Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Things are going to get a little crazy

Happy Thursday everyone!! :)

Quick fundraiser update!!
Don't forget about the sign from PaddyWhacks!! That raffle ends THIS WEEK. As in I draw a name on the 14th!! If you want in on it, donate to our Paypal, with your name, and let me know that THIS is what you are donating for! Easy peasy! $10 and the sign can be yours!!

Also!! Sugar Cookielicious put together another COOKIE FUNDRAISER!! She is only accepting a limited amount of orders.. Guess how many are left? ONE. Just. One!! If you want that LAST order, go place it NOW!!

There's also another fundraiser going on in one of the private groups I'm a part of on Facebook... I've mentioned the group a few times, MY BRIDES GIRLS!! Love them!! They are so supportive!! It seems to be going pretty well right now!

On to today's post... We had a little talk with Miss Faith yesterday about everything, and this is how it went!!!

After work yesterday Faith told us all about how she got a yellow day at school the day before, but had earned it back to a green!! This is big news for her, considering last year she got a TON of yellow and a few red. I had a plan to give her a little gift and when she first said she'd gotten her day turned to yellow I felt a surge of disappointment. She wouldn't get the gift with a yellow day the day before. I was SO proud that she'd earned it back to green!

Faith went to her room when she was done talking about her day, and I dug her gift out of my purse. Faith is a HUGE Monster High fan. HUGE. Months ago I preordered the Ghouls Rule DVD from Amazon, planning on it being a Christmas gift. It arrived Tuesday and I realized it would be a better gift for before Halloween... and what better time to give it than right before things start to get crazy?

I called Faith back into the living room, with the DVD hidden.
"Come sit down... We need to have a little chit chat."
Danny teased her a bit, saying she was in so much trouble. I guess I rolled my eyes because Faith looked at me and then looked relieved. I have no poker face I guess.
"No, you're not in trouble. I just wanted to talk to you a little bit. You know that I started my shots already. Next week I go back down to Oklahoma and the week after that I start going down there a LOT. Things are going to get a little crazy for a little while. We're going to be really busy. I don't think any of the appointments should affect our time with you. But we will be tired. And we'll have more shots..." Faith looked a little scared and asked a couple questions, I told her that yes, I'd be having a small surgery but it was going to be really easy and I'd be home that night and I'd be just fine.
"And I just want you to know that we're going to try to keep things as normal as possible around here. The medicine might make me a little grumpy, but I'll try to not let it do that to me. The doctor wants me to not stress, and to do a lot of relaxing. So I'll probably need your help with some stuff."
Faith loves helping so I expected her reaction...
"Okay! Yeah! I'll help! Anything!" Of course, little monster, always so helpful!
"Now we want you to know we are REALLY REALLY proud of how well you're doing in school this year with your talking and all of that. We know you're really trying hard and we really appreciate that. We want you to keep that up. Even when things get a little crazy over the next few weeks. We still need you to be good, at school and at home. We really need you to be good. And, since you've BEEN so good, and we just KNOW you'll keep being good... We got you a little something. We ordered it a long time ago and it finally got delivered yesterday..."
"EEEEeeeee" She doesn't even know what it is yet! Hahaha
"So here is it!"
I pulled out the Ghouls Rule DVD and I got TACKLED!!!!! I guess she was a LITTLE excited!
"I knew it! I KNEW that was it! I just knew it! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"  Totally worth every penny that DVD cost...
"You're welcome!"
"I love you!!" Heart, melted.
"I love you too baby girl."

We didn't see her again until she came out of her room to tell us how awesome the DVD was! I was mostly just happy that she sat through our little talk and actually paid attention. I have no doubt in my mind that she will try her best to be good while we are going through all this (especially because she's INCESSANTLY asking us to give her a brother).

Update on my injections!
Just did injection number 5!! This one hurt just a tad because Danny didn't stab quite fast enough (in his defense, he has a BAD burn that's really fresh on his finger and it got in the way). I felt my ab muscles protest again, but it's okay! It just hurt for a second! He still did great, especially considering that burn! The injection site is already itchy. That's getting pretty annoying, but I'm so thankful it's not lasting as long as it did the first night!
I've only gotten one TINY bruise so far. Not bad :)
I have noticed a few side effects lately. I occasionally get a pretty bad hot flash. I didn't expect those to happen so quickly, but I guess that shows that the medicine is working. I'm also SO SO SO VERY TIRED. It kicks in every afternoon and it's to the point that I find it hard to function. I was very tempted to go home from work early today, but I knew that wasn't a good idea considering I have an appointment next week and then I'd be using lots of vacation days after that. So, I stuck it out. I got a second wind though and am feeling great now!
I'm glad I'm on a low dose of Lupron, I've been reading about ladies on TWICE as much as I'm on and whew, I just can't imagine!

I'm really excited about everything, and of course scared out of my mind. Mostly I'm afraid that this won't work. I've been so positive this whole time that it's hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I DO have this fear, and it's a valid one. I think it would be ridiculous if I went into this thinking there's no CHANCE of failure. There is. I don't want to set myself up for massive disappointment. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't work, there's no doubt. But if my mind was so set on one thing that hearing the opposite would cripple me. and I can't do that. I'm going to stay positive about it, why wouldn't I? But I won't go in to this in a naive way thinking it's a 100% thing. It's not. We should be on the "higher side of the success rates" according to Dr H. But that success rate still isn't a guarantee.

I've really appreciated so many people coming forward with their own stories throughout our journey. And I'm SUPER excited that one friend (that I've known for years) got the go ahead to do IVF this month!! I was excited for her when I heard and then I was ECSTATIC when she got her personalized calendar and she starts stims THE DAY AFTER ME!! We are cycle buddies!! If our bodies cooperate, we will be going in for egg retrievals a day apart (or maybe the same day!) I'm so happy to have someone I KNOW personally going through this right along with me, although I'll be honest and say I REALLY REALLY wish she didn't HAVE to go through this! I also wish she was closer! But hey, we'll be talking a lot through texts and such, so that's okay!

So there you have it. An update on EVERYTHING!! Please keep us in your thoughts/prayers/send good vibes/whatever it is you do. We're in the middle of this and it's not over yet. It won't be over until we bring a baby (or two?) home, and we need all the prayers we can get up until then. We really appreciate all of you!!!!

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