Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Monday, August 13, 2012

My blog won an award. Woohoo!!

I was nominated for a Liebster!!!! Yep, my little ol' blog was nominated for a Liebster Award. And I don't care that I was nominated by two amazing friends (who I blog with on our book review blog). It's still legit. So here it goes!!

What is The Liebster Blog Award?

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have 200 followers or less.
Here are the Rules:
1.) The person who's nominated must post eleven facts about themselves.
2.) Answer the eleven questions the tagger (the nominator) has given you.
3.) Choose eleven people and link them on your blog post.
4.) .Create eleven questions for the people you tagged (nominated).
5.) Tell them you've tagged them on their blog.
6.) No tag backs!

  1. What is your favorite blog to visit? Tell us why and post a link please :)
My favorite blog to read is... Well, this is actually really hard for me. I have so many blogs that I follow and read daily that to choose just one feels like I'm choosing a favorite child. So not fair! But I will choose one I guess.... It has to be Lillian's Story. I don't want to explain in detail what her blog is about, you need to read it yourself!
  1. Do you read? If so what is your favorite book? If not is there a reason?
Of course I read!! My favorite book is from when I was in middle school. The Witch of Blackbird Pond.
  1. What is your favorite sitcom? Movie? TV Channel?
Ummm Geez. Well my favorite tv channel is the Food Network. What's not to like?! Favorite movie would be... Avengers! And sitcom? Ahhh, I can't answer that one.
  1. What is your Pet Peeve?
People talking to me when I'm trying to read... Or people who INSIST on giving me advice when I don't ask and questioning decisions that my amazing husband and I have thought about FOR YEARS.
  1. Why did you start blogging?
January 1, 2012 I made it my "resolution" to blog about our cancer journey and raise awareness of colon cancer (at any age) and infertility. I figured if I could raise some money for our IVF while I was at it (after many friends and people I didn't even know suggested it) then I should go ahead and try. And you know what?! The idea was embraced by many. We are ALMOST to our goal (less than $500 from it, and that's without adding in the latest fundraisers) of $10,000. To say our story has touched many is an understatement. I don't beg for donations, people give willingly. And people give generously. We couldn't be more thankful for every penny, and for every prayer!

  1. If you could pick someone to play you in a movie about your life, who would you pick?
Oooo I like this one. I'm just going to pick my current-favorite actress, Mila Kunis. LOVE HER. She doesn't look like me, but she's fabulous. So that's who I pick!
  1. Is there any food that you can not resist?
Ice cream!!!! Specifically Reese's Blizzards from DQ!!!!
  1. What is your favorite thing to wear? You can post a picture if you want to.
I'm not posting a pic, but I LOVE me some maxi dresses and skirts!! So flowy and light! They are my go-to on weekends!!
  1. What is your favorite sport? Which team?
HOCKEY and my favorite team is the Pittsburgh Penguins!! My favorite player is Evgeni Malkin!! Go 71!!!!
  1. Do you have any tips or tricks you have learned since you started your blog? Share any links if you can!
I don't have any links but my best advice is to POST A LOT and encourage people to SHARE SHARE SHARE. I see HUNDREDS more views when just 5+ people share my blog. So, please folks, SHARE THIS THING!! ;)
  1. And finally, Why should people visit your blog?
Why SHOULDN'T you visit my blog? I mean really! ;) Okay, really I think people should visit my blog because so many people are misinformed on just how OFTEN people are diagnosed with infertility and how YOUNG people are diagnosed with colon cancer. This blog touches on both in a deeply personal way. And you get to share in our experiences right along with us in the fertility department.

11 Facts about me:
1. I'm a sucker for hidden objects games!
2. I'm an addictive Pinner on Pinterest. I can't just pin one! I pin and pin and pin and pin!!
3. Shots and blood draws SCARE THE BLEEP OUT OF ME. But tattoos are no big deal!
4. Shark Week is one of my favorite times of the year!
5. Big Brother is my weakness, but I'm one of those "cheaters" who follows BB14 on facebook and Jokersupdates.com so I can see who won what before the show airs!
6. I have been disappointed with EVERY movie I've seen that's been based on books. Some are bigger disappointments than others, but no movie has gone along with the book WONDERFULLY. And that makes me sad.
7. I think the job I'd be best at would be casting for movies that are based on books.
8. I am DETERMINED to go to the Ellen show someday!!
9. Do you remember those really cool 3d poster things that were cool in the 90s? They just looked like a bunch of lines and colors but there was actually a picture in them? I could NEVER see the picture in those stupid things! EVER!
10. I named my cat after a demon in one of my favorite books, and she now acts exactly like that demon. Big mistake. ;)
11. I am a quartermania addict.

Now, I have to nominate other blogs. I'm supposed to nominate 11, but since they have to have less than 200 followers, I'm not going to be able to come up with that many. Whoops! So, I will just do as many as I can!

1. Lillian's Story
2. The Road to Mini-Mart
3. It's Gonna Happen
4. Where's the Baby Carriage?
Okay I'm really short here, and I KNOW there are more blogs that I love that have less than 200 followers, but I can't find them right now. Grrrr. I'll add them later!

My questions for the bloggers:
1. What made you decide to start blogging?
2. Who is your target audience, and why?
3. How often do you publish new posts?
4. Best piece of advice anyone has ever given you... about anything!
5. WORST advice anyone has ever given you, about anything!
6. What is your favorite website, aside from social media sites?
7. What is your favorite restaurant?
8. What is your favorite vacation place?
9. What is your favorite holiday?
10. What is your biggest fear?
11. What is the number one thing on your Bucket List?

Remember nominees, you also need to post 11 fun facts about yourself!!

Thank you to Ashley and Jamie at Read Rate and Review for nominating my personal blog! <3

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