! :)
Another way you can help us, and help ALL infertile couples... Is by signing this! Just fill out your information, and type in a quick little message to your representative about why you feel strongly about this bill (which gives a small tax credit for all the expenses paid for fertility treatment).
Today I'm going to post about holidays. If you're a planner, you'll understand this post. If you're not, you're probably going to think I've lost my mind. I assure you, I haven't. But these are the types of things that go through my mind DAILY, because I'm always planning planning planning. I don't like to be surprised and I'm not exactly one that just goes with the flow.
Having said that... The one thing in life I've always wanted to NOT plan is pregnancy. I wanted to be married to Danny of course. But other than that I just wanted it to happen. No trying. I wanted to just wake up one day and realize my cycle wasn't quite right, take a test, and then be able to surprise Danny with the amazingly wonderful news.
Well, that doesn't get to happen. I don't exactly get to SURPRISE Danny with the news that I'm pregnant when that time comes. Really we don't get to surprise ANYONE. Everyone is going to know what's going on, every step of the way. You all helped us get this far (and will be helping to get us to 10k), so you deserve to be in the know. I can't keep that from you. PLUS all the extra prayers and good vibes will be needed and appreciated. So, there's no surprise there...
I guess what the surprise will be for YOU all, is if there's just a singleton in there or twins. I suppose that's something we can keep from you and plan a surprising way to announce it. Hmm. Decision made!!!
The lack of surprise/announcement has been on my mind a lot. Among other things...
I recently read an article on Babble by PIWTPITT ( about Christmas pins starting to show up again on Pinterest. I had noticed this, yes. AND I was guilty of pinning a ridiculous amount of Christmas crafts and ideas... in July. I'm not ashamed. I would listen to Christmas music 365 days a year if I could get away with it. I would leave our Christmas tree up year-round if Danny wasn't whole-heartedly against it. I love EVERYTHING about Christmas. The smells. The decorations. The lights. The FEEL of Christmas. Everyone is in a giving mood. Everyone is caring. Christmas is the best day of the year! So yeah, when it's 110 degrees outside, I'm going to WISH for the cold days of Christmas, and everything the goes with it...
From there I started thinking about this Christmas. This could be our last Christmas as a family of three!! This could be the last Christmas where Faith will be the only kiddo with gifts under the tree. I could be PREGNANT by this Christmas!!! If we can get started in August/September, I could be almost THREE MONTHS ALONG this Christmas!! I would have a little bump by then!! I could be SHOWING in our Christmas pictures.
I can just see it now... A family picture of the three of us around our beautiful Christmas tree (adorned with the wonderful Christmas in July Fundraiser Ornaments), with a little belly bump showing and the whole family just glowing with happiness... Can you see it?
2012 is our year to have Faith the afternoon/evening of Christmas. Which means in 2013, she gets to wake up at our house. We could have a bigger family by then. And she'd get to wake up with her younger siblings at our house on their FIRST Christmas!!! <3
From there my thoughts go to my second favorite day... Black Friday. I go every year. I have ever since I was 12. I've never missed a year, including the year I was on crutches. One year I got bruised ribs (got rammed with a cart full of TVs, while I was waiting in line in front of my cart which was full of just about everything). Many years I've gotten bruises. Elbowed in the side/ribs/face/arms. Black Friday isn't for the weak...
I could be pregnant by Black Friday this year. I couldn't participate in that sort of CRAZINESS while pregnant!!! Not considering the injuries I've ALREADY suffered in the melee I love so much. I told Danny this. And he looked at me like I'd grown three heads.
"But you'll only be like... a month or two pregnant..." Well DUH!!! that's a scary time! I've decided that men just don't get it. That's still in the "not safe not safe not safe" time in the pregnancy when miscarriage rates are still so high. I won't risk it to save $5. I won't risk it to save $500. BUT, I will still go. I will just stay with the cart. I must go, you see, because I'm the planner. I've got the lists, I've got the stores plotted out, and I've got Danny and my family all posted up in the correct areas of the store to get us ALL everything that we're after. I can't give that up. It's not a control thing. Okay, maybe it is. But I spend well over a month planning this ONE DAY (which has become one NIGHT, Thanksgiving Thursday, don't get me started on THAT... ughh...) and I've never NOT gotten everything important on my list, or a rain check for it. We bust our rears to get everything that everyone in our group needs, even when we split the stores up. And I can't just say "sorry, can't do it." Okay, maybe I can. My family would understand, and they may try to force me to stay home and out of possible harm's way. BUT I will be staying by the cart, calling everyone and checking in constantly. Still in control, but far away from flying elbows and carts full of TVs.
Going backward from there my thoughts go to Halloween. This year is our year to have Faith that evening. We could be walking around the neighborhood collecting candy, and I could be PREGNANT!!! I could be carrying around a baby (or two?) at that time!! How CRAZY would that be? I wouldn't be showing of course. And I may not even KNOW if I'm pregnant at that time. But I could be. Amazing....
And then of course there's September... Danny's birthday is the 1st. Mine is the 30th. Could we possibly be DOING the IVF that month?! Or just the prep work for it? I could see Danny getting close to my stomach to give me a shot now...
"Happy Birthday babe... Now don't scream when I stab you with this disgustingly sharp needle this time!!" Ha. Ha. Ha. Yeah... I'm now to the point where I'm sort of freaking out about that whole thing...
I'm also to the point where I worry that it won't work. Or that I'll have a chemical pregnancy. Or that I'll miscarry. The facts are facts and they are SCARY. I try to forget them. I try to think positively. I have this whole time. I've always said "Oh yeah, I'm sure it'll only take one time... Yeah... Surely..." And now that the time is HERE. Now that it's so close to becoming a reality.... Well now is when I'm starting to think "What if it doesn't work?" I'm thinking all of these thoughts about when the due date would be depending on when we'd do the IVF, about being pregnant this year, about celebrating holidays with a baby bump.... And it might not end up like that. God may have other plans. And it scares me more than I can say... That just drives home the fact that we will need EVERY SINGLE prayer we can get. We need all the good vibes and sticky thoughts sent our way when we are going through one of the craziest/hardest months of our lives. We'll be counting on you guys! And I can't wait to share it ALL with you!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Happy Thursday!!! I hope everyone had a Happy 4th and everyone stayed safe!!!
A quick update...
I can't stress enough that we NEED TWENTY people to come to the Quartermania and sign in under my name!! That's the ONLY way we'll benefit from the paddles and the donated-item auction round. I've got 20 people on my list right now but I need more than that because things come up and people sometimes have to change their plans. I don't want that to happen to 5 people and then be 5 short!! Here is all the info here:
Come out, BRING FRIENDS, and win lots of stuff for just quarters!!!!!
Next up... We've got an Event page up for the Christmas in July ornament sale!! There are bigger pics there than what I posted here, so go check them out! You can order there or message me privately!!
The Pampered Chef link will be up soon!!
AND we are collecting for the August Garage Sale... It's going to be a BIG ONE so we're collecting starting NOW, and we want your stuff!! Message me if you've got stuff and we'll figure out how to get it where it needs to go! :)
We'd REALLY REALLY LOVE to reach our ultimate goal by our birthday month... September (Danny's birthday is 9/01, mine is 9/30)... So if you've got ideas for other fundraisers, I WANT TO HEAR THEM!!!! Or if you've been planning on helping but have been waiting until we are closer to our goal so you can push us over the top, well, get ready! We're ALMOST THERE!!!
I have so many different posts I want to write today, one is a continuation of our cancer journey, one is about holidays and one is about things you just shouldn't say to people...
It's Thursday so I won't continue with our journey today.... Holidays are always on my mind (I'm a planner!!)... So, what-not-to-say wins!!!
I know you all read my posts on WHAT NOT TO SAY to infertile people and people in general. If you didn't, you should go do that! Seriously! Many people commented with things they've been told and I added them to the list. Well, today's post is just another couple things I've heard since. At the garage sale fundraiser!!!
They say KIDS say the darndest things. Well, that's true of course. Faith is always blurting things out that make me laugh hysterically or duck my head in hopes that nobody heard and will look around for who said it... But after our experience at the Garage Sale fundraiser, I want to throw in there that sometime little-old-ladies (who I love and adore!) can say the darndest things! And some of it can be quite offensive!!
Danny and I showed up to the garage sale Friday basically on a high. We'd gotten great news from Crystal and Angelo about how much the sale had made the day before and there was no way anything could ruin our day!! Well, one little-old-lady (again, I love little-old-ladies!!!) tried to take that on as a challenge I think!
We walked up to the table and chairs where Crys and Ang were set up and we were chatting, when this lady walked up...
"I don't know who you all are doing this sale for so they can have a baby..." These wonderful friends are doing it for US...
I started to raise my hand in a wave and tell her it is us that it's benefiting, when she finished her sentence...
"But they're just better off without!!" WHAT?!?!?!
Cue in awkward giggles... I had to look away... WHO SAYS THAT?!?! Seriously??
The lady walked off, after paying for her purchase...
She then, of course, came back!
"I've got four kids of my own..." Blah blah blah. I can't listen to this lady any more. I bet she got pregnant as easy as pie... Actually, pies aren't easy... I bet she got pregnant easily though. Had four kids, raised them, and now she's like that?! Really?? Doesn't she love her grandkids if she has some? What an AWFUL thing to say... She's probably back tracking now, but I can't give her my attention. What she said was offensive...
I tuned out everything else that lady said. However, Danny had to deal with a similar (okay, maybe worse) situation the next day.
Crystal and I were inside working on cupcakes (I'm not going to lie, I was sitting there telling Crystal which frosting went on which cupcake, she was doing the work!), and Danny and Angelo were being amazing husbands and were working the sale. Danny had to leave to go to Faith's skating lesson and brought my purse in to me so I'd have it. I heard a lady telling him to come back out and talk to her because she had a story to tell. It made me giggle, thinking this little old lady was having a good time talking to my husband who was trying to leave to make it to the lesson on time. I didn't think another thing about it, or that lady, until later on when Danny and I were waiting for everyone to pick up their cupcakes from my mom's house.
"Did you hear what that lady said to me?" Huh?
"What lady? The one that had a story to tell you?"
"Yeah, that one..." Hahaha That adorable lady!
"Nope, what did she have to say?"
"Well, honestly, she really kind of made me mad." WHAT?!?!
"What did she say?"
"She said she was proud of us guys for working the sale or something, and then started asking about why IVF was needed. So I told her the sale was to benefit you and I, and I told her that I was a cancer survivor after being diagnosed right after the wedding and all that...." MMhhhmmmmm, okay...
"Right, okay..."
"And she seriously asked me, 'Well, after having cancer and all that, are you sure you should even HAVE kids????'" WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?!?! WHO SAYS THAT??
"You're kidding me... Why? Because you had cancer you shouldn't have kids? What kind of sense does that make??"
"I told her, I'm fine. I beat it. I'm healthy." Thank you Lord for that!
"Right... And?"
"And she said 'Well still, then you're sort of passing it down...'" OH NO SHE DID NOT.
"STOP RIGHT THERE. I don't want to hear anymore. Why do people think that cancer can be passed down like that? Yes cancer can run in families, but that's not a reason to NOT HAVE KIDS. Especially considering colon cancer is the ONE cancer that can actually be prevented."
"I know. And it's not like we haven't DEEPLY thought about this decision and made it TOGETHER. I mean, if we're to the point where we're raising thousands of dollars for IVF, there's no turning back now. There's no changing our minds. We've decided what we're going to do and we're doing it." Yes we are, and it's GOING to work... Please God let it work!
"Right. Exactly. Why SHOULDN'T we have kids together? Yes I'll be crazy about the kid or kids and make sure they do every sort of preventative when it comes to possible cancers, but I would do that ANYWAY. Because I'm a planner and a worrier!"
"It just made me mad. Like she was saying we shouldn't have kids. Like she was saying we were making the wrong decision." Ohhh THAT lady. Grrrrr.
So, my point.... If you don't agree with something like this that we're doing, by all means, you have a right to that opinion. But you don't HAVE to help us with our dreams. Nobody is forcing you. Please, be considerate of what you say and who you say it to. Telling a cancer survivor that they shouldn't have kids for ANY reason, heck telling ANYONE that, is wrong on so many levels...
And so ends my rant for today :)
A quick update...
I can't stress enough that we NEED TWENTY people to come to the Quartermania and sign in under my name!! That's the ONLY way we'll benefit from the paddles and the donated-item auction round. I've got 20 people on my list right now but I need more than that because things come up and people sometimes have to change their plans. I don't want that to happen to 5 people and then be 5 short!! Here is all the info here:
Come out, BRING FRIENDS, and win lots of stuff for just quarters!!!!!
Next up... We've got an Event page up for the Christmas in July ornament sale!! There are bigger pics there than what I posted here, so go check them out! You can order there or message me privately!!
The Pampered Chef link will be up soon!!
AND we are collecting for the August Garage Sale... It's going to be a BIG ONE so we're collecting starting NOW, and we want your stuff!! Message me if you've got stuff and we'll figure out how to get it where it needs to go! :)
We'd REALLY REALLY LOVE to reach our ultimate goal by our birthday month... September (Danny's birthday is 9/01, mine is 9/30)... So if you've got ideas for other fundraisers, I WANT TO HEAR THEM!!!! Or if you've been planning on helping but have been waiting until we are closer to our goal so you can push us over the top, well, get ready! We're ALMOST THERE!!!
I have so many different posts I want to write today, one is a continuation of our cancer journey, one is about holidays and one is about things you just shouldn't say to people...
It's Thursday so I won't continue with our journey today.... Holidays are always on my mind (I'm a planner!!)... So, what-not-to-say wins!!!
I know you all read my posts on WHAT NOT TO SAY to infertile people and people in general. If you didn't, you should go do that! Seriously! Many people commented with things they've been told and I added them to the list. Well, today's post is just another couple things I've heard since. At the garage sale fundraiser!!!
They say KIDS say the darndest things. Well, that's true of course. Faith is always blurting things out that make me laugh hysterically or duck my head in hopes that nobody heard and will look around for who said it... But after our experience at the Garage Sale fundraiser, I want to throw in there that sometime little-old-ladies (who I love and adore!) can say the darndest things! And some of it can be quite offensive!!
Danny and I showed up to the garage sale Friday basically on a high. We'd gotten great news from Crystal and Angelo about how much the sale had made the day before and there was no way anything could ruin our day!! Well, one little-old-lady (again, I love little-old-ladies!!!) tried to take that on as a challenge I think!
We walked up to the table and chairs where Crys and Ang were set up and we were chatting, when this lady walked up...
"I don't know who you all are doing this sale for so they can have a baby..." These wonderful friends are doing it for US...
I started to raise my hand in a wave and tell her it is us that it's benefiting, when she finished her sentence...
"But they're just better off without!!" WHAT?!?!?!
Cue in awkward giggles... I had to look away... WHO SAYS THAT?!?! Seriously??
The lady walked off, after paying for her purchase...
She then, of course, came back!
"I've got four kids of my own..." Blah blah blah. I can't listen to this lady any more. I bet she got pregnant as easy as pie... Actually, pies aren't easy... I bet she got pregnant easily though. Had four kids, raised them, and now she's like that?! Really?? Doesn't she love her grandkids if she has some? What an AWFUL thing to say... She's probably back tracking now, but I can't give her my attention. What she said was offensive...
I tuned out everything else that lady said. However, Danny had to deal with a similar (okay, maybe worse) situation the next day.
Crystal and I were inside working on cupcakes (I'm not going to lie, I was sitting there telling Crystal which frosting went on which cupcake, she was doing the work!), and Danny and Angelo were being amazing husbands and were working the sale. Danny had to leave to go to Faith's skating lesson and brought my purse in to me so I'd have it. I heard a lady telling him to come back out and talk to her because she had a story to tell. It made me giggle, thinking this little old lady was having a good time talking to my husband who was trying to leave to make it to the lesson on time. I didn't think another thing about it, or that lady, until later on when Danny and I were waiting for everyone to pick up their cupcakes from my mom's house.
"Did you hear what that lady said to me?" Huh?
"What lady? The one that had a story to tell you?"
"Yeah, that one..." Hahaha That adorable lady!
"Nope, what did she have to say?"
"Well, honestly, she really kind of made me mad." WHAT?!?!
"What did she say?"
"She said she was proud of us guys for working the sale or something, and then started asking about why IVF was needed. So I told her the sale was to benefit you and I, and I told her that I was a cancer survivor after being diagnosed right after the wedding and all that...." MMhhhmmmmm, okay...
"Right, okay..."
"And she seriously asked me, 'Well, after having cancer and all that, are you sure you should even HAVE kids????'" WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?!?! WHO SAYS THAT??
"You're kidding me... Why? Because you had cancer you shouldn't have kids? What kind of sense does that make??"
"I told her, I'm fine. I beat it. I'm healthy." Thank you Lord for that!
"Right... And?"
"And she said 'Well still, then you're sort of passing it down...'" OH NO SHE DID NOT.
"STOP RIGHT THERE. I don't want to hear anymore. Why do people think that cancer can be passed down like that? Yes cancer can run in families, but that's not a reason to NOT HAVE KIDS. Especially considering colon cancer is the ONE cancer that can actually be prevented."
"I know. And it's not like we haven't DEEPLY thought about this decision and made it TOGETHER. I mean, if we're to the point where we're raising thousands of dollars for IVF, there's no turning back now. There's no changing our minds. We've decided what we're going to do and we're doing it." Yes we are, and it's GOING to work... Please God let it work!
"Right. Exactly. Why SHOULDN'T we have kids together? Yes I'll be crazy about the kid or kids and make sure they do every sort of preventative when it comes to possible cancers, but I would do that ANYWAY. Because I'm a planner and a worrier!"
"It just made me mad. Like she was saying we shouldn't have kids. Like she was saying we were making the wrong decision." Ohhh THAT lady. Grrrrr.
So, my point.... If you don't agree with something like this that we're doing, by all means, you have a right to that opinion. But you don't HAVE to help us with our dreams. Nobody is forcing you. Please, be considerate of what you say and who you say it to. Telling a cancer survivor that they shouldn't have kids for ANY reason, heck telling ANYONE that, is wrong on so many levels...
And so ends my rant for today :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
It's a HAPPY HAPPY Monday today!!!
First, thank you Stacy and Lyndsey, and Laura for your donations last week!
If you're on our Facebook, you've already heard the news... If not... Well....
WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL for the Crawl to match!! Yep, they gave us just over two months to raise $2500, and we officially reached/surpassed that goal on Saturday... ONE MONTH EARLY!!!!!!
Now, for a run down of how we raised the last of the money towards that goal aside from the donations:
Cupcake profits totaled $245!!!
Garage sale totaled $878.54!!!!
Do you know what all this means?! Well, the wonderful folks at Crawl for Cancer will be matching the $2500 we raised, putting us at a GRAND TOTAL of $7633!!
Our ultimate goal that we need to reach before we can start IVF is $10,000 (and that's with us paying for the other 4-5k ourselves).
So, 10,000-7633=2367
I cannot explain how exciting that is!! We raised $2500 in just over a month. Could we MAYBE finish raising the last 2367 in another month?! What do you think?! I SURE HOPE SO!!!! That would mean we could start as early as mid-august, or September!!!
Our dreams, that we thought at one time had gone down the drain, are blossoming right now!!!
So... We are BOUND AND DETERMINED to make this happen as soon as possible!!! But of course, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!
If you've been planning on helping, now is the time!!
And we've got awesome fundraisers going on RIGHT NOW!!!!
It's time for the Christmas in July ornament sale!! Prices are:
Awareness Ribbon: $10--
Snowman: $8
Military Support: $8
Personalized 2-3 letters: $8
Personalized 1 letter: $5
Message me on facebook to order, or comment here... OR call me if you've got my number!
Not into ornaments? That's fine. We still have our PAMPERED CHEF fundraiser going!!! I will post the link asap, the old link no longer works!!
And if even THAT isn't your thing, and you're local... Well, then there is the QUARTERMANIA July 19!!! Here is the info:
In order to benefit from this qm, we need to get AT LEAST 20 people to attend!! When you sign in at the door, write down that we invited you!! Bring some friends and have a fun night out!!
And if you're new to Quartermanias, this is for you:
Bid on quality vendor items with one to four quarters, depending on the retail value. Once all bids are placed a randomly chosen number is called-if the person with that number placed a bid, he or she wins that item--number will continue to be drawn until there is a winner. Bids will be collected before each drawing.
Items will range from $10 to over $100 retail value
1 quarter bid=item value of $10 to $24
2 quarter bid=item value of $25 to $49
3 quarter bid=item value of $50 to $74
4 quarter bid=item value of $75 and up
Confirmed Vendors are:
Tastefully Simple
K&K Designs
Heersche Kisses
Pink Zebra
31 Gifts
Gold Canyon
Premier Designs
Celebrating Homes
More vendors will be added as they register!
Paddle costs are:
1 Paddle for $3
2 Paddles for $5
3 Paddles for $7
Doors open at 6:30, bidding starts at 7!!
First, thank you Stacy and Lyndsey, and Laura for your donations last week!
If you're on our Facebook, you've already heard the news... If not... Well....
WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL for the Crawl to match!! Yep, they gave us just over two months to raise $2500, and we officially reached/surpassed that goal on Saturday... ONE MONTH EARLY!!!!!!
Now, for a run down of how we raised the last of the money towards that goal aside from the donations:
Cupcake profits totaled $245!!!
Garage sale totaled $878.54!!!!
Do you know what all this means?! Well, the wonderful folks at Crawl for Cancer will be matching the $2500 we raised, putting us at a GRAND TOTAL of $7633!!
Our ultimate goal that we need to reach before we can start IVF is $10,000 (and that's with us paying for the other 4-5k ourselves).
So, 10,000-7633=2367
I cannot explain how exciting that is!! We raised $2500 in just over a month. Could we MAYBE finish raising the last 2367 in another month?! What do you think?! I SURE HOPE SO!!!! That would mean we could start as early as mid-august, or September!!!
Our dreams, that we thought at one time had gone down the drain, are blossoming right now!!!
So... We are BOUND AND DETERMINED to make this happen as soon as possible!!! But of course, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!
If you've been planning on helping, now is the time!!
And we've got awesome fundraisers going on RIGHT NOW!!!!
It's time for the Christmas in July ornament sale!! Prices are:
Awareness Ribbon: $10--
Ribbon colors are: Dark Blue-Colon Cancer; Pink/Blue-Infertility Awareness; Pink-Breast Cancer; Light blue- Prostate Cancer; Black-Melanoma; Gray-Brain Cancer; White-Lung Cancer; Maroon-Multiple Myeloma; Aqua-Ovarian & Kidney Cancers; Orange-Leukemia & Childhood Cancers; Purple-Pancreatic & General Cancers
Snowflakes: $8Snowman: $8
Military Support: $8
Personalized 2-3 letters: $8
Personalized 1 letter: $5
Message me on facebook to order, or comment here... OR call me if you've got my number!
Not into ornaments? That's fine. We still have our PAMPERED CHEF fundraiser going!!! I will post the link asap, the old link no longer works!!
And if even THAT isn't your thing, and you're local... Well, then there is the QUARTERMANIA July 19!!! Here is the info:
In order to benefit from this qm, we need to get AT LEAST 20 people to attend!! When you sign in at the door, write down that we invited you!! Bring some friends and have a fun night out!!
And if you're new to Quartermanias, this is for you:
Bid on quality vendor items with one to four quarters, depending on the retail value. Once all bids are placed a randomly chosen number is called-if the person with that number placed a bid, he or she wins that item--number will continue to be drawn until there is a winner. Bids will be collected before each drawing.
Items will range from $10 to over $100 retail value
1 quarter bid=item value of $10 to $24
2 quarter bid=item value of $25 to $49
3 quarter bid=item value of $50 to $74
4 quarter bid=item value of $75 and up
Confirmed Vendors are:
Tastefully Simple
K&K Designs
Heersche Kisses
Pink Zebra
31 Gifts
Gold Canyon
Premier Designs
Celebrating Homes
More vendors will be added as they register!
Paddle costs are:
1 Paddle for $3
2 Paddles for $5
3 Paddles for $7
Doors open at 6:30, bidding starts at 7!!
Did you notice I said that we HAVE to get twenty people to attend?! That's the ONLY WAY we will benefit from this event!!!
Twenty people need to come, sign in on the paper saying WE INVITED YOU... And then try to win some awesome items for just quarters!!!!!
HELP US REACH OUR ULTIMATE GOAL!!! We are so so close!!!!!!
Now for pics from the garage sale!!! Thank you again Crystal and Angelo for working so hard to make this happen for us!!!
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