So much news today! We still are at the same number that we were on Tuesday in regards to our goal for the Crawl folks to meet, but there is SO much going on!
Here is a new link to the Scentsy fundraiser... And also the link to Velata, which is CHOCOLATE FONDUE!! Who doesn't like chocolate?! Order now!! And I mean NOW!!!
Why buy now? Because for every order placed TODAY, Tonya will MATCH our percentage. So, if your order would give us $20, SHE will match that with $20 of her own. THEN the money will go into our account on June 10th, meaning that $40 will be DOUBLED BY THE CRAWL FOR CANCER!! So, our percentage from today's sale will technically QUADRUPLE!!! What an amazing excuse to place that order you've been thinking about lately! Get on it! :)
In other news, we are still a "go" for the garage sale fundraiser in August.... BUT we plan on having one in just a few short weeks, to help us meet our Crawl goal! If you want to help us out, bring over a box or a few boxes full of stuff you don't want or need anymore. We will sell it for you and the profits will go to our IVF fund!!! Let me know if you need the address to drop your stuff off at!!
I think that's all I've got for today fundraiser wise...
Tomorrow is the first day of June. I can't believe it! June is an AMAZING month for us.
June 1: Faith's birthday (she'll be 8 this year. She was 2 when I met Danny, can't believe how much she's grown!)
June 13: Our anniversary (Three years this year, WOW)
Danny was technically cancer free after his colon resection surgery, so....
June 24: Danny's Cancer Free Anniversary (will be three years!)
With so many wonderful days in June, it's easy to NOT get down about things. I could easily throw a pity party on June 18, remembering the day we found out Danny had a tumor. Or June 19, remembering the day Dr Hyder confirmed. Or on June 24, remembering the day of his surgery. Instead, we will CELEBRATE the 24th, because that's the day he officially became cancer free. Every event after that was to ensure many more years together. Yes chemo and radiation were hell on Danny, but they both did their job. And that's largely in part to the amazing surgeon who made sure to remove every bit of the cancer.
So, on the 24th I'll be more thankful than ever for Dr H, Dr J, Dr G, all their nurses, their schedulers, the nurses in the chemo area at the Cancer Center, and EVERYONE that helped us through those times and are helping us through THESE times.
Looking back on this time in our lives three years ago, I remember the stress I felt trying to get last minute things done for our wedding. We planned for a year and a half. I had everything planned down to the MINUTE. Every second of music was well thought out and talked over with Danny. The centerpieces and wall decor were drawn up and experimented with for months. We planned the PERFECT wedding. And it didn't matter how much planning I did. Or how well thought out every second was. There were still hiccups. I will list just a FEW for you:
The candles that surrounded the stage in the chapel melted (even though they were "dripless") and since the a/c was blaring, the wax went EVERYWHERE.
My underskirt wasn't tied high enough on my waste so it hung down about 4 inches too far, so I tripped on it every step I took while walking down the aisle... My dad grabbed it and held it for me while he walked me to my future husband.
Our pastor forgot that we needed to say OUR VOWS. He was about to pronounce us husband and wife when I reminded him, and he quickly corrected himself. It was hilarious.
No matter how much planning I did, life took over. Things happened. Did it ruin our day? NOT. AT. ALL. Our day was perfect despite the hiccups. Why was it perfect? Because I married the love of my life. I married my best friend. I married into his family, accepted by them all. I vowed to love his daughter as my own. It didn't matter what we did, what we wore, what music was on... what mattered was we were married.
Did I have my life planned out? Yep! We had so many plans. One of those plans was to enjoy the married life for about 6 months before trying to have a baby. And when I say "trying" I mean we wanted to not PREVENT but not plan plan plan. I never wanted to be that person that calculated the days and times and checked temperatures and all that. Deep down to my core, I am a planner. I plan everything. I didn't want to plan a baby. I wanted it to just happen. Danny said he was ready whenever I was. So 6 months after the wedding sounded about right.
It wasn't even six DAYS after the wedding that we got the shock of our lives, and every plan FLEW out the window. Including the plan to not "plan" our future babies. Suddenly every day was a precious gift that wasn't guaranteed. And suddenly the only plan we had was to keep Danny alive. To do whatever we had to do. And we did.
Three years later, we are still baby-less. But, we are alive. We are happy. And thanks to all of YOU, we are well on our way to planning the IVF
Thank you to all of you for encouraging me to keep blogging, for helping us out with fundraisers, for donating your money to us in a time when the entire world seems to be in a money-funk. We really can't say Thank You enough!!
Striving to raise Colon Cancer Awareness (at any age!), and Infertility Awareness. Follow along on our journeys... From original colon cancer diagnosis just five days after our wedding, to fundraising for IVF. We were successful on our first IVF transfer. And just two months after welcoming our miracle baby into this world, we got the devastating news that we were in for another fight for my husband's life.
Our Wedding Day

On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Updates on our funds and on our journey!
After a long, WONDERFUL weekend, it's back to normal today. Back to work, and back to BLOGGING!!!
Did you see the post with the latest BIG BIG NEWS?!?! No? Better look at my last post! In case you don't know how to see my last post, here's a link :)
One current fundraiser which doesn't seem to be getting any attention at all is the Thirty-One Gifts fundraiser... Every dollar we make off of this fundraiser will be matched by the Crawl for Cancer. So, GET ON IT! :) (then click on Show Now!)
The Scentsy fundraiser is still going, I will get a new link for that up shortly. AND I will be adding a link along with it, for the online (and I WILL be having an actual party locally at the end of June) party for Velata... Which is like Scentsy, only CHOCOLATE instead of scents. You CANNOT go wrong there!! And again, every dollar raised will be matched by the Crawl!!!
There will be a Christmas in July fundraiser in July, where we will be selling (and shipping) personalized ornaments! Prices and pictures coming soon!
I will be doing 4th of July cupcakes!! And notice I said "I." My wonderful friend, supporter, and cupcake baker is moving :( So, it's up to me... and whoever wants to help ;) to bake and decorate! I will start taking orders in the next couple of weeks!!
And in case you haven't clicked on the link I posted taking you to my last post, and haven't caught on by my casually mentioning the big news in the other fundraiser updates.... .... ..... Crawl for Cancer has offered to match EVERY DOLLAR WE RAISE from now through the end of July, up to $2500!!! SUCH exciting news, I still can't believe it...
Now, it's been ALMOST one week since making the big announcement, and donations have been pouring in! Here is an update as to where we are with our funds:
Before last Wednesday (after a donation and getting the dollar amount for the cookie fundraiser) we were at $2500. Which is GREAT considering I started this blog in January!!!
Wednesday we made the announcement and began accepting donations towards the $2500 goal we have set for the Crawl to match.
By Saturday afternoon (after donations from some family and friends) we had $250 towards our goal. I couldn't believe it!
By yesterday evening (after more donations from family and friends, and the funds received from the last cupcake fundraiser) we were (and are currently) at..... drum roll please...... $1181!!! We are ALMOST halfway to our goal for the Crawl! I CANNOT believe it! I just can't!! We have two ENTIRE MONTHS to raise the remaining $1319!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!
So, if we raise the last $1319, we will have $5000 total! Then the Crawl will match the last $2500, with $2500 of their own. And we will be at $7500!!! That will put us within $2500 of our BIG goal of $10k!!!
That's all the updates I have right now. So, a quick update as to where we are at right now (aside from fundraisers) in our journey to IVF!
I don't want you all to think that once we get 10k, that we'll immediately be doing the IVF. The IVF will cost just over 14000 for one cycle, or we can get a multi-cycle rate of just over 18k (plus meds). We are going back and forth between which option we should go with. And, it will take us a bit to come up with the rest of that money! But, we will get there eventually, and having the first $10k raised with the help of so many amazing people will be BEYOND amazing!!!
Right now we have begun the first steps towards IVF.
The fertility clinic has to have updated PAP results, so that step was all me. I am a very big "do as I say, not as I do" person. And, sadly, I hadn't had a pap in over two years. Not good not good, I know this. But, since we haven't needed birth control in years, it hasn't been on my mind. So, two weeks ago I took the step and made the appointment, expecting a 1-2 month wait for the appointment as usual. Nope, they got me in the very next day. Ohh joy! I got the results in the mail a few days later and everything is all good!
What is one step that adult women take when planning to try to have a baby? They start taking pre natal vitamins. Ideally, you should have the vitamins in your system for 3 months before conception. That's no different if you're going to conceive with help. So, I started doing research on prenatals.
First, let me say, I cannot swallow pills. I just can't. Anything bigger than Tylenol and it just won't go down. I can't help it. Insane gag reflex. Big pills don't work for me.
And those gummy pre-natals stink like FISH. Ohhh it's awful. I couldn't even try to taste one, because the smell was THAT BAD. That was a waste of $10!!
Since I was at the doctor anyway, I asked her if she could recommend a chewable. She wrote me a prescription... And holy geez, THEY TASTE LIKE CHALK. They're absolutely awful. And gritty. And gross. But, they're what I'm taking. They don't have DHA in them, so once we have a positive pregnancy test, I will switch to the nasty smelling gummies I guess, since they have DHA. These chalk pills, I mean chewables, have folic acid. And that's what I'm focused on before conception. So every night I take one, and gag because of the taste. Gotta do what you gotta do though, right?! Ahhh.
The next step will be making an appointment with our fertility clinic for the FSH level tests and all that. Before I do that, we've got to decide if we want to apply for the ATTAIN program... So that's where we are. What to do what to do??
Our option are ONE try for $14000, or multiple tries (through Attain) for just over 18k, plus meds.
There's only a 50% chance of it working. And if it doesn't, or I miscarry a few weeks later, we are out that $14000 and will have to start over on raising the money for another try.
Through Attain we will get up to four tries (two fresh IVF cycles, and two frozen embryo transfers if there are eggs left to freeze after the fresh cycles). If one try doesn't work (OR if I miscarry), we get to try again. We will have to cover the meds for each cycle.
If it works on the first try after paying out the extra money for the Attain program guarantee? Then we've got one EXPENSIVE baby(ies). If it doesn't work or I miscarry, knowing I can try again (up to three times) is really priceless...
BUT that's so much more money... And we just don't have that sitting in our account. So it'll be quite a while before we can come up with that extra money. Where as if we're just going for a single try at just over 14k, we could easily get a signature loan to cover what we don't have.
There's our dilemma. That's where we are. It's stressful and worrisome and scary. But, we're here. And to even HAVE these options is amazing. We really wouldn't if it wasn't for all of you! Every dollar gets us closer and closer and we have YOU all to thank for it. So, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Did you see the post with the latest BIG BIG NEWS?!?! No? Better look at my last post! In case you don't know how to see my last post, here's a link :)
One current fundraiser which doesn't seem to be getting any attention at all is the Thirty-One Gifts fundraiser... Every dollar we make off of this fundraiser will be matched by the Crawl for Cancer. So, GET ON IT! :) (then click on Show Now!)
The Scentsy fundraiser is still going, I will get a new link for that up shortly. AND I will be adding a link along with it, for the online (and I WILL be having an actual party locally at the end of June) party for Velata... Which is like Scentsy, only CHOCOLATE instead of scents. You CANNOT go wrong there!! And again, every dollar raised will be matched by the Crawl!!!
There will be a Christmas in July fundraiser in July, where we will be selling (and shipping) personalized ornaments! Prices and pictures coming soon!
I will be doing 4th of July cupcakes!! And notice I said "I." My wonderful friend, supporter, and cupcake baker is moving :( So, it's up to me... and whoever wants to help ;) to bake and decorate! I will start taking orders in the next couple of weeks!!
And in case you haven't clicked on the link I posted taking you to my last post, and haven't caught on by my casually mentioning the big news in the other fundraiser updates.... .... ..... Crawl for Cancer has offered to match EVERY DOLLAR WE RAISE from now through the end of July, up to $2500!!! SUCH exciting news, I still can't believe it...
Now, it's been ALMOST one week since making the big announcement, and donations have been pouring in! Here is an update as to where we are with our funds:
Before last Wednesday (after a donation and getting the dollar amount for the cookie fundraiser) we were at $2500. Which is GREAT considering I started this blog in January!!!
Wednesday we made the announcement and began accepting donations towards the $2500 goal we have set for the Crawl to match.
By Saturday afternoon (after donations from some family and friends) we had $250 towards our goal. I couldn't believe it!
By yesterday evening (after more donations from family and friends, and the funds received from the last cupcake fundraiser) we were (and are currently) at..... drum roll please...... $1181!!! We are ALMOST halfway to our goal for the Crawl! I CANNOT believe it! I just can't!! We have two ENTIRE MONTHS to raise the remaining $1319!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!
So, if we raise the last $1319, we will have $5000 total! Then the Crawl will match the last $2500, with $2500 of their own. And we will be at $7500!!! That will put us within $2500 of our BIG goal of $10k!!!
That's all the updates I have right now. So, a quick update as to where we are at right now (aside from fundraisers) in our journey to IVF!
I don't want you all to think that once we get 10k, that we'll immediately be doing the IVF. The IVF will cost just over 14000 for one cycle, or we can get a multi-cycle rate of just over 18k (plus meds). We are going back and forth between which option we should go with. And, it will take us a bit to come up with the rest of that money! But, we will get there eventually, and having the first $10k raised with the help of so many amazing people will be BEYOND amazing!!!
Right now we have begun the first steps towards IVF.
The fertility clinic has to have updated PAP results, so that step was all me. I am a very big "do as I say, not as I do" person. And, sadly, I hadn't had a pap in over two years. Not good not good, I know this. But, since we haven't needed birth control in years, it hasn't been on my mind. So, two weeks ago I took the step and made the appointment, expecting a 1-2 month wait for the appointment as usual. Nope, they got me in the very next day. Ohh joy! I got the results in the mail a few days later and everything is all good!
What is one step that adult women take when planning to try to have a baby? They start taking pre natal vitamins. Ideally, you should have the vitamins in your system for 3 months before conception. That's no different if you're going to conceive with help. So, I started doing research on prenatals.
First, let me say, I cannot swallow pills. I just can't. Anything bigger than Tylenol and it just won't go down. I can't help it. Insane gag reflex. Big pills don't work for me.
And those gummy pre-natals stink like FISH. Ohhh it's awful. I couldn't even try to taste one, because the smell was THAT BAD. That was a waste of $10!!
Since I was at the doctor anyway, I asked her if she could recommend a chewable. She wrote me a prescription... And holy geez, THEY TASTE LIKE CHALK. They're absolutely awful. And gritty. And gross. But, they're what I'm taking. They don't have DHA in them, so once we have a positive pregnancy test, I will switch to the nasty smelling gummies I guess, since they have DHA. These chalk pills, I mean chewables, have folic acid. And that's what I'm focused on before conception. So every night I take one, and gag because of the taste. Gotta do what you gotta do though, right?! Ahhh.
The next step will be making an appointment with our fertility clinic for the FSH level tests and all that. Before I do that, we've got to decide if we want to apply for the ATTAIN program... So that's where we are. What to do what to do??
Our option are ONE try for $14000, or multiple tries (through Attain) for just over 18k, plus meds.
There's only a 50% chance of it working. And if it doesn't, or I miscarry a few weeks later, we are out that $14000 and will have to start over on raising the money for another try.
Through Attain we will get up to four tries (two fresh IVF cycles, and two frozen embryo transfers if there are eggs left to freeze after the fresh cycles). If one try doesn't work (OR if I miscarry), we get to try again. We will have to cover the meds for each cycle.
If it works on the first try after paying out the extra money for the Attain program guarantee? Then we've got one EXPENSIVE baby(ies). If it doesn't work or I miscarry, knowing I can try again (up to three times) is really priceless...
BUT that's so much more money... And we just don't have that sitting in our account. So it'll be quite a while before we can come up with that extra money. Where as if we're just going for a single try at just over 14k, we could easily get a signature loan to cover what we don't have.
There's our dilemma. That's where we are. It's stressful and worrisome and scary. But, we're here. And to even HAVE these options is amazing. We really wouldn't if it wasn't for all of you! Every dollar gets us closer and closer and we have YOU all to thank for it. So, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
BIG NEWS and stories from others
It's been a while since I posted... I took last week off because I was busy looking up every option for IVF financing. Sadly the research didn't exactly come up with awesome results... But it's okay! I've got some big news to share in a few.... BIG BIG NEWS!!!!! But on to fundraiser updates!
The Thirty-One Gift fundraiser is happening RIGHT NOW. I highly recommend you go check it out, they've got some AMAZING things!! (then click on Show Now!)
There's a fundraiser set for July as of right now... Christmas in July ornaments!! They're going to be AMAZING!! I will post pics and prices very soon!!!
Now... EVERYONE who has had ideas about fundraisers for us but have been waiting or just haven't brought it to our attention... LET'S DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! Why?? Well.... on to the BIG BIG NEWS!!!!
The group Crawl For Cancer has been interested in helping us for a while. They wanted to wait until May, when they had funds available. And then they needed to figure out exactly how they could help us. Last night they decided....
From TODAY THROUGH JULY, for EVERY DOLLAR we raise, they will MATCH IT!!! Up to $2500!!!!!!!!! I will be honest, I was expecting them to offer us maybe a couple hundred dollars. For them to offer up to $2500 was shocking and amazing and wonderful and touching and I could go on and on!!!
So.... It's taken us five months to raise about $2500 so far. We need to do it AGAIN, in JUST TWO MONTHS. Can we do it?!!?! If we do, we will have raised $7500!!! We will ALMOST be at our goal!! I've been brain storming since last night. We obviously need EVERY ONE'S help though! Any idea is greatly appreciated!!!!
I think that's all the updates I have for you all right now... On to my post for the day!!
Today I'm getting away from our story yet again. I felt inspiration from you readers, so today my post is about YOU! Well, not ALL of you.
Since starting this blog, I've gotten many messages from people who have felt inspired by my blog. People who know/love someone with colon cancer or who passed away from colon cancer. People who have been through or are going through infertility and treatment. And one person who has been following our blog from the start, and has now experienced a tremendous loss. These people love our blog and it's reactions like these that just send home the fact that what I'm doing is right.
So today, I'm sharing the story of others. I'm leaving out names, because I know not everyone wants their business thrown out on the internet, and I understand that completely!
After just a couple of blog posts, I got messages from two different people who have been touched in some way by colon cancer.
One person lost her uncle to colon cancer just shortly before I started my blog. Reading our blog helped her, because we have a happy ending. Although her uncle didn't, she was inspired. I hope she is spreading the word with others about colon cancer awareness!!!
Another person shared her story with me... Her loved one passed away from colon cancer as well. She wasn't around during the treatments, and was sort of shut out of it all. She is still hurting from his passing, and my prayers are with her. She is spreading the word about colon cancer, and I see the blue ribbon on her facebook often, LOVE THAT!!!
We have been open about our infertility for quite a while now, although I only started this blog in January. I had friends also suffering from infertility push me towards starting the fundraising, and they've helped us out SO much. I know one in particular isn't public about her struggles and treatment, and she's helped me realize that just because WE are open about our issue, not everyone going through this type of situation is. And I understand it. I'm not sure how I'd handle our infertility if it wasn't caused by the colon cancer. Would I share our story? Would I reach out and ask for help from others? I really do not know...
Another friend came forward with her infertility struggles after I made our blog. The biggest shock to me? She's younger than me. I know I've fessed up to you all about how I used to think, but it's still so hard for me to know people YOUNGER than me who ALSO have been struggling with infertility. She has met with doctors and they are well on their way to a pregnancy I hope!!
Another friend read my blog, and told me about her IVF experience. Unfortunately, she never made it to an egg retrieval/embryo transfer. They eventually found so much scar tissue from endo (that she didn't even know she had) that she had to have a full hysterectomy. Her story scared me and broke my heart at the same time. This is a woman that deserves to be a mom and went through IVF cycles to make it happen and not only did they not get to finish those cycles, she also had to have a huge surgery that has changed her life. She's still making decisions about their future, and I hope she realizes how often I think about her and praying for her!
And... speaking of endo....
When I made my post about how I used to feel, I mentioned endometriosis. I got multiple messages from people who shared with me that they have endo as well, and how scary it is to think that it could effect fertility. It IS scary, and I hope everyone who messaged me about their endo
Now.... to one of the most touching stories I've heard since starting this blog...
Really, I can't even put it into words. So, I will just copy and paste her message to me. So you hear/read her words exactly. And so you can see how inspiring she is!!!
Hi Destiny,
I've been keeping up with your story ever since you started blogging. I was good friends with Mandi in elementary school and heard about your story via faceboook from her. I've been praying for you guys and your future. Having a child with the person you love is the most fulfilling feeling in the world.
I wanted to make a contribution to your fund in memory of my daughter, Lillian. My husband and I got pregnant with our first child last August. My due date was May 16 but unfortunately we lost her when I was 8 months pregnant due to a cord accident. We were devastated by the news but find comfort knowing she's in heaven waiting for us :)
One day I was feeling sorry for myself and thinking about how we have to wait a whole year before we can even try again (I had to have a c-section since she was breech and there are major risks if you don't wait and let your body heal) and I stopped myself. I can have a baby again, I just have to be patient. There are people out there who have to work really hard to even get pregnant. Some who don't know if children are in their future. I can't imagine the struggles you both have been through and you still have strength and hope to get you through. It's very inspiring. So, long story short, I want Lillian's memory to live on and even help another baby into this world.... Thank you for sharing your story and being an inspiration.
God Bless!
Well, Jordan, THANK YOU for sharing your story and being an inspiration! Thank you for allowing me to share your story. And, also, thank you for your donation :) The card made me cry just like your message did, and the donation is sitting safely in the savings account!
If you've ever gone through any of the things I've mentioned here today, and want to talk to others who have gone through the same things, let me know. I can get you in touch with these other wonderful ladies!!
And as always, if you want to share your story with me... Feel free! :)
Thanks everyone for reading, following and sharing our story with others!!! Please continue to read and share! :)
The Thirty-One Gift fundraiser is happening RIGHT NOW. I highly recommend you go check it out, they've got some AMAZING things!! (then click on Show Now!)
There's a fundraiser set for July as of right now... Christmas in July ornaments!! They're going to be AMAZING!! I will post pics and prices very soon!!!
Now... EVERYONE who has had ideas about fundraisers for us but have been waiting or just haven't brought it to our attention... LET'S DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! Why?? Well.... on to the BIG BIG NEWS!!!!
The group Crawl For Cancer has been interested in helping us for a while. They wanted to wait until May, when they had funds available. And then they needed to figure out exactly how they could help us. Last night they decided....
From TODAY THROUGH JULY, for EVERY DOLLAR we raise, they will MATCH IT!!! Up to $2500!!!!!!!!! I will be honest, I was expecting them to offer us maybe a couple hundred dollars. For them to offer up to $2500 was shocking and amazing and wonderful and touching and I could go on and on!!!
So.... It's taken us five months to raise about $2500 so far. We need to do it AGAIN, in JUST TWO MONTHS. Can we do it?!!?! If we do, we will have raised $7500!!! We will ALMOST be at our goal!! I've been brain storming since last night. We obviously need EVERY ONE'S help though! Any idea is greatly appreciated!!!!
I think that's all the updates I have for you all right now... On to my post for the day!!
Today I'm getting away from our story yet again. I felt inspiration from you readers, so today my post is about YOU! Well, not ALL of you.
Since starting this blog, I've gotten many messages from people who have felt inspired by my blog. People who know/love someone with colon cancer or who passed away from colon cancer. People who have been through or are going through infertility and treatment. And one person who has been following our blog from the start, and has now experienced a tremendous loss. These people love our blog and it's reactions like these that just send home the fact that what I'm doing is right.
So today, I'm sharing the story of others. I'm leaving out names, because I know not everyone wants their business thrown out on the internet, and I understand that completely!
After just a couple of blog posts, I got messages from two different people who have been touched in some way by colon cancer.
One person lost her uncle to colon cancer just shortly before I started my blog. Reading our blog helped her, because we have a happy ending. Although her uncle didn't, she was inspired. I hope she is spreading the word with others about colon cancer awareness!!!
Another person shared her story with me... Her loved one passed away from colon cancer as well. She wasn't around during the treatments, and was sort of shut out of it all. She is still hurting from his passing, and my prayers are with her. She is spreading the word about colon cancer, and I see the blue ribbon on her facebook often, LOVE THAT!!!
We have been open about our infertility for quite a while now, although I only started this blog in January. I had friends also suffering from infertility push me towards starting the fundraising, and they've helped us out SO much. I know one in particular isn't public about her struggles and treatment, and she's helped me realize that just because WE are open about our issue, not everyone going through this type of situation is. And I understand it. I'm not sure how I'd handle our infertility if it wasn't caused by the colon cancer. Would I share our story? Would I reach out and ask for help from others? I really do not know...
Another friend came forward with her infertility struggles after I made our blog. The biggest shock to me? She's younger than me. I know I've fessed up to you all about how I used to think, but it's still so hard for me to know people YOUNGER than me who ALSO have been struggling with infertility. She has met with doctors and they are well on their way to a pregnancy I hope!!
Another friend read my blog, and told me about her IVF experience. Unfortunately, she never made it to an egg retrieval/embryo transfer. They eventually found so much scar tissue from endo (that she didn't even know she had) that she had to have a full hysterectomy. Her story scared me and broke my heart at the same time. This is a woman that deserves to be a mom and went through IVF cycles to make it happen and not only did they not get to finish those cycles, she also had to have a huge surgery that has changed her life. She's still making decisions about their future, and I hope she realizes how often I think about her and praying for her!
And... speaking of endo....
When I made my post about how I used to feel, I mentioned endometriosis. I got multiple messages from people who shared with me that they have endo as well, and how scary it is to think that it could effect fertility. It IS scary, and I hope everyone who messaged me about their endo
Now.... to one of the most touching stories I've heard since starting this blog...
Really, I can't even put it into words. So, I will just copy and paste her message to me. So you hear/read her words exactly. And so you can see how inspiring she is!!!
Hi Destiny,
I've been keeping up with your story ever since you started blogging. I was good friends with Mandi in elementary school and heard about your story via faceboook from her. I've been praying for you guys and your future. Having a child with the person you love is the most fulfilling feeling in the world.
I wanted to make a contribution to your fund in memory of my daughter, Lillian. My husband and I got pregnant with our first child last August. My due date was May 16 but unfortunately we lost her when I was 8 months pregnant due to a cord accident. We were devastated by the news but find comfort knowing she's in heaven waiting for us :)
One day I was feeling sorry for myself and thinking about how we have to wait a whole year before we can even try again (I had to have a c-section since she was breech and there are major risks if you don't wait and let your body heal) and I stopped myself. I can have a baby again, I just have to be patient. There are people out there who have to work really hard to even get pregnant. Some who don't know if children are in their future. I can't imagine the struggles you both have been through and you still have strength and hope to get you through. It's very inspiring. So, long story short, I want Lillian's memory to live on and even help another baby into this world.... Thank you for sharing your story and being an inspiration.
God Bless!
Well, Jordan, THANK YOU for sharing your story and being an inspiration! Thank you for allowing me to share your story. And, also, thank you for your donation :) The card made me cry just like your message did, and the donation is sitting safely in the savings account!
If you've ever gone through any of the things I've mentioned here today, and want to talk to others who have gone through the same things, let me know. I can get you in touch with these other wonderful ladies!!
And as always, if you want to share your story with me... Feel free! :)
Thanks everyone for reading, following and sharing our story with others!!! Please continue to read and share! :)
Friday, May 11, 2012
Mother's Day Special!!!!
I wrote a blog yesterday, but didn't get it finished so I didn't post it. I will be posting it next week, because I got some different inspiration for a post today...
Quick fundraiser update... Don't forget about the Thirty-One Gifts fundraiser!! They have some awesome stuff! Go check it out! Then click on "Shop Now"
I also need your help everyone!! I want to start an Etsy store.... I don't think I'm particularly crafty, but I know someone with a Cricut machine who can make iron on transfers that way so maybe I could make onesies with cute sayings, names, etc. And kids shirts. Etc.
Do any of you have any ideas on EASY crafts I could do myself and sell online? Do any of you have experience with this that could give me tips?
I'm asking because we are wanting to really raise the rest of the funds fast. Why? Because I was thinking (I'm a big planner and this was all in my head) that we would try to do IVF this time next year. Well, last night I finally realized I hadn't filled in my dear husband on this plan. I was in for quite a shock when he said he'd really prefer EARLIER than this time next year. Most guys put off kids and all that, and I was expecting him to be completely okay with waiting until next year. But. He wants to do it asap. I'm down for that. So. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!!! I am seriously considering trying to get some financing from SOMEWHERE although I think it would be hard to get such a huge loan even from the fertility loan places like Springstone. They can't repo a baby, so you've really got to have fabulous credit from what I understand. So, we're desperately trying to find options now...
And... We've decided where we'll go. OU med center, in OKC. Everything is just RIGHT there. And I've always been a big Sooner fan, thanks to my grandpa!! <3
So... any ideas, etc, are more than appreciated!!! Comment, message me on facebook, whatever is easiest for you. Help me brainstorm! :)
On to my post for the day
Have you all noticed that this year there isn't just Mother's Day? It's Mother's WEEK. Or so say the people on the radio, the signs in the store, etc.
I think Mother's Day is hard on step moms out there... it's hard on infertile women out there... And it's ESPECIALLY hard on infertile step moms!!! So again, getting his double time by it. And now that it's not just a day, but a whole week dedicated to motherhood, well, it's just hard.
So, today, I'm going to tell you all how I cope with Mother's Day. My ways may not be for everyone, and I get that. Everyone is different. But they work for me. And maybe you'll know someone in my position or a similar one, and you can help them out with some of these tips!
1. Be thankful for YOUR OWN mother, mother-in-law, grandmas, and grandma-in-laws.
The women in our lives play such a huge role in our upbringing, and I am SO BEYOND thankful for all the women who had a hand in raising me. And I also include aunts in this category. I'm blessed with some amazing aunts (the two aunts that I spent a ton of time with growing up are Carla and Deldee, I have so many wonderful fond memories of days/weekends at their houses; and my aunt Debbie has been so supportive of us over the past few years and so knowledgeable and just so GREAT, she's helped me to be strong). My in-laws are absolutely wonderful and have been welcoming to me from the start. They are nowhere NEAR those awful in-laws that some people have! I'm so thankful for them! So, on Mother's Day, I will concentrate on all the good they've brought into my life.
2. Don't focus on the fact that you're not a "real mother."
Okay, there, I said it. Do I think I'm a real mother? YES. Do others? Probably not. Over the weekend my wonderful, loving, sweet step daughter asked "What would you want for Mother's Day if you were a real mom?" Insert knife and twist why don't ya? My response (although I felt like crying) was simple. "Faith, do you remember a time in your life that I wasn't around?" No. "Do you think I've had a huge hand in raising you and helping you become who you are today?" Well yes. "Okay, then. I'm a real mom. I have done my job and will continue to do it. Your mom deserves much much more credit than I do, she brought you into this world and is an amazing mom. But don't think that I haven't had a big hand in this too and that I am any less of a mom to you than I will be to any kids that come from my body."
I would never try to assume that I deserve just as much recognition on Mother's Day as Faith's mom. That's just crazy. BUT I have busted my rear for her, and I do deserve something. And I'm FINE with admitting that. Faith did not come from my womb. But she is mine. She isn't a child of my blood, but she's a child of my heart. And that's what matters, TO ME. So, I'm a real mom. And if you don't agree, well, please keep that opinion to yourself ;)
3. Pay attention to your pets. You're their fur-momma.
I know some people (usually fertile people or animal-haters!) just cannot BELIEVE that some of us think of our animals like they're our kids. Well, whatever. No I don't treat my animals like I would a human child. But my love for them is more than some people have for their human kids, so again I say WHATEVER. And I know that my animals being in MY home with ME as their caretaker is the best place that my animals could be. Nobody could love them like I do (quirks and all... and those of you who know our pets know that I'm basically referring to our devil-cat Simi and the big ol' 90+ pound WUSS Zeus lol). I'm a momma to them, and I know they appreciate it... Even the cats! ;)
4. Focus on all the kids in your life.
I know I mentioned in number 1 that all the women in my life have had an impact on my life. Well, it's time pay that forward with all the kids in my life! I have amazing nieces and nephews on my side and Danny's. I want them all to love me and care for me the way I do MY aunts. I want them to look back on happy memories they created with me. I want them to know they can lean on me when times get tough. I hope what I'm doing now has that result, and I will continue to work harder and harder at that. I love them all so much!
5. Accept all forms of "Happy Mother's Day" calls/texts/cards/etc
I started dating Danny in 06. Mother's Day in 07 wasn't a big deal. Mother's Day 08 I started getting texts on Mother's Day morning telling me Happy Mother's Day. ME? What?! And then I realized... yeah... I do deserve some recognition. We were engaged, we'd been together for almost 2 years, and it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere. Faith's love for me and mine for her had grown beyond belief. Yes. I earned it. To this day, I've still gotten calls, cards, texts, etc telling me Happy Mother's Day. Some people tell me Happy Fur-Momma's Day, which makes me smile. Some people tell me Happy Step-Mother's Day which makes my heart swell. I accept any sort of Mother's Day call/text/card and they all make me feel good, because I KNOW I deserve them, too!
That's about all I've got off the top of my head... If you have any other tips for getting through Mother's Day that you think others should know, leave me a comment or message me. I'll gladly add it to my list and quote you! :)
Now a special message to those of you who have had miscarriages (of any kind, chemical pregnancies, missed miscarriage)... You deserve to hear Happy Mother's Day too! So, to you, I say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! You may not have your child here with you today, but you carried that baby in you for a day, multiple days, weeks, some of you for months. YOU ARE A MOM. You earned that title, just like your babies earned their wings. You will see your babies again some day. <3
And Happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms, Step-Moms, Fur-Moms, Mothers-in-law, Grandmas, Grandmas-in-law, Aunts... ANY WOMAN who has a hand in raising a child(ren). Happy Mother's Day to ALL OF YOU!!!
Thanks for reading everyone!!!!
Quick fundraiser update... Don't forget about the Thirty-One Gifts fundraiser!! They have some awesome stuff! Go check it out! Then click on "Shop Now"
I also need your help everyone!! I want to start an Etsy store.... I don't think I'm particularly crafty, but I know someone with a Cricut machine who can make iron on transfers that way so maybe I could make onesies with cute sayings, names, etc. And kids shirts. Etc.
Do any of you have any ideas on EASY crafts I could do myself and sell online? Do any of you have experience with this that could give me tips?
I'm asking because we are wanting to really raise the rest of the funds fast. Why? Because I was thinking (I'm a big planner and this was all in my head) that we would try to do IVF this time next year. Well, last night I finally realized I hadn't filled in my dear husband on this plan. I was in for quite a shock when he said he'd really prefer EARLIER than this time next year. Most guys put off kids and all that, and I was expecting him to be completely okay with waiting until next year. But. He wants to do it asap. I'm down for that. So. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!!! I am seriously considering trying to get some financing from SOMEWHERE although I think it would be hard to get such a huge loan even from the fertility loan places like Springstone. They can't repo a baby, so you've really got to have fabulous credit from what I understand. So, we're desperately trying to find options now...
And... We've decided where we'll go. OU med center, in OKC. Everything is just RIGHT there. And I've always been a big Sooner fan, thanks to my grandpa!! <3
So... any ideas, etc, are more than appreciated!!! Comment, message me on facebook, whatever is easiest for you. Help me brainstorm! :)
On to my post for the day
Have you all noticed that this year there isn't just Mother's Day? It's Mother's WEEK. Or so say the people on the radio, the signs in the store, etc.
I think Mother's Day is hard on step moms out there... it's hard on infertile women out there... And it's ESPECIALLY hard on infertile step moms!!! So again, getting his double time by it. And now that it's not just a day, but a whole week dedicated to motherhood, well, it's just hard.
So, today, I'm going to tell you all how I cope with Mother's Day. My ways may not be for everyone, and I get that. Everyone is different. But they work for me. And maybe you'll know someone in my position or a similar one, and you can help them out with some of these tips!
1. Be thankful for YOUR OWN mother, mother-in-law, grandmas, and grandma-in-laws.
The women in our lives play such a huge role in our upbringing, and I am SO BEYOND thankful for all the women who had a hand in raising me. And I also include aunts in this category. I'm blessed with some amazing aunts (the two aunts that I spent a ton of time with growing up are Carla and Deldee, I have so many wonderful fond memories of days/weekends at their houses; and my aunt Debbie has been so supportive of us over the past few years and so knowledgeable and just so GREAT, she's helped me to be strong). My in-laws are absolutely wonderful and have been welcoming to me from the start. They are nowhere NEAR those awful in-laws that some people have! I'm so thankful for them! So, on Mother's Day, I will concentrate on all the good they've brought into my life.
2. Don't focus on the fact that you're not a "real mother."
Okay, there, I said it. Do I think I'm a real mother? YES. Do others? Probably not. Over the weekend my wonderful, loving, sweet step daughter asked "What would you want for Mother's Day if you were a real mom?" Insert knife and twist why don't ya? My response (although I felt like crying) was simple. "Faith, do you remember a time in your life that I wasn't around?" No. "Do you think I've had a huge hand in raising you and helping you become who you are today?" Well yes. "Okay, then. I'm a real mom. I have done my job and will continue to do it. Your mom deserves much much more credit than I do, she brought you into this world and is an amazing mom. But don't think that I haven't had a big hand in this too and that I am any less of a mom to you than I will be to any kids that come from my body."
I would never try to assume that I deserve just as much recognition on Mother's Day as Faith's mom. That's just crazy. BUT I have busted my rear for her, and I do deserve something. And I'm FINE with admitting that. Faith did not come from my womb. But she is mine. She isn't a child of my blood, but she's a child of my heart. And that's what matters, TO ME. So, I'm a real mom. And if you don't agree, well, please keep that opinion to yourself ;)
3. Pay attention to your pets. You're their fur-momma.
I know some people (usually fertile people or animal-haters!) just cannot BELIEVE that some of us think of our animals like they're our kids. Well, whatever. No I don't treat my animals like I would a human child. But my love for them is more than some people have for their human kids, so again I say WHATEVER. And I know that my animals being in MY home with ME as their caretaker is the best place that my animals could be. Nobody could love them like I do (quirks and all... and those of you who know our pets know that I'm basically referring to our devil-cat Simi and the big ol' 90+ pound WUSS Zeus lol). I'm a momma to them, and I know they appreciate it... Even the cats! ;)
4. Focus on all the kids in your life.
I know I mentioned in number 1 that all the women in my life have had an impact on my life. Well, it's time pay that forward with all the kids in my life! I have amazing nieces and nephews on my side and Danny's. I want them all to love me and care for me the way I do MY aunts. I want them to look back on happy memories they created with me. I want them to know they can lean on me when times get tough. I hope what I'm doing now has that result, and I will continue to work harder and harder at that. I love them all so much!
5. Accept all forms of "Happy Mother's Day" calls/texts/cards/etc
I started dating Danny in 06. Mother's Day in 07 wasn't a big deal. Mother's Day 08 I started getting texts on Mother's Day morning telling me Happy Mother's Day. ME? What?! And then I realized... yeah... I do deserve some recognition. We were engaged, we'd been together for almost 2 years, and it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere. Faith's love for me and mine for her had grown beyond belief. Yes. I earned it. To this day, I've still gotten calls, cards, texts, etc telling me Happy Mother's Day. Some people tell me Happy Fur-Momma's Day, which makes me smile. Some people tell me Happy Step-Mother's Day which makes my heart swell. I accept any sort of Mother's Day call/text/card and they all make me feel good, because I KNOW I deserve them, too!
That's about all I've got off the top of my head... If you have any other tips for getting through Mother's Day that you think others should know, leave me a comment or message me. I'll gladly add it to my list and quote you! :)
Now a special message to those of you who have had miscarriages (of any kind, chemical pregnancies, missed miscarriage)... You deserve to hear Happy Mother's Day too! So, to you, I say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! You may not have your child here with you today, but you carried that baby in you for a day, multiple days, weeks, some of you for months. YOU ARE A MOM. You earned that title, just like your babies earned their wings. You will see your babies again some day. <3
And Happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms, Step-Moms, Fur-Moms, Mothers-in-law, Grandmas, Grandmas-in-law, Aunts... ANY WOMAN who has a hand in raising a child(ren). Happy Mother's Day to ALL OF YOU!!!
Thanks for reading everyone!!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I hate sarcasm
It's May... I'm not sure if you all noticed that or not... And that means that sometime this month I will have some (hopefully) really awesome news to share with you all!! I can't wait! It's going to be a great post, just wait for it!!
The cookie fundraiser is about to come to a close.... Have you placed your order yet? If not, you need to! You don't want to miss out on these cookies!! Remember, we are shipping to anywhere in the US this time! Next time we are going to try to spread it out a little wider! :) (order here!)
The Thirty-One Gifts fundraiser is open and in full swing!! They have great products and the personalization is just awesome! I've handed out a few catalogs already. Let me know if you want one, too. I can get one to you. OR you can go here : and click on "Shop Now" Easy peasy!!!
We got our Cherry Berry fundraiser Money order!!! $78.51!!! I was pleasantly surprised! I'm not sure if you've heard (read) me mention before, but EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS! Heck, EVERY PENNY. :)
I think I may have mentioned before, but I'm not positive, so... The Mary Kay fundraiser earned us $125!!! Another number I was pleasantly surprised by!! It ended up being smaller than Mandi wanted, but the proceeds ended up being a great number in my opinion! :)
I think that's all I've got for now.... Pretty sure.... Yeah.... So, on with our story! It's been a while!!!!
So, it was officially November. I was kitten-less, but Danny's kitten was being extra lovey to me (NOTE: That ended a short time later, and even to this day she doesn't like me like she does Danny... the brat!). I was turning down people left and right who had kittens or knew someone with kittens, a new kitten was the last thing I wanted....
Danny was feeling like complete CRUD. His sinus infection just wouldn't go away. I felt like an awful wife because I couldn't make him better. He felt awful because he couldn't snap his fingers and bring my kitten back to life.
Life was just kind of sad for us. But do you know who WASN'T sad???
Faith. Faith knew Dahlia was in heaven. And she knew that her Daddy was just a little sick and would be fine. And she knew that Christmas was coming up. So who did I depend on to cheer me up? Faith of course!!
She and I would spend hours looking online for what she wanted to put on her Christmas list. She would sit on my lap while we'd look through the leaked Black Friday ads. THAT put me in a good mood.
Danny's next chemo was scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving, but they wanted to be sure his sinus infection was gone, as it was messing with his cell counts. He wasn't feeling much better, and was dreading having cold intolerance on Thanksgiving and Black Friday.
"Maybe you should see if they can just do it the next week..."
"But then it throws it off for the rest of the year. Unless they'll do two weeks in a row?" Oh dear, not two weeks in a row!!
"No. I don't think they'll do two in a row. That would seriously mess you up!"
"I will just deal with it." Ahhhh, this is really not cool.
"I think you should call them. See what they say about it. It's just one week. And you don't have that many left this round anyway."
The next day he picked me up from work.
"I called Dr Johnson's nurse." And?
"And she is sending a new schedule. She said a lot of people ask to change things up the week of the holidays, so it'll be super busy the week before and the week after any big holiday, but as long as I was willing to wait a little longer, it was fine." YEA YEA YEA!!!
"Oh good!!! You know what that means?!"
"It means I'll be able to drink a cold drink with my turkey dinner." Well, duh!
"And go with you shopping that Friday." YES!! Wait, did he say that in a pouty voice?
"YES! Aren't you excited?!"
"Oh the joy." I hate sarcasm...
So that's where we were. Now you're back into the swing of things with our story. And now I'll get back to posting about our story for at least a couple weeks, before getting distracted by other things to blog about ;) Thanks for reading!! Remember to share share share!!
The cookie fundraiser is about to come to a close.... Have you placed your order yet? If not, you need to! You don't want to miss out on these cookies!! Remember, we are shipping to anywhere in the US this time! Next time we are going to try to spread it out a little wider! :) (order here!)
The Thirty-One Gifts fundraiser is open and in full swing!! They have great products and the personalization is just awesome! I've handed out a few catalogs already. Let me know if you want one, too. I can get one to you. OR you can go here : and click on "Shop Now" Easy peasy!!!
We got our Cherry Berry fundraiser Money order!!! $78.51!!! I was pleasantly surprised! I'm not sure if you've heard (read) me mention before, but EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS! Heck, EVERY PENNY. :)
I think I may have mentioned before, but I'm not positive, so... The Mary Kay fundraiser earned us $125!!! Another number I was pleasantly surprised by!! It ended up being smaller than Mandi wanted, but the proceeds ended up being a great number in my opinion! :)
I think that's all I've got for now.... Pretty sure.... Yeah.... So, on with our story! It's been a while!!!!
So, it was officially November. I was kitten-less, but Danny's kitten was being extra lovey to me (NOTE: That ended a short time later, and even to this day she doesn't like me like she does Danny... the brat!). I was turning down people left and right who had kittens or knew someone with kittens, a new kitten was the last thing I wanted....
Danny was feeling like complete CRUD. His sinus infection just wouldn't go away. I felt like an awful wife because I couldn't make him better. He felt awful because he couldn't snap his fingers and bring my kitten back to life.
Life was just kind of sad for us. But do you know who WASN'T sad???
Faith. Faith knew Dahlia was in heaven. And she knew that her Daddy was just a little sick and would be fine. And she knew that Christmas was coming up. So who did I depend on to cheer me up? Faith of course!!
She and I would spend hours looking online for what she wanted to put on her Christmas list. She would sit on my lap while we'd look through the leaked Black Friday ads. THAT put me in a good mood.
Danny's next chemo was scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving, but they wanted to be sure his sinus infection was gone, as it was messing with his cell counts. He wasn't feeling much better, and was dreading having cold intolerance on Thanksgiving and Black Friday.
"Maybe you should see if they can just do it the next week..."
"But then it throws it off for the rest of the year. Unless they'll do two weeks in a row?" Oh dear, not two weeks in a row!!
"No. I don't think they'll do two in a row. That would seriously mess you up!"
"I will just deal with it." Ahhhh, this is really not cool.
"I think you should call them. See what they say about it. It's just one week. And you don't have that many left this round anyway."
The next day he picked me up from work.
"I called Dr Johnson's nurse." And?
"And she is sending a new schedule. She said a lot of people ask to change things up the week of the holidays, so it'll be super busy the week before and the week after any big holiday, but as long as I was willing to wait a little longer, it was fine." YEA YEA YEA!!!
"Oh good!!! You know what that means?!"
"It means I'll be able to drink a cold drink with my turkey dinner." Well, duh!
"And go with you shopping that Friday." YES!! Wait, did he say that in a pouty voice?
"YES! Aren't you excited?!"
"Oh the joy." I hate sarcasm...
So that's where we were. Now you're back into the swing of things with our story. And now I'll get back to posting about our story for at least a couple weeks, before getting distracted by other things to blog about ;) Thanks for reading!! Remember to share share share!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Sample IVF Calendar
Two blog posts in a row, GO ME!!! I feel like I'm on a roll with things to talk about, regarding our future, which is part of our story. I sit around and do a ton of research all the time and I feel like I should share it with you all.
Thirty-One Gifts!!!!
You can go to that link and then click on "Place an order" and you'll see our name on the Event list there. Then you can just click on "Shop now" and browse the products and place your order!
Anyone who has shopped with Thirty-One before knows there's always a special going on. This month is no different. If you spend $31, you can get the All-In-One Organizer for just $5!! Personalization can be done on that for just another $7!
If you'd like to see a catalog in person, let me know. They are on their way to me, and I can get one to you and help you figure out what can/can't be personalized.
This event will CLOSE ON MAY 29th, because that's when the monthly special ends and the party needs to close. No matter when you order this month, it will all ship once the event is closed.
Don't forget that the Scentsy fundraiser is ongoing!!
The cookie sale will end soon!!! Get your orders in NOW if you want in on it!! And, you should. Those cookies are AMAZING!!!!
I think that's about all I've got for now. So, on to today's blog post.........
So, what will your days be like once you start the actual IVF process???
I have been asked this many times, and wondered it myself more often than you can imagine. Which resulted in many Google searches, forum searches, fertility clinic website reading, etc etc etc.
The following is a sample IVF calendar (from - a great source for all things IVF related!). This isn't exact for everyone. Some people need longer stimulation, etc. Everyone is different. But here is an idea....
So, you see things listed here like Lupron, FSH, HCG, progesterone. Wanna know what that all is?????
Picture is from another blog:
Yeah, so you see all that?? Most of those are SHOTS. Ahhhhh, I'm not going to lie, it totally makes me just about hyperventilate just looking at the pictures that pop up when I google "IVF meds."
Some women are put on birth control pills before starting injections. I could handle that. A small pill everyday, sure. Fine. That's just dandy. Shots everyday, MULTIPLE shots everyday.... Ohhhhh ahhhhhh!!! It will all be worth it in the end, this I know. But the journey getting there, is really rather scary!!
Thank God for Danny who has said he is so willing to stab me with needles whenever necessary... He had an evil grin on his face when he said this... I think I SHOULD be scared!! ;-)
So those meds (or meds similar, everyone is different!) will be injected and I will get my blood taken and have sonograms and so on and so forth. And the month that we do this is going to be ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I figure if my actual IVF calendar is like the sample above, I could even just drive down to the clinic that's two hours away in the morning and make it back around lunch. I would barely miss work. And Danny and I could both take off the days of the egg retrieval and embryo transfer (and stay down there at least the night of the ET). That way I'm still home in our house every night, we won't miss out on time with Faith, and I won't have to use up vacation time so early!
Of course, this is all just HOPING. I'm a planner. I plan EVERYTHING. And yes, I'm planning in advance for this "hopefully someday" event. It's what I do. My calendar may be much different than this. I may HAVE to stay down there for two weeks for daily testing. From what I've read (everywhere) it's really a day by day thing. I can plan all I want but that doesn't mean anything will go as I planned. We shall see!! I can't wait!!!
That's all I've got for today! Remember to SHARE SHARE SHARE!!! Thanks for reading!!!!
Thirty-One Gifts!!!!
You can go to that link and then click on "Place an order" and you'll see our name on the Event list there. Then you can just click on "Shop now" and browse the products and place your order!
Anyone who has shopped with Thirty-One before knows there's always a special going on. This month is no different. If you spend $31, you can get the All-In-One Organizer for just $5!! Personalization can be done on that for just another $7!
If you'd like to see a catalog in person, let me know. They are on their way to me, and I can get one to you and help you figure out what can/can't be personalized.
This event will CLOSE ON MAY 29th, because that's when the monthly special ends and the party needs to close. No matter when you order this month, it will all ship once the event is closed.
Don't forget that the Scentsy fundraiser is ongoing!!
The cookie sale will end soon!!! Get your orders in NOW if you want in on it!! And, you should. Those cookies are AMAZING!!!!
I think that's about all I've got for now. So, on to today's blog post.........
So, what will your days be like once you start the actual IVF process???
I have been asked this many times, and wondered it myself more often than you can imagine. Which resulted in many Google searches, forum searches, fertility clinic website reading, etc etc etc.
The following is a sample IVF calendar (from - a great source for all things IVF related!). This isn't exact for everyone. Some people need longer stimulation, etc. Everyone is different. But here is an idea....
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 Start Lupron Menstrual cycle day 21 | 2 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 22 | 3 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 23 | 4 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 24 | 5 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 25 | 6 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 26 | 7 Lupron Menstrual cycle day 27 |
8 Lupron Menstrual period starts | 9 Lupron Start FSH injections Blood and ultrasound | 10 Lupron FSH | 11 Lupron FSH | 12 Lupron FSH Blood and ultrasound | 13 Lupron FSH | 14 Lupron FSH Blood and ultrasound |
Day 1 of stimulation | Day 2 of stimulation | Day 3 of stimulation | Day 4 of stimulation | Day 5 of stimulation | Day 6 of stimulation | |
15 Lupron FSH | 16 Lupron FSH Blood and ultrasound HCG injection | 17 | 18 | 19 Start daily progesterone shots or vaginal cream | 20 | 21 Embryo Transfer Procedure (day 3 transfer) |
Day 7 of stimulation | Day 8 of stimulation | |||||
22 | 23 Embryo Transfer Procedure (day 5 transfer, blastocyst transfer) | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 | 1 Blood for pregnancy test | 2 |
So, you see things listed here like Lupron, FSH, HCG, progesterone. Wanna know what that all is?????
Picture is from another blog:
Yeah, so you see all that?? Most of those are SHOTS. Ahhhhh, I'm not going to lie, it totally makes me just about hyperventilate just looking at the pictures that pop up when I google "IVF meds."
Some women are put on birth control pills before starting injections. I could handle that. A small pill everyday, sure. Fine. That's just dandy. Shots everyday, MULTIPLE shots everyday.... Ohhhhh ahhhhhh!!! It will all be worth it in the end, this I know. But the journey getting there, is really rather scary!!
Thank God for Danny who has said he is so willing to stab me with needles whenever necessary... He had an evil grin on his face when he said this... I think I SHOULD be scared!! ;-)
So those meds (or meds similar, everyone is different!) will be injected and I will get my blood taken and have sonograms and so on and so forth. And the month that we do this is going to be ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I figure if my actual IVF calendar is like the sample above, I could even just drive down to the clinic that's two hours away in the morning and make it back around lunch. I would barely miss work. And Danny and I could both take off the days of the egg retrieval and embryo transfer (and stay down there at least the night of the ET). That way I'm still home in our house every night, we won't miss out on time with Faith, and I won't have to use up vacation time so early!
Of course, this is all just HOPING. I'm a planner. I plan EVERYTHING. And yes, I'm planning in advance for this "hopefully someday" event. It's what I do. My calendar may be much different than this. I may HAVE to stay down there for two weeks for daily testing. From what I've read (everywhere) it's really a day by day thing. I can plan all I want but that doesn't mean anything will go as I planned. We shall see!! I can't wait!!!
That's all I've got for today! Remember to SHARE SHARE SHARE!!! Thanks for reading!!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Money money MONEY
Happy May Day!!!!
I have been seriously slacking with updating our funds raised thermometer on the right. I have the number (before adding in the St Patrick's day cupcake event, the Mary Kay event, the Cherry Berry event, and the latest Scentsy payments... simply because I don't have those checks/money yet. I have estimates and numbers, but until that money is in our account, it's not going on the thermometer), I just need to update it!!!!
So, on to other fundraiser updates....
Have you placed your cookie order yet? We (meaning Mandi) have enough supplies to make 7 more orders of ribbons and 8 more orders of crabs. I want to get these sold so there are NO leftover supplies!! Come on people!!! You can order here:!/events/388112987876732/
And your order will be shipped anywhere in the US!!!
There will be a 31 Gifts fundraiser this month!! I'm super excited about it, as I LOVE Thirty-One!!! I will post all those details as soon as I have them for sure!
I also heard from Janet, the massage therapist that worked so hard for us at the Cut-A-Thon. She wants to do a massage fundraiser for us, along with the person she works with. I, obviously, am super dee duper excited about this!! I will give more details on it as soon as I can.
And the last update of the evening.... Everyone loves garage sales right? Have stuff to get rid of? If you'd like to donate some stuff for us to sell, let me know! You can get rid of it NOW if you'd like, as our amazing friends have offered up their garage as storage until the garage sale in August. :) Let us know and I can give you the details!!!
That's all I've got for today.....
I know I said I'd get back to our story this week, and I will. But today's post will be about the cost of IVF. Going over all the fundraiser info, I figured you'd all be interested in it. And, also, you should all know where your money is going! Remember, we're not spending your precious dollars (and yes, each dollar is precious and so very important to us!) on Red Lobster and date nights! It's all sitting in savings, waiting to be used!
Each clinic that I've looked into has given price lists with a break down on each fee. And that, in conjunction with success rates, has really impacted our decision. There were other factors, too. But those two were the front runners in my mind. Last week I showed you the success rates of the clinics we are considering. Today I will show you the price break down of them both. This is part of our story. This is just the present part, instead of the past. :)
So. First I will give you the price list of the clinic that is very close to us (I wish it was local, but it's two hours away. That's close enough!).
IVF Single Cycle Package Price (without ICSI)- $7905
IVF Single Cycle Package Price (WITH ICSI)- $8580
(Note: From what we've been told we will need ICSI.)
In the Single Cycle Package:
-Ultrasound monitoring
-Estradiol blood tests
-Egg retrieval
-General insemination of the eggs (this would be without ICSI)
-Embryologist fee
-Embryo culture
-Embryo transfer WITH ultrasound guidance
Extended Culture Fee- $1000
(Note: This will be refunded if the embryos need to be transferred before Day 5. I personally really really hope our embryos make it to the Day 5 Blastocyst stage and think that $1000 is totally worth it)
Embryo Glue (not sure if we need)- $75
Now, that all sounds cheap enough right? Okay, not cheap. But, definitely better than some other clinics! But, there's also add-on's that aren't included in the package price because they can vary by person. Here they are:
Pre-Cycle Evaluation (most of these SHOULD be covered by our insurance as of right now):
-IVF sperm workup $405
-Freeze sperm sample for back up $130 (won't need this!)
-Injection teaching $50-100
-ART screen, Saline sonogram and trial transfer both vary and may or may not be covered by insurance
-Medications $1500-3000+ (3k is average)
-Infection Disease Testing $150-300
-Anesthesia $500-700
-Assisted Hatching $400 (hopefully wouldn't need)
-Sperm Isolation $350
-Embryo Freezing (billed after transfer) $800
-Frozen embryo storage $200/year
So..... From talking to a wonderful employee at that clinic who gave me a number she said they tell patients to prepare for, we are looking at about $14000. For ONE SINGLE ROUND of IVF. Most people are probably reading that thinking "Ohmygosh that's INSANE." And yes, it is. It's obviously not an amount we have in our bank account! BUT this number is still almost $6000 cheaper than the ONE clinic we have here locally, all said and done. Yes, we'll have to travel two hours to go to this clinic, but we KIND of have the hook up in that city, with a place to stay during monitoring, and a free hotel room the day of the embryo transfer (thanks to the amazing friend we will be staying with!).
NOW.... Onto the only other clinic that is anywhere in the running......
Single Cycle Package cost- $9500
Extended Culture for Day 5 Transfer- -no extra fee- (different from other clinic!!!)
ICSI- $1200 (different from other clinic!!!)
Included in this package:
Ovarian Stimulation monitoring
Anesthesia for egg retrieval (different from other clinic!!!!)
Egg retrieval
Fertilization and culture of eggs
Embryo transfer
All physician, IVF lap, and facility fees
Then the add ons:
Pre-Cycle evaluation (NO PRICES LISTED)
Medications- $1500-3000+ (3k is average!)
Embryo freezing- $700
Frozen embryo storage- $600/year
So, the cost for THIS clinic will be about the same. Except of course the much higher yearly storage fee for any frozen embryos we have. AND that doesn't include the pre-cycle evaluation costs which I don't have. So, all in all, a little higher. And their success rates are a little higher.... The downside to this clinic is that it is NOT two hours away. It's not even a distance we would drive. We'd fly. And that's not cheap!! Even if we stayed with someone there, the cost of flying there (multiple times) is really outrageous and considerably bumps up the cost of the whole thing... Their success rates are better, yes. That's why this clinic is still TECHNICALLY in the running....
Now... There are Money Back Guarantee options. At BOTH clinics. One offers their own, the other is in the Attain program. Essentially you pay X amount (not including medications) and you get something like 3 fresh and 3 frozen transfers. If you get pregnant, you stop trying. If you don't, you get to try again. I know that the clinic that has their own program, this also covers if you have a miscarriage. So, you get to keep trying until you bring HOME a baby. Then, after you've tried all those times that were covered, if you still don't have a baby, you get 70-80% of your money back....
We SERIOUSLY considered this option. It's what I wanted once I finally FOUND it. I had my heart set. BUT, I think we'd have to wait a REALLY long time to start if we had to come up with the MUCH higher price of the money back guarantee plan. And, then my chances go down anyway. So. I'd rather just bust my rear and figure out a way to pay for one first. And then if it doesn't work, hopefully we'll have some frozen embryos to try to transfer (about $3k). THEN if that doesn't work, we can try to save up/raise enough to try another single cycle.
So, that's where we're at. Those are the numbers that are going through my head at least once a day. Our goal is still set at $10000, even though we'll need 14000 total, because we are obviously going to have a hand in saving for this huge life changing event. Since really, we're the only ones who REALLY get the benefit. Now it's time for me to update our thermometer, and it's time for YOU to share this blog ;)
Thanks for reading!!!
I have been seriously slacking with updating our funds raised thermometer on the right. I have the number (before adding in the St Patrick's day cupcake event, the Mary Kay event, the Cherry Berry event, and the latest Scentsy payments... simply because I don't have those checks/money yet. I have estimates and numbers, but until that money is in our account, it's not going on the thermometer), I just need to update it!!!!
So, on to other fundraiser updates....
Have you placed your cookie order yet? We (meaning Mandi) have enough supplies to make 7 more orders of ribbons and 8 more orders of crabs. I want to get these sold so there are NO leftover supplies!! Come on people!!! You can order here:!/events/388112987876732/
And your order will be shipped anywhere in the US!!!
There will be a 31 Gifts fundraiser this month!! I'm super excited about it, as I LOVE Thirty-One!!! I will post all those details as soon as I have them for sure!
I also heard from Janet, the massage therapist that worked so hard for us at the Cut-A-Thon. She wants to do a massage fundraiser for us, along with the person she works with. I, obviously, am super dee duper excited about this!! I will give more details on it as soon as I can.
And the last update of the evening.... Everyone loves garage sales right? Have stuff to get rid of? If you'd like to donate some stuff for us to sell, let me know! You can get rid of it NOW if you'd like, as our amazing friends have offered up their garage as storage until the garage sale in August. :) Let us know and I can give you the details!!!
That's all I've got for today.....
I know I said I'd get back to our story this week, and I will. But today's post will be about the cost of IVF. Going over all the fundraiser info, I figured you'd all be interested in it. And, also, you should all know where your money is going! Remember, we're not spending your precious dollars (and yes, each dollar is precious and so very important to us!) on Red Lobster and date nights! It's all sitting in savings, waiting to be used!
Each clinic that I've looked into has given price lists with a break down on each fee. And that, in conjunction with success rates, has really impacted our decision. There were other factors, too. But those two were the front runners in my mind. Last week I showed you the success rates of the clinics we are considering. Today I will show you the price break down of them both. This is part of our story. This is just the present part, instead of the past. :)
So. First I will give you the price list of the clinic that is very close to us (I wish it was local, but it's two hours away. That's close enough!).
IVF Single Cycle Package Price (without ICSI)- $7905
IVF Single Cycle Package Price (WITH ICSI)- $8580
(Note: From what we've been told we will need ICSI.)
In the Single Cycle Package:
-Ultrasound monitoring
-Estradiol blood tests
-Egg retrieval
-General insemination of the eggs (this would be without ICSI)
-Embryologist fee
-Embryo culture
-Embryo transfer WITH ultrasound guidance
Extended Culture Fee- $1000
(Note: This will be refunded if the embryos need to be transferred before Day 5. I personally really really hope our embryos make it to the Day 5 Blastocyst stage and think that $1000 is totally worth it)
Embryo Glue (not sure if we need)- $75
Now, that all sounds cheap enough right? Okay, not cheap. But, definitely better than some other clinics! But, there's also add-on's that aren't included in the package price because they can vary by person. Here they are:
Pre-Cycle Evaluation (most of these SHOULD be covered by our insurance as of right now):
-IVF sperm workup $405
-Freeze sperm sample for back up $130 (won't need this!)
-Injection teaching $50-100
-ART screen, Saline sonogram and trial transfer both vary and may or may not be covered by insurance
-Medications $1500-3000+ (3k is average)
-Infection Disease Testing $150-300
-Anesthesia $500-700
-Assisted Hatching $400 (hopefully wouldn't need)
-Sperm Isolation $350
-Embryo Freezing (billed after transfer) $800
-Frozen embryo storage $200/year
So..... From talking to a wonderful employee at that clinic who gave me a number she said they tell patients to prepare for, we are looking at about $14000. For ONE SINGLE ROUND of IVF. Most people are probably reading that thinking "Ohmygosh that's INSANE." And yes, it is. It's obviously not an amount we have in our bank account! BUT this number is still almost $6000 cheaper than the ONE clinic we have here locally, all said and done. Yes, we'll have to travel two hours to go to this clinic, but we KIND of have the hook up in that city, with a place to stay during monitoring, and a free hotel room the day of the embryo transfer (thanks to the amazing friend we will be staying with!).
NOW.... Onto the only other clinic that is anywhere in the running......
Single Cycle Package cost- $9500
Extended Culture for Day 5 Transfer- -no extra fee- (different from other clinic!!!)
ICSI- $1200 (different from other clinic!!!)
Included in this package:
Ovarian Stimulation monitoring
Anesthesia for egg retrieval (different from other clinic!!!!)
Egg retrieval
Fertilization and culture of eggs
Embryo transfer
All physician, IVF lap, and facility fees
Then the add ons:
Pre-Cycle evaluation (NO PRICES LISTED)
Medications- $1500-3000+ (3k is average!)
Embryo freezing- $700
Frozen embryo storage- $600/year
So, the cost for THIS clinic will be about the same. Except of course the much higher yearly storage fee for any frozen embryos we have. AND that doesn't include the pre-cycle evaluation costs which I don't have. So, all in all, a little higher. And their success rates are a little higher.... The downside to this clinic is that it is NOT two hours away. It's not even a distance we would drive. We'd fly. And that's not cheap!! Even if we stayed with someone there, the cost of flying there (multiple times) is really outrageous and considerably bumps up the cost of the whole thing... Their success rates are better, yes. That's why this clinic is still TECHNICALLY in the running....
Now... There are Money Back Guarantee options. At BOTH clinics. One offers their own, the other is in the Attain program. Essentially you pay X amount (not including medications) and you get something like 3 fresh and 3 frozen transfers. If you get pregnant, you stop trying. If you don't, you get to try again. I know that the clinic that has their own program, this also covers if you have a miscarriage. So, you get to keep trying until you bring HOME a baby. Then, after you've tried all those times that were covered, if you still don't have a baby, you get 70-80% of your money back....
We SERIOUSLY considered this option. It's what I wanted once I finally FOUND it. I had my heart set. BUT, I think we'd have to wait a REALLY long time to start if we had to come up with the MUCH higher price of the money back guarantee plan. And, then my chances go down anyway. So. I'd rather just bust my rear and figure out a way to pay for one first. And then if it doesn't work, hopefully we'll have some frozen embryos to try to transfer (about $3k). THEN if that doesn't work, we can try to save up/raise enough to try another single cycle.
So, that's where we're at. Those are the numbers that are going through my head at least once a day. Our goal is still set at $10000, even though we'll need 14000 total, because we are obviously going to have a hand in saving for this huge life changing event. Since really, we're the only ones who REALLY get the benefit. Now it's time for me to update our thermometer, and it's time for YOU to share this blog ;)
Thanks for reading!!!
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