Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I want THIS ONE.

No fundraiser updates today, other than HEY don't forget we've got a bunch of fundraisers going on!! We need to raise quit a bit by the end of July in order for the Crawl for Cancer organization to match the $2500!!

Today, we are getting back to our cancer journey. It's been a while!!

If you're lost as to where we were in our journey before this post, the last time I blogged about it was the post titled I Hate Sarcasm....

Over the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I'd gotten texts/calls/messages from many people offering me kittens. They all knew about Dahlia and they thought a new kitten would make me feel better. Unfortunately many of these kittens were male (Danny said heck no) or black (I said no, too much like Dahl).
Then one day while checking out Facebook, I seen a picture of the most adorable kitten ever posted on a friend's page. She had taken in two TINY kittens because their momma died. One was black and the other was a very fluffy gray. Of course I fell in love with the fluffy gray. So I sent Danny a text.
"Hey babe.... I found a kitten I want. If it's female, can we get it??"
"I don't think that's a good idea. I think we should wait until after Christmas." What?! No! I want THIS ONE.
"But Danny... Look at her. And her mom died. She needs us!"
And I sent the pic. He's a sucker for pictures of animals that need homes. I JUST KNEW the picture would seal the deal.
I got no response. Nothing at all. So, it was time to nag.
"Well? What do you think? She's just a little baby."
"She?" Oh, forgot to tell him that she said they're both female.
"Yeah, it's a girl."
"How will she get here? We really can't drive all the way down there for a kitten." Ugh, why not?!
"I'll get back to you on that..."
So off I went, texting my friend about how I was THIS CLOSE to him saying yes. Just trying to figure out how to get her. Which wasn't a problem, they were more than willing to bring her up!!
"Danny!! They said they'd bring her to us!!!!"
No response. Okay, time to just wait it out.

That's what I did. And that night after work, Danny finally said yes!!!
"I'm going to name her Simi."
"SIMI?? What is that?!" Haha, oh he'll love this.
"It's the name of one of my favorite characters in these books that I love."
"Oh geez." I hope she doesn't act the way the character does.... haha
"She's a demon... But a fun, silly, protective demon."
"I've heard enough. It's your cat." YES!!!!

And so Simi was mine.
We went out for Black Friday and got some great deals. And a few days later, Simi was delivered right to our door.

That's all for today. A nice short post of a memory I love.... I will continue with our journey next week! And for those of you wondering, yes, Simi lived up to the demon persona. She is CRAZY. But she's MY crazy cat. And I love her!!

This is Simi shortly after we got her:

                                                                    This is Simi now:

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