Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day
On our wedding day 6/13/09 (Just 5 days before finding his tumor)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


No new updates today... So another recap just like yesterday:

The Quartermania is our next BIG event. It's July 19 and we NEED TWENTY people to show up and sign in saying we invited you!! TWENTY!!! We will be selling hot dogs and chips and drinks as well! Cupcakes too!
AND... If I invited you and you RSVP to me or on facebook, and of course you show up, I will put your name in a drawing for A ROLL OF QUARTERS!!! If you bring someone who I DID NOT invite, then I will put your name in the drawing a SECOND time. If  you bring TWO people who weren't invited by me, I will put your name in a total of THREE times. And so on! 
Another incentive... To get into the drawing AGAIN, wear your Awareness Bracelet (the one that advertises our blog of course!) to the Quartermania!! If you wear it, you'll be entered AGAIN. Don't have one? I'll have some for sale there!!

We will be doing a raffle for donated items, and two of those items are our ORNAMENTS!!! If you can't make it to the quartermania or you want specific ornaments, you can see/order them here:

The Pampered Chef link will be up and posted soon! 

AND we are collecting for the AUGUST GARAGE SALE!! Let me know if  you've got stuff you'd like to donate! We made $878 from the last minute one. Let's make even more than that this time!!! 

Another way you can help us, and help ALL infertile couples... Is by signing this! Just fill out your information, and type in a quick little message to your representative about why you feel strongly about this bill (which gives a small tax credit for all the expenses paid for fertility treatment). https://secure2.convio.net/res/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=371


Yesterday I posted about how I'm a planner. And it MAY have made you think I'm a bit nutso for thinking about/planning things so early. When NOTHING is for sure...

Well you'll likely have the same feeling today!!!

Do you have a pinterest? I do. Do you follow me? If so, you've seen my board titled "Someday..."

That's where I go when I'm itching with Baby Fever. A lot of times I just go and LOOK at my board. And gaze at all of my plans. Because that's what they are. Plans for our future. Plans for the baby(ies) we WILL have. Plans the for nursery we WILL have. Plans for oh so much.

And today, more than any other day, I look at that board and have absolute certainty that those plans will come soon. And who do we have to thank for that? YOU ALL. And the wonderful people at the Crawl, of course!!!

As a thanks to all of you, I'm going to post my favorite pins here, for your viewing pleasure. If you follow me, you may have already seen them. If not, ENJOY!!!!

For my "Ahhh this sucks!!!" days:

Inspirational, right? That's why I look at those on my bad days...

 I love the idea of a gender reveal! I love the cake ones, the balloon ones... BUT ESPECIALLY....

CONFETTI ONES!!!! I want to do this!!!!

Now, if we have a boy, or TWO boys. The nursery will be all hockey... Hockey hockey everywhere.. In his (their) room you will be sure to find:

If we have a girl, girls, or a boy and a girl... The nursery will be an Under the Sea type theme... Like this:

No matter what we have, pics like the following WILL BE TAKEN!!:

 The above will be with a hockey helmet though!!
 Instead of the pregnancy test, I will hold a sonogram pic!!

And on to the most ADORABLE onesies IN THE WORLD!!!!

If we have twins:

And as a nod to the fact that we have to do IVF, the baby(ies) will have onsesies with the following on them:

My first babysitter was an Embryologist, and ICSI Baby... Fitting, right? :)

And because even I worry like crazy about our future baby(ies) and all the risks and SIDS and all that... The MUST HAVE item:
It's the Snuza Movement monitor!! MUST MUST MUST!!!!

So there you go. A look inside all my plans, thanks in part to awesome pins from Pinterest. To see the links belonging to each of the pics, see my Pinterest board:

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