Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Took the words right out of my mouth!

Mondays usually stink, but today is a fabulous day!! The weekend was marvelous and today hasn't felt like Monday at all (except Danny is at work instead of here with me, that part isn't awesome.. but at least he has a job, right?).

The Valentine's Day Cupcake Sale has BEGUN!!!!! Here's the link to the event on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/104311159694377/
We can't ship the cupcakes, so this is for local people only (you have to pick them up). This is how it will work:
1. Pick out the cupcakes you want
2. Let me or Lyndsey know here, on Facebook, through text, etc, what you want to order from the list
3. Come PICK UP YOUR CUPCAKES the evening of Monday, February 13th
I think I will have some bracelets there for purchase if  you haven't ordered (or if you did, and you want cupcakes, I can have your bracelets there for you!)
Here is the price list. Also the pictures of the cupcakes!!

They all look so delicious!!! Everyone enjoys a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day, but you can't go wrong with a box of cupcakes AND chocolates together in one!!

Also, over the weekend I got such an amazingly thoughtful donation!! My niece's friend had her birthday party, and she donated part of the money she received as gifts to our fund!!! At 13, I wasn't thinking about donating any money I got for my birthday to any fund but my More Shoes Fund, so, it's no surprise that I bawled my little eyes out when she told me what she was doing! It IS a surprise that I didn't cry when she handed over the envelope full of money though! :)
Thank you so much, again, Hunter!! You're such a sweet, thoughtful and caring friend! :)

The Scentsy fundraiser is still ongoing! This is the last month for Winter Scents! Scentsy is 10% off right now, AND they are discontinuing the bricks scents! So, if that's what you usually purchase, you may want to stock up now!!

The Mary Kay fundraiser starts next month!! I need your input, local followers!! If you plan to purchase from the fundraiser, would you like there to be an actual Mary Kay party so you can try out the colors, etc? It's possible, but we wanted to know if there is a need for it. Don't want to get it all together and have nobody show up!

I also got some really amazing news today, but I can't announce it on here yet. It's still something that's in the works and I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch :) But to say I'm excited is a major understatement!!

I think that's all the fundraiser updates I have right now.............................................................................

So, the fertility surgery was a success. Danny said it was THE MOST painful surgery he had yet. Despite the huge scar down his abdomen from the colon resection. I tried to tell him that the itty bitty incision from this surgery couldn't hurt THAT bad, but he didn't agree. I guess it's just not something a woman could understand!
Next on the list was the surgery to put in the port for chemo. Danny didn't get much of a recovery time between the surgeries, it was time to rush things now. We got to the surgery center where Danny had his colon resection. This surgery was just an outpatient procedure, but being in the building where we'd spent so much time just unnerved me. Also, Dr Hyder wasn't performing the surgery. One of his partners was.
"Hello Crabbs! How is everything going? Did your last surgery go well?"
"It did. Now I'm ready for this one so we can start chemo."
"Okay, great! Let me explain everything to you both before we get back there.... The surgery is..." Dang, he's really going into detail about what he's going to do... So much detail that I should probably tune it all out before I have to race to a trash can! AHHHH!!!
"Okay, so that's what I'll be doing. Now here's this little thing for you. It will help the nurses find the correct spot for chemo injections. Any questions?"
"So, this is really just supposed to be an outpatient procedure, even though you're connecting this thing into one of my major veins?" See? Doctors shouldn't go into THAT much detail! I hope Danny isn't too worried...
"That's right. And I have no doubt you will heal up really fast. You've done great after every procedure so far, this won't be any different for you."
"Okay, then we're good."
The doctor and Danny went back to the prep area. It was only about 10 minutes later when I got called back.
"Hey there honeymooner!! I seen Daniel a few minutes ago, it's nice to see you two again!" I love these nurses here! They remember us and our story and they care!
"It's great to see you, too! Are you Danny's nurse today?"
"One of them, here let's go to his area...."
She led me to the same area he was in before his colon resection, and another one of our favorite nurses joined us.
"So  now that we're all here, tell us about your honeymoon!! Was it amazing?!" Uhhhohhhh, here we go!
"Oh it was amazing alright! Destiny was sick the WHOLE TIME!!!" Way to shout that to the world Danny... Ugh!
"Oh no!! Was it the flu? Or were you sea sick?" I wish it had been the flu... would've been a nice excuse!
"Sea sick..."

"Oh you POOR girl!!" At least they understand and aren't making fun of me!
"Yeah, so the customer service people tried to sell me this bracelet. It wasn't even medicated or anything. Just an acupressure thing! I said heck no, if it didn't have medicine it wasn't going to work! The doctor was basically never open, so she just had to suffer. It was awful." Listen to him, it sounds like HE was the one sick the whole time! Ha! Love him!
"You know, those acupressure bracelets actually really do work, really really well. I used one during both of my pregnancies for the nausea..." WHY DID NOBODY TELL US BEFORE THE CRUISE?!
"Oh, of course! Nobody gave us that heads up before we left for the cruise!" Ha! Took the words right out of my mouth!
"Well, now you know for the next time you all go on a cruise!" Hahahahaa RIIIGHT.
"I don't think Danny will ever want to go with me again. He stayed in the cabin with me the entire time since I was so sick."
"If I had left her alone, on our honeymoon, I never would've heard the end of it!" Maybe that's true... Maybe...
"Well I think staying with her was the right decision! If you hadn't, I would be chewing you out right now!" Oh how I love these nurses!!
After a bit more chit chat, it was time for the surgery. I walked with them as far as the operating room doors, and then went to the waiting room. I was feeling really great about things. I was also feeling really hungry, so after a few minutes I went to the vending machine for some crackers. I hadn't even finished the bag of Cheez-Its when the doctor was out in the waiting room.
"Okay Mrs Crabb, the surgery went great! He's in recovery right now. The area will be sore for a few days. He's got a post-op appointment in a few days, I've got it written down for you on that paperwork." I need a flippin' filing cabinet for all of these stacks of paperwork we get at every appointment!!
"Great, thanks so much!"
A few minutes later I was called back to the back where Danny was already awake and doing great. After chatting with the nurses for a while, we headed home.
"Does it hurt?"
"Well, yeah. They just cut me open there... And I think they just glued me back together. I can't tell. But anyway, it's nothing I can't handle." Of course not... He's so tough.
"He said it'll be sore for a few days. And your post-op appointment is written down somewhere in that paperwork."
"So... Are they going to start chemo soon, then?"
"I think I have to see Dr Johnson one more time before chemo can start." Oh, duh.
"Oh, that's right."
"But, I'm all ready now. So I'm sure they'll start in the next week or so." Oh no, I'm not ready for this... It'll REALLY be real then...
"You'll do great..."
"I don't know that I will do GREAT, but I'll do it. That's what matters." Right...

That's all for today! Please remember to follow and SHARE! Thanks for reading everyone!!

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