Have you donated yet to get your entry to win the sign? If not, and you want the sign, you better get to that now! You're running out of time!
For those of you on our Facebook, you know that we received my medication Wednesday! Here is the run down of all of THAT action :)
Tuesday afternoon I got a call from our pharmacy asking for my insurance information.
"Oh my insurance doesn't cover any of the fertility medications."
"We will work something out and make sure they cover at least something. We are in your corner here." Well okay then...
I rattled off all the numbers and letters, birth dates, names, etc.
"Okay, someone will be calling you back shortly to go over the shipment, costs, and payment." Oh that makes me nauseous...
I waited around for the call, knowing that the one time I forgot to take my phone with me to the next room would be when they called... It didn't happen like that though. My phone buzzed and I glanced down and it was our pharmacy calling!!
I confirmed all the info I'd previously given a different lady, and then went over the costs.
"Okay I have you down for one box of Lupron for $169. A 900iu vial of Follistim and pen for $762. Eight vials of Menopur for $624. A vial of HCG for $59.90. And your insurance covered the progesterone in oil with just a $10 copay for twenty doses." WHEW. Thank you, insurance, for covering SOMETHING!!!!
We set up payment and I was told the shipment would be an overnight delivery.
Tuesday after work the headache I'd been battling all day decided that it was going to win. And win, it did. I forced myself to make dinner and eat. I thought maybe I needed caffeine so I drank sweet tea. I took MORE Tylenol. Nothing was working and I'm not sure what caused it but I am assuming it's the super strong birth control pills that my body is still not used to. I'm SO ready to be off of those! I was in bed and asleep before 8:30.
Wednesday my headache was gone, but was replaced by the stress of the medication delivery. I had told the lady that I wouldn't be home so she took off the "signature needed" thing. We've never had anything stolen from our porch (**knock on wood**) so at the time I thought nothing of it. Looking back, that was a bad decision. That's a LOT of money in medication, and although I didn't think someone would steal a package from a pharmacy, you just never know.
I emailed the contact at the pharmacy asking for a tracking number... I didn't hear back. I ran home before lunch to check for the delivery, nothing. I ran home again AFTER lunch to check again. Still nothing. I relentlessly checked my email. Nothing nothing nothing. I decided it would definitely be at home when we got home from work.
It wasn't.
"Is it supposed to be through UPS?" Ugh, yes, UPS. I'd rather it was through FedEx...
"Then it won't get here until 5:30-6:00. Don't worry." I AM worried!!!!
I decided to keep my mind off of it by watching Tuesday night's Parenthood since I slept through it. It was a good episode, but I was still stressing the entire time and looking out the window any time I heard a large vehicle turn down our street. I cried through the preview for next week's episode, and deleted the show from the DVR. I decided I was going to call the pharmacy and ask for a tracking number... I got up to get the card when the UPS truck pulled in front of our house!!
Danny sent the dogs to the bedroom so he could answer the door and bring the box in without them shooting out the door to get attention from the neighbor kids or the UPS guy. And he carried in the heavy box.
I couldn't open it fast enough! I did take pics during the whole process though! And here they are! These are all the meds I'll be on for the next month (plus some weeks if a pregnancy is achieved)!!
This is what I saw as soon as I took the top off of the cooler:
This is after I got it all organized, with the meds in front of the coordinating bag full of supplies (plus the Follistim pen and box of that med, that "supply bag" IS the pen). There is also more Menopur than you see here, because of the vials my awesome friend had leftover that she gave me! Thanks again Tracie!!
Here is the first of the injections, that start THIS SUNDAY. The Lupron. Yes, ALL of those needles will be used (well, a ton of them), and just with that ONE tiny vial of medication! CRAZY
Half of my Menopur, with the coordinating supplies!!

This is the Follistim vial that goes inside the pen. This TINY vial? $762. And that is BY FAR the cheapest available for that medication.
The Follistim pen in it's neat little "purse" with needles:
The HCG trigger. And the BIG needle that goes with it since that shot goes in the tush.
The tush shots are the HCG trigger which will be about 36 hours before the egg retrieval, and then the Progesterone in oil shots, which will be NIGHTLY from the egg retrieval all through the first 10+ weeks of pregnancy! They use THIS SIZE of a needle. As long as my pinky!! AHHHHH!!!
There they are now... The Progesterone in Oil shots... Two vials. HUNDREDS (okay I may be SLIGHTLY exaggerating) of needles/syringes.
And the ever important Sharps Container. Gotta be safe with the biohazardous materials! :)
I'm a planner and an organized person. I have to have things in order. SO I had to go get a cute little Rubbermaid container to keep all the meds, supplies AND my calendar in. It all JUST BARELY FIT!!! But, it did. And there you have it. ALL of my IVF meds (minus the birth control pills I'm still on but I keep those in the cabinet with my nightly vitamins)!!!
Looking at all of that, do you feel sorry for me? ;) Don't. This is what I have to go through in order for our dreams to come true. And I'll be completely, 100% honest with you when I say... I'd rather have a shot than have to take a pill. I just can't do pills. Even the tiny birth control pills annoy me. I'll take a Tylenol because I know it'll bring me relief. But birth control pills annoy me. Taking it before bed annoys me. And I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to all of these shots because it means things are REALLY HAPPENING!!!!
We are currently ready to get everything going and DONE! We did get a loan from an ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS friend. We got a large donation from another FABULOUS friend last night, and another donation this morning, and of course she's fabulous, too! So, we are ready!!! Any donations/funds raised from this point on will go towards transportation and any other "surprise expenses" that arise. It happens, obviously! But, the stress is gone!!!
THANK YOU to everyone for all of your help. It's taken a lot to get us to this point, and there's no way we'd be here without you all!!
And a special shout out to my Brides girls!!! You all go above and beyond and we are SO blessed to have you in our lives!! Your support, in EVERY way, is so marvelous!! Love you all!!!
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