The "official" cupcake pick up was last night, and I LOVED seeing so many great friends and hearing all about how yummy the cupcakes were after they all left! The final total of cupcakes ordered was 660!!! That's a LOT of cupcakes!!! We, yet again, didn't expect such a huge amount of orders. And yet again, we had to invest more than we expected. We had to go buy more frosting yesterday because we ran out. We went ahead and ordered 200 cupcake boxes, instead of buying them individually, because the prices are going UP. And it looks like the profit from this event is going to be minimal. We are really thinking that we will need to charge more, per cupcake (or per dozen rather). At cupcake shops they charge $2 per cupcake on sale, and $3+ per cupcake normally. Dillon's and Walmart are cheaper, but the cupcakes there don't taste as good (per students that tasted our cupcakes on Wednesday). Also, these cupcake events are FUNDraisers. We are supposed to RAISE FUNDS. And we just really aren't. Not when you look at how many cupcakes are sold. I love a good deal as much as the next person (I really don't like paying full price for ANYTHING), but I also understand that things cost more when its a FUNDraiser. I hope our loyal cupcakers understand that. We know this may mean we get less orders. We just hope our friends continue to order!! We haven't decided what to change the prices to, but they will be changing!
We need Mary Kay orders!! And, if you order the most this month, you will WIN something special. I know what it is, and it's AWESOME!! You want it!! So order order order!! I've mentioned before and will mention again, you don't have to use MK make up to order. There is so much more to Mary Kay than just make up!!!
I know you've all seen the flyer... or should've, if you've been following! Well, there's a little something more to it now. First of all, there will be food there for purchase!! Beef hot dogs, chips, drinks and COOKIES. AND, for the part that should REALLY bring you all in.... 15 minute massages for $5!!! You canNOT beat that deal! Really! So, if you wanted to go but didn't want a haircut, now you have an excuse!! ;)
More cupcake updates
So the next cupcake fundraiser is for EASTER. And then May Day. And in June... well, in June I'm super excited. We will be doing a ZUMBA fundraiser (still need to find a location!) and along with it will be BRIGHT NEON cupcakes!!! Neon colors is kind of a Zumba thing, so we thought they'd go hand in hand. And what better way to burn off those calories than with Zumba?! Heck, I may just sit and eat cupcakes and let everyone else Zumba away and burn off the calories FOR me ;) No, I'm kidding. I love Zumba!!
Don't forget, the Scentsy fundraiser is still on going!!!! There are lots of new scents this month! Go check out Tonya's site!!
This is a fundraiser that a lot of people are pretty excited about, myself included!! It is April 19, and 10% of profits from all sales AFTER 4pm (until close) will go to out fund!! Yes, we love delicious fundraisers!! :)
And.... for another fundraiser that is new.... CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS!! I know I know, it's MARCH. But, I'm a planner and so is my friend Jamie who is taking charge of this one! So, we've already got huge plans!!
We will be making personalized ornaments! You order them, we make them!! The idea is a clear glass ornament, with colored ribbon inside, and then your initial on the front. You can do one ornament with just your last name initial on it, for your family. OR you can do first name initials and get enough for your whole family!
We also will do the same type of ornament, but with cancer ribbons on the front! I of course am partial to the blue cancer ribbon, BUT I know how frustrating it is so not be able to find ANYTHING with your color ribbon on it, so we will do pink, purple, blue, orange, etc. Whatever color ribbon you need!!
We will also do snow man ornaments... clear ornaments with white filling and a snow man face painted on!
This is still in the early stages so we may add more ornaments to our options. If you have an idea for one, let me know! We are open to opinions and ideas!!
Now this is when I would normally go on with our story... but something came in the mail today that made me cry and I feel like I should share it with you all. So, our story will wait for today.
My cousin, Shana, lives in Mississippi. Her daughters are huge Monster High fans, as is Faith. So we are always shopping online and in stores and calling each other, seeing if any of the girls need the latest doll that is in stock, or a shirt that isn't available locally. Well, Shana found some adorable shirts for Faith and shipped them to Kansas. The box came today.
Our mail lady knocked on our door and then walked off, which always means there's a package.
I went to the door and seen a much bigger box than necessary for two shirts, looked at the name on the box and seen it was sent from Shana. I picked the box up, and it was heavy! It was DEFINITELY more than just two shirts!
I opened the box (while trying to push the dogs and cat away, they thought they needed to smell every inch of the box!) and immediately see a note on top.
If you can't read it in this picture, it says:
I made this for you guys a few weeks ago just for a cute piggy bank. When I brought it home and told the girls what it was for they ran upstairs and emptied their piggy banks in it. Love you guys.
Yeah, so I wiped the tears away and dug into the box! First was the bag with Faith's shirts inside! They were adorable of course, and I went and put them in the "gift closet" where I hide all the stuff we buy for Faith until her birthday or holidays or until she really earns a special something. Then I came back to see the piggy bank!!
I stuck my hand under the bubble wrapped package... and realized I was grabbing something SHARP! I decided to be careful and grab the ends of the bubble wrap and pull it out that way... I slowly unwrapped the package and found what was once the most ADORABLE and AMAZING piggy bank of all time!! However, it was broken. Very broken. I took pictures of it all, before I unwrapped the bubble wrap, right after I unwrapped it. After I cleared everything away and tried to put the bank back together. Danny is the person in this house that fixes everything. He really does, EVERYTHING. He always has a solution. I needed to send him the pictures anyway, since the gift was for him too. So I sent them. And said I need him to fix it. His response? "That's not broken, THAT'S DEMOLISHED." He's very upset and wanted to know how it was shipped (usps) and vowed to do SOMETHING about it. He will try to fix it of course, but he's also going to contact whoever he needs to. I also of course sent pictures to Shana, along with a THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU because it still means so much to us, even if it arrived in pieces.
I also need to add that those sweet girls really know how to save up their change!!! Look at all of the change they donated to our fund!!

Now, I took a picture of the piggy bank once I got it pieced back together myself. It didn't stay, because I have no idea where any glue is in the garage. But here it is. Shana said she will make another one if we can't fix this one. But Danny is going to try. And I LOVE it. I can't say enough how much I love it. So, I will share it with you...
Amazing, right? I love it. Even though it's broken. I can't wait to see it once Danny puts it all back together!!! Thank you again Shana, and thanks for raising such thoughful daughters!! They're such a gift!!
That's all I've got for today!! I do have some other special news to share really quick though... I AM NO LONGER UNEMPLOYED starting next week!! Woohooo!!! So, I will try to blog just as much as I do now, if not more!! Hopefully MORE!!! :)
Thanks for reading everyone!!!
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