Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm no wuss!!

YIKES!!! It's been entirely too long since I've last blogged!!!! I'm sorry about that. Monday we had the cupcake fundraiser, and yesterday of course was Valentine's Day! I certainly didn't have time yesterday to blog and I figured nobody would have time to read it anyway! So I waited for today!


Like I said, Monday was the Cupcake Event!! It was A HUGE success!!!!! I don't have a final number yet (I left that in the hands of Lynds, so she could take out what was originally invested, and then total it up!). When I get that number, I will be sure to let you all know! I will give you all some other numbers though! There were 26 orders, total. 642 cupcakes were ORDERED. Lyndsey baked more than this, and did end up with a few extra. So, I'd say she baked about 700 cupcakes!! Most of those extras were sold, also. And Faith got one ;) That's a TON of cupcakes!!
This was a learning experience for us. We now know what we will do differently for next time (Orderes will be in dozen and half dozen for instance. So, no order of 10, etc. Much easier to organize that way!!). And there WILL be a next time.... Cupcakes For ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!! :)

 There were boxes BEHIND those big boxes. Boxes and boxes and boxes!!! And these boxes on these tables weren't even all there were. There were still some inside, in the fridge, still being made, etc! IT WAS CRAZY!! :)
It was so nice meeting those of you who came that I hadn't met before... And seeing those of you who I already knew!! I did, however, forget to give some of you your thank you cards :( I'm so sorry about that!!!

Okay, so that's the update on the cupcakes... Let's see... The date that it looks like we will have the Cut-A-Thon is March 25th. I do realize this is the same day as our photography fundraiser, I'm just hoping that most people didn't plan on coming to both. OR, if they did, they can go to one, THEN the other :) The Cut-A-Thon will be from 1-5 pm, unless plans change. At B-NV'd Salon. I will put the address up closer to the date. Haircuts will be $20!! They won't be styling though, because they want to do as many cuts as possible!!

We are trying to work out a quartermania now. I'm really really hoping it works out!! I plan on ordering a few things to auction off (colon cancer related and just cancer related in general) in between the rounds. I'm hoping things fall into place for it and we can get a great turn out and raise some money!!!

Now... The MARY KAY fundraiser!! Woohoo!!! It officially starts in March. Mandi has said that you can order now if you'd like, but she won't be shipping until March. If you aren't local, you can have your items shipped to you! Here's some info above! Be sure to "Like" her on Facebook!! Mandi Gilchrist~ Mary Kay (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1150630573366.2021919.1455676269&type=3#!/pages/Mandi-Gilchrist-Mary-Kay/320496594660914)

I think that's all I've got for now!!!! ...........................................................................................................

We received a schedule in the mail from the cancer center... It stated a new doctor's appointment with Dr Johnson, and chemo starting the same day. It also gave a time for Danny to get his chemo pump taken off two days later. It was all finally happening. FINALLY we could get started, knowing it really WAS just going to be preventative.
Bills were already adding up though, and some wonderful people at Danny's work all pitched in and got him a card and donated money to help us pay for some of the medical bills. Another surprise was two tickets to the annual local zoo fundraiser. We'd never gone and had always wanted to. We were BEYOND excited, and so thankful for the tickets and the donation.
My birthday was coming up, too. And I knew just what I wanted.... A tattoo, in honor and support of Danny. I wanted a crab, for my new last name. It needed to be pink, because that's my favorite color. And I wanted a blue ribbon. So people could ask what the blue ribbon was for and I could tell them our story. I told my parents about the tattoo, and they surprised me (along with one of my brothers) by writing me a check for it. It was one of the best birthday presents, ever!!
Danny went with me to get the tattoo, he sat with me and held my hand.
"Don't cry." What?!
"I'm not going to cry!!!"
"They say the foot hurts the worst... Other than the side...." UUuuggghhhhh Stop!!!
"Yes, I know this. It'll be fine!!"
The tattoo artist was great. He laughed at Danny's jokes... And when Danny was making fun of me. And he asked some questions.
"So what does the blue ribbon stand for?" First question thanks to the blue ribbon!!
We told him our story... The look of concern on his face was obvious.
"Well, are things okay now? You're okay, right man?" Yes he is!! Thank God!!
"Yeah, things are good. I'm currently cancer free. Just gotta do chemo and radiation to prevent it from coming back."
"Oh that's GREAT news!!! Awesome!!"
He finished up my tattoo (which did hurt, but not as bad as I had anticipated).
"You did really good! I'm surprised you sat through it all so well!" Uhhh, thanks? I'm no wuss!!
I finally looked down... I can't look while the tattoo is being done. I swear that  makes it hurt worse!
"Oh my goodness! IT'S PERFECT!!!"

That's all for today. If  you want to see the picture of the tattoo, it's below. Under "My first Danny-inspired tattoo." :) I will try to blog again tomorrow. A longer blog, about our first time in the chemo treatment room!! Please remember to follow and SHARE!!! Thanks for reading!! :)

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