Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2009 vs 2012

Fundraiser updates!!!!
First off, I want everyone to know that I took some time and updated the Fundraiser page on the right. I made it easier to read, I added new links and I have EVERYTHING over there that is going on right now.

You can go there for the links for the Scentsy, Velata AND Pampered Chef online parties. Don't forget about them you guys!! These types of fundraisers make great money but ONLY if people order!! :)

We will be working on ornaments for Christmas in July this week! I'm super excited and can't wait to get them posted for you to see so  you can order your own!!

The garage sale isn't far away now, if you've got something you'd like to donate, we need it in the next week!! Let me know and I can meet you to get the stuff or give you an address where you can drop it off!!

CUPCAKES CUPCAKES CUPCAKES!!! I finally created the event on Facebook. You can view it here:
Please order there if you can, or call/text me if you've got my number!!

I think that's all I've got right now, so on to today's post!!!


It seems I'm full of posts that say "this post is going to be a bit different today" lately. Hope you all don't mind! I will get back to our story VERY soon. Please stick around.... But again, today is going to be a bit different...

Yesterday instead of writing a new blog and posting it on Facebook, I just linked in my second-ever blog post. Why? Well because yesterday was the three year "anniversary" of us going to the ER and finding out about Danny's tumor. That post from earlier this year says it better than I could say it now, so that's what I wanted people to read. Because I was living it all day yesterday, remembering it like I was still there... And I didn't even have to read the blog to refresh my memory. It's there forever.

Which inspired today's post.

You know those shows that are your favorite for ever and then the series ends and years later you are sitting there asking yourself whatever happened to so-and-so? Well I feel like that about all the people we "worked" so closely with over the year of Danny's cancer battle. They were the ones working, Danny was the one focusing on living, and I was just along for moral support. And where are they all now?
Well I know the doctors are all right where we left them (except maybe the doctor who did the original CT scan at the ER that told us about the tumor... no idea if he's still there). And I know this because we still see them! It's nice to see Dr Johnson every few months to ensure Danny's bloodwork still looks great. It's refreshing to see Dr Hyder for scheduled scopes and any time there's ever an issue, just to reassure us that everything IS STILL OKAY.

What about those nurses though? The nurse from the ER (I still can't remember her name, sadly) who was my shining light that day when I felt so lost. The nurses from the surgery center who followed our story from wedding through honeymoon (but told me TOO LATE about the sea sickness bracelet, ha!). Our favorite nurse from the surgery center that took such good care of not only my husband but me, too. She kept me sane. And the nurses from the cancer center. We had our favorites there, for sure. And they really helped make "chemo days" not nearly as bad as they could be.

We were and are still SO THANKFUL for everyone who helped us get through the toughest year. And I wish I knew where they all were now, just three years later. I know it's "only" been three years. Only. So much can change in three years though!

So, on to us.... 2009 vs 2012. Three years have changed our lives.

In June 2009... We got married. We found the tumor. The surgery was performed to remove the cancer.
In June 2012... We celebrated our third wedding anniversary. We will celebrate Danny's three year cancer free anniversary. We are officially over halfway to our Crawl for Cancer goal.

In July 2009... Danny spent weeks recovering from his surgery. We found out about the complication that made us infertile from that point on. We went on our honeymoon and tried to pretend our lives weren't turned upside down.
In July 2012... We WILL meet our Crawl for Cancer goal. And we will then be $7500 down with $2500 more to go.
In August 2009... Danny had more surgeries: Wisdom teeth removed, port put in for chemo and the "most painful surgery ever" aka the sperm retrieval surgery.
In August 2012... We will HOPEFULLY meet our major goal or will be SUPER DUPER CLOSE. We will then make that wonderful call to schedule all the appointments with OU Fertility.
In the fall/winter of 2009... We got a huge scare and Danny had to have a PET scan to see if the spot on the CT was cancerous. It wasn't. Chemo began. The first half of chemo concluded. We celebrated Christmas with Danny feeling NO cold intolerance. We looked forward to the downhill slide through what we hoped was the "easy part" of chemo.
In the fall/winter of 2012... We hope to begin the wonderful journey of IVF. We hope to be pregnant. We hope to celebrate our last Christmas as a family of only three.

Today, I made another baby step on our path towards IVF. The Aflac rep was at my work, and I waived the two coverages I orginally had before getting laid off in 2010. Cancer coverage? I'll get it again when Danny is 5 years out and will be covered. I was about to sign the paper saying I refused all options, when the rep (who remembered me immediately and asked how Danny was doing) and I started chatting about how we were doing in regards to IVF. Her daughter has been on this road (multiple times). She knows the cost. She knows the joy of a successful round of IVF. She knows the risk of twins and the possible time in the NICU.
While talking through all of that, she told me about the Intensive Care plan. Which will cover the baby(ies) if, God forbid, they need to be in the NICU. Meaning, for every day they're in there, Aflac will pay us. That money will help immensely with paying off the astronomical medical bills that go along with that area of the hospital.
Then of course is the Short Term Disability that will last up to three months, while paying me DANG NEAR what I bring home on my paychecks. This will cover if, again God forbid, I get put on bed rest. And then of course maternity leave.
So what did I do? I asked where to sign. These are two coverages I NEED. These were worries that we'd been talking about ever since we found out we'd have to have IVF and the risk of twins that goes with it. I'm a planner, this is what I do. And both plans needed to be intact before pregnancy. So, it was now or never. And I chose now. One step down... A few more to go!!!

It's amazing to think about what we've gone through when looking at 2009 compared to now. It's wonderful to see that light at the end of the tunnel that seems to be screaming "Almost there now! Don't give up!!" And most of all, it's absolutely heartwarming to know that SO MANY PEOPLE have had a huge hand in getting us to where we are now... Alive, healthy and SO VERY CLOSE to beginning IVF. Thank you, everyone, for all you've done and all you continue to do! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!!!! <3

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