Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Updates all around!!

So many updates today!!

Quick fundraiser update... I've got ONE MORE up my sleeve for this month! Still up in the air for any in October, but there WILL be a September fundraiser post this week!

If you're friends with us on Facebook, you know how yesterday went. For those of you who aren't, well here you go!
We showed up to the appointment yesterday hoping for good news. Danny wasn't nervous. I tried to sort of feed of his easy-going nature. But I was a bundle of nerves.
Danny checked in and started chatting up an older lady who was a new patient. Turns out she knows Eric Stonestreet, FROM MODERN FAMILY!! She said he's crazy (in a good way). It totally cracked me up.
I glanced around the waiting room. This place became another "home" to us during our cancer journey, the receptionists/nurses/schedulers all know Danny by name and face. It's comforting. So much different than our last appoint, at our IVF clinic. I know we will soon get that same feeling (and I already do with Connie, she rocks my socks!), but will it compare to this place? This place that, really, I don't want to ever HAVE to come back to... Really, after our IVF I don't want to ever HAVE to go back to the IVF clinic either, to be honest. I want it to work and I want to  be done after a healthy and successful pregnancy. Two different clinics serving two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT types of patients, yet they stir up such similar feelings.
We waited for what seemed like forever before we were called back.
"Hey guys, how are ya?!" Ahhh one of my favorite nurses!
"We're good, how are you?" We're GREAT actually!
"Good, how about you step onto the scale for me."
"Okay, hold this stuff Destiny, I don't want to add any extra weight." HA HA HA, nice way to quote me!
We chatted and joked with our nurse and our other "regular" nurse before we got down to business. Our nurse took Danny's temp and blood pressure, he bragged about how awesome and healthy he is. I think he used the word "perfect." Not sure who he thinks he is? Okay okay, he is perfect. Perfect for me :)
Eventually Dr Johnson came in.
"Hey there! How are things going?" Ahhhh NOW IS THE SCARY PART.
"Well you know, boring as always..." Except, really not boring at all... But hopefully just boring in the aspect of cancer.
Dr Johnson glanced at the paper on top of Danny's file... His lab results.
"YEP. Boring as always!" WHEW!!! The weight of the world is no longer on my shoulders. That's what I needed to hear today!! THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU!!!
"That's what I wanted to hear." Psh, he was so confident before....
"Did you get any scans done or anything? I'm not seeing anything here."
"No, no scans. Just the blood work."
"OH okay, that's right. This is the old paper, that's why. Yep, you are past all the scans." WHEW again. Give me a heart attack why don't ya!
"That's right."
"Let's do the quick physical exam... deep breaths..." blah blah blah about football. And the NFL. And the Sooners' HORRENDOUS loss against K-State. Dr Johnson and Danny both teased me about that. Blah blah blah.
"Okay. We're done here. I'll see you both in six months. You only have three more appointments here with us." THREE MORE APPOINTMENTS!!!!! THREE MORE!!! I just can't believe it!
"Thank you, Doctor."
Dr Johnson shook Danny's hand and turned to me. He did a little "hooray" signal, or at least that's how I interpreted it. And then he said he'd see us next year.
Six months. THREE MORE APPOINTMENTS. Six months. OH! I could be PREGNANT in six months! Pregnant and noticeably showing! That would be such a success story! PLEASE LET THIS IVF WORK! I want to come back for Danny's next appointment and be able to show that the journey has come all around. We have these wonderful doctors to thank, and God, for Danny still being here. That would be a wonderful way to show them that good things come after all of this, thanks to them and the work they do (and the work He does).  I want this. I need this. PLEASE let the IVF appointments go as well as these cancer appointments have. PLEASE God.

So, there you have it. Danny is STILL DOING GREAT!! :) Nothing but good news there!!!

And a quick fertility update!
I emailed Connie today with a question about my meds. I was curious as to if we'd get the meds at my next appointment or if they'll be ordered from an outside pharmacy. She emailed back really quickly and said the meds will be ordered AFTER my next appointment, through a mail order pharmacy. They will then contact me about shipping and payment. THAT price tag is going to hurt, and the shipping may be a bit stressful considering they'll have to be quick (appointment on Oct 1, injections start Oct 7, EEK!!). But I'm starting to get excited!
Still on the birth control. It is quite obviously a stronger medication than I anticipated and I'm feeling lots of anger. I didn't realize (until now) that such a small pill could do that to you. The littlest things just set my blood boiling. So far I've kept control though ;)
Danny thinks it's hilarious to poke fun at me and last night I asked him why he's being so much worse about it lately (and yes we were still laughing during this conversation). He said he has to get it all out now before the injections make me crazy. I think he's a little scared.... What a baby ;)

That's all I've got for you today!! Check back tomorrow or Thursday for the next FUNDRAISER update :)

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