Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So determined

Updates updates updates!!! :)
Our Scentsy fundraiser has had EIGHT orders so far! This is GREAT! Thanks to everyone who has ordered!
I've been trying to find a Donation Tracker to add to the blog that isn't completely tied into our PayPal, so that way I can edit it when we get money from fundraisers. I had found a couple of options, but I'm still working on that.
We have a tentative date for the game night/poker night. And, it won't be at night :) It willl be in the afternoon. We are looking into a couple of local REC Centers and once a date is set and a place is booked, I will let you all know! If anyone would like to donate items for a raffle/silent auction, let me know! Comment here or message us on Facebook!
The Mary Kay fundraiser will most likely be some time in March. My friend that is in charge of it recently moved and I don't want her rushing around trying to put it together. Besides, March is Colon Cancer Awareness month, so it works out perfectly that most of our fundraisers will be in effect that month!
I've contemplated selling Colon Cancer/Infertility awareness shirts and profits would go to our fund, but I'm not sure if you all know this... I'm not creative! lol! So until I can figure out a design or a catchy phrase, that plan won't be put into action.
I also talked to Nell last night. She is talking to some hair dresser friends so she can get more people together to cut some hair! The Cut-A-Thon will be on a Sunday, but the date isn't decided quite yet. I will update once that's all figured out. She plans on telling someone at KFDI about the fundraiser so it will help spread the word! :)
I am in the process of looking for a place to hold a QuarterMania that will benefit our fund. I go to most QM's in Haysville and there's usually a good turn out at them, so that's where I'm thinking it should be. But the different places I've been able to find rental info on are too small... So, I'm still searching!
I'm also looking for a place to hold the Zumba fundraiser when my cousin comes to town.

I think that's all the updates I have as of right now. If I forgot anything, I will include it tomorrow!

.........On with our story..............
Danny's first night home was full of worry. What if i nudged him in my sleep and pulled on his JP drain? What if the incision that he busted open gets infected? What is causing this nausea all of a sudden? 
The dogs that were staying at our friends' house were still there. But Kira was home and she was BEYOND excited to see Danny. She was hopping around and howling (the way huskies do!) and made it KNOWN that she was a happy dog again. She also didn't get close to Danny without being gentle and careful. It's amazing how dogs know things.... She stayed by his side no matter what.
Danny decided to wrap the drain to his side, so he could sleep in our bed normally and we wouldn't have to worry about it. He also figured out a way to keep the bulb of the drain in his pajama pants pocket when he wasn't in bed. Such a problem solver!!
I had to go back to work the next morning. I was anxious about how he was doing at home alone but didn't want to call or text him in case he was sleeping. I went home on lunch (one of the joys or working so close to home was being able to get to and from work in just a few minutes) and brought him some mashed potatoes. He was still nauseous and had called the doctor about it. He called out a new medicine to the pharmacy so I also went and got that.
The week seemed to drag on. I hated going in to work and leaving him, even though he was fine (and said so, repeatedly!). My oldest brother came over and mowed our front lawn which was starting to resemble a jungle! Our friends also brought Pixie and Zeus home. I had missed them SO much, but they sent pics often, which helped a lot! They were just as excited to be home as I was to have them home. These are very hyper, happy dogs. I was a little worried about how they'd act when they ran inside and seen Danny. They aren't jumpers so I wasn't concerned that they would jump on him and hurt him, but their tails can be downright dangerous when they are excited! They ran in the house, and sniffed. Got closer to Danny and sniffed some more. They calmed down immediately (that had never happened before!) and went over to Danny to get some attention and give it. Have I mentioned how AMAZING it is that dogs just know things sometimes?!  Danny calls them MY dogs, but he was just as happy to see them as they were to see him.
Faith stayed mostly with Wendy, because the time she would spend with her Daddy during the week wouldn't have been fun for her. However, her T-Ball season was coming to an end. She had just started that summer and had already improved so much! Her last game was that week and Danny said he would be there, no matter what! He is such an amazing father and wasn't going to disappoint his little girl.
The day of her game he still wasn't feeling all that well. The weather was miserably hot but he wasn't going to stay home. I was worried. He still had all of those staples in, still had the drain in. He could walk but got tired easily, and I was fearing the worst!
We pulled into the ball diamonds and Danny looked so proud. He was going to watch his little girl play her last t-ball game of the season! Despite feeling like crap, he was there! He would cheer her on and be there for her, and that's what being a dad is all about!
"Are you sure you're ready for this? It's HOT and there's no shade over there..."
"I will be fine. We are here, I'm not leaving until her game is over." So determined. I love this man...
We walked up to the field Faith would be playing on. Slowly. Very slowly.
"Do you want to stop and rest?"
"No, I don't need to." He's sweating as much as I am out here only he's also in a ton of pain from his incisions and is PROBABLY still nauseous and he wasn't NEED to stop and rest??!?!! Men!
Finally, we made it to the field Faith was on, and sat on the bench. Faith ran over to say hi to her daddy. The look on their faces was worth it all in my book, and I knew it was worth it to Danny. He would go through anything for Faith. It's one of the many qualities I fell in love with...
"Ohhh I see, you can come to the t-ball game but you can't come in to work. I see how it is..." OH NO HE DIDN'T....
Danny's boss (at the time) was there. His daughter played on Faith's t-ball team. I don't like two-faced people, so I REALLY disliked this man. If you're reading this and know who I'm talking about, I'm sorry if that offends you. But I will be honest about the people mentioned in this blog and everything that happened...
"Yeah, well the doctor said I can't work, so I'm not going to..." Danny was keeping his cool despite basically melting in the sun, being in pain, and dealing with this guy.  Danny was keeping his cool but that didn't mean I had to and I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
"Sitting on a bench watching a t-ball game is nothing like working with sheet metal and building up ductwork and all that..." That was as nice as I could be but still make my point...
"Mmmhmm... Just giving you a hard time." I hate when people are serious but try to play it off like they're joking. It's quite easy to read people, especially people like this guy...
"Well, how's golf? I see you've got quite the tan line from your golf shoes..." My laugh was genuine, I really thought it was funny that he found enough time to go play golf but thought he should say ANYTHING to Danny about missing work. Especially considering it was the doctor's decision, and Danny had never missed a single day before all of this.
"Ahhh, it's okay. Haven't had much time for the course lately..." Riiiight. That tan line begs to differ.
"Mmmm, that stinks."
His wife came over... SHE is super sweet and is really a good person.
"Hey Daniel, I heard all about your surgery and everything. Are you alright? I can't believe you're here, you've got to be miserable in this heat!"
"Yeah, it's not comfortable, but I wouldn't miss this last game... I still have all of these staples so that doesn't help."
"Oh I really can't believe you're here like that!! How many staples did they have to use?"
They talked quite a bit about the surgery and treatments. She cared and you could see it.
"I've been trying to get this guy in for a colonoscopy. He doesn't want to though. How old are you?"
"I'm 36... I really think everyone should get checked out as early as their doctor will agree to it, and especially if they have any symptoms." If only that first doctor had agreed to a colonoscopy... ugh!!!
They talked for a while and then the game started. Faith did GREAT, and then after the game all the girls ran all the bases. Faith ran them twice. She was so proud of herself for improving so much and for playing the whole season. Danny was practically beaming!
It felt like things were getting back to normal. Danny was still slow moving and wasn't feeling great, but we were out and about. He was happy, I was happy and Faith was happy. It's easy to stay positive when you're surrounded with so much happiness!!! I was ready to conquer the world, or at least help Danny conquer the chemo...

That's it for today. It's a shorter post than normal but that's because things slowed down during that week. Tomorrow I will write about Danny's follow up doctors appointments and the first time infertility was ever brought up...
Please read, follow, and SHARE!! Thanks everyone!!


  1. How long is the Scentsy fundraiser going to be going on?

  2. I'm not sure, and since I'm just now seeing this comment (I'm slacking today, I'm sorry!) it's too late to ask Tonya. I will ask her in the morning and comment here and post about it in tomorrow's post! :)

  3. Ok I talked to Tonya. The Scnetsy fundraiser will be open as long as we need it to be. Since it's online orders, we don't need to "close" the party to get the items shipped out. So we will just keep it open as long as we want. Which will be a while because I know a lot of people have told me that they want to order but can't for a couple weeks, and I want to make sure that everyone that WANTS to order, can :)

  4. Well just to let anyone know about ship times on the scentsy, I ordered Monday night and got mine already today!! I think I'll order more :)

  5. I love the title of this one ..so determined ... Im just catching up on your past few blogs right now since Im home sick and not in the mood to write anything myself xoxo
